20. Halloween pt.2

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He was quick to correct her. "Strawberry blonde, actually." Stiles glances out of the corner of his eye to get a quick look at the girl. "Call her a skank again and I'll pay a girl to beat you up." She was short with long brown hair in a stereotypical 'I'm a cat' costume and he turns away from the kitchen counter full of drinks to look at her. "I don't hit girls." He explains, returning to mixing him and Lydia drinks.

The brunette snickers. Veronica, was it? No, no definitely Vanessa.
"You used to hit me all the time." She says in a husky voice causing his throat to go dry. But he refocuses his attention to putting more booze in his solo cup than Lydia's because if he was getting through this conversation, he needed something strong.
"Listen Vanessa-"
"Mandy." She corrects in a surprised tone.

Stiles raises his brows. Where the shit did he get Vanessa from? "Right. Mandy I'm done with one nighters. I have a girl who is so freaking unbelievable I have to pinch myself every time we kiss. So if you call her a skank or anything else for that matter I will not hesitate to get someone to beat the shit out of you." Stiles takes a sip of his drink, waiting for a response.

There was a girl at his hip that looked so familiar that Lydia had to bite her tongue because she was positive that brunette had been in their apartment before. She was too close, way too close, Lydia thought as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen. The girl goes to mess with the name tag on his costume but he catches her wrist, incoherent words and a stern face showing as he lowered it back to her side. She watched as he points an accusatory finger in the brunettes face and she longed to hear the conversation unfolding.To some extent, Lydia was proud. She knew from that small action he wouldn't try anything.

But then there was the other half of her that screamed and sent a chill down her body. It wasn't jealousy. No it was far from that in fact. It made her think of all the other girls she'd seen with him before he gave it all up for her. This feeling was the kind that made her stomach hurt and her lips beg for some form of alcohol.

"She's got you whipped." Mandy shakes her head with a scoff.
Stiles picks up both drinks. "Damn right she does." And then walks away from the girl. He looks down at his half full cup next to Lydia's full one. God it would be a long night. Stiles lets out a curse as he looks up because his angel was standing in the doorway with a soft smile that hid fear.
"Hey." He sighs with the greeting, giving her her drink. She takes it with a small "thanks" before sipping at it, leaning against the wall to look around the living room.

The dining table had been transformed into a beer pong battle arena where Stiles caught sight of Isaac wrapped around some girl. He chuckles a bit, proud of the boy for finally getting out there instead of complaining about Scott and Stiles' own relationships. Lydia had given up on her game for the night, no longer in the mood to tease the tall lanky boy that brought her comfort and pain simultaneously.

"You okay?" Stiles breaks her out of the trance and she looks up from her cup.
"Yeah..." She trails off, returning her eyes to the crowded college students. Stiles follows her gaze before looking back to her.
"We can go home, if you want." He says and she nods.
Lydia seemed to cheer up on the drive home. He immediately blasted a playlist made up especially of her favorite songs and her voice started out in the quiet singing of occasionally words but as they arrived at their complex, she was shouting lyrics with all of her heart.

And it made both of them happy.

Lydia was still humming the tune as they strolled through the front door and she kicks off her heels with a satisfied sigh. They both go back to their separate rooms and Stiles plops down on his bed, bending down to unlace the boots Isaac let him borrow. He looks up for a brief second to Lydia's door before looking back down to his task. But then he does a double take: the door was cracked.

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