14. The Diner

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"He's cute."
"I know."
"You're starting to like him."
"Don't remind me."

Lydia chews nervously on the straw of her milkshake, looking around the small 50's diner with interest. She was trying her best to avoid Allison's wide eyes and slightly ajar mouth, glancing at the door every time the small bell rang and let someone inside. The girls were to meet Stiles and Scott for a little lunch date but Lydia and Allison had agreed to get there earlier than them.

"She loves Halloween. Like loves it." Stiles pops a jelly bean in his mouth as him and Scott scan the aisle of candies. Grabbing a bag of Reese's, Scott throws them in the basket before stealing one of Stiles' jelly beans.
"You want to do something for her?" He asks. A smile creeps onto Stiles face and he nods.
"I don't know," he chuckles. "this is all kind of-"

"Strange. He's been really strange around me lately." Lydia says.
"Strange as in he might like you back?" Allison wiggles her eyebrows. Lydia sighs. "I'm not even completely sure if I actually like him."
The brunette rolls her eyes as Lydia once again whips her head around to the door ringing. They both knew well enough that once Lydia said it out loud, there was no taking it back.
"But you said that whenever you were leaving for your date he acted kind of-"

"Jealous is a very strong word, Scotty. Jealous is the type of word you put on a relationship and in case you haven't noticed, we aren't dating." Stiles scans the last of their candy at the self checkout. Scott couldn't help but smile.
"But you want to be?"
Stiles furrows his brows. "No." Even the mention of an actual relationship sent chills through his body. But then again, the thought of being in a relationship with Lydia? Knowing that she would be his and no one else's, the boy lets out a small laugh. "Maybe." But even just saying it felt like some sort of commitment.

"He doesn't date though!" Lydia exclaims maybe a little too dramatically.
"Then you'll be the one to change it." Allison reassures. Both of their heads go to the door just in time to see the two boys strolling into the diner in the midst of a heated discussion.
"Would you shut up and listen to me! The apple jolly ranchers are the best and there's nothing you can argue about that!" Stiles talks with his hands as they walk towards the table.

"Seriously? Watermelon obviously! How could you think anything other than watermelon is the best." Scott shoves his best friend before the two take their spots next to each girl.
"Personally I'm a fan of cherry." Lydia gives her input. As if he only just now recognized her presence, Stiles looks to the girl with a smirk that slowly turned into a smile.

"Cherry is good." He agrees to which Scott snickers, earning him a kick under the table. The four of them order the biggest basket of French fries possible, the only conversation is small and silent about the newest movies coming out and whatnot. That was until Allison opened her mouth.

"So Lydia, you never told us how your date went."
Scott's gaze wanders over to Stiles who was currently trying not to act like the mention had affected him. Lydia, on the other hand, had nearly choked on her milkshake.
"I'm not necessarily sure it's your place." She says in a voice so tiny it practically wasn't her own.

"Come on. We're all friends here." The brunette pushes and Lydia takes a mental note to strangle her later. Shifting awkwardly in his seat, Stiles takes it as his personal job to eat away at the basket of fries as to not interact with the conversation about to take place.
"He was...sweet. But not really my type." Lydia speaks with a bit of embarrassment.

Stiles didn't mean to, but he let out a laugh causing all three heads to turn towards him. "You have a type?"
"Unlike you, yes." She gives a fake smile. For twenty minutes the two boys sit back and watch as Allison and Lydia continue on about what she liked and disliked about this particular guy. At certain things, Scott would give input or kick Stiles under the table as if telling him to pay attention. But he was trying to do anything but that.

No way did he want to sit here and listen to this gorgeous girl ramble on about some douche who wasn't him. The longer the day went on, the more Stiles slumped in his seat. Eventually one arm stretched across to back of Lydia's seat, his fingers daring to touch her shoulder at any moment. But they didn't and upon discovering this, Lydia let out the breath she'd been holding.

The discussion quickly changed from Lydia's date to Scott and Allison's. They were in fact in a small relationship, going to see movies or eat out but they weren't exactly an official couple yet. As if holding hands hadn't cleared it up enough.

"Stiles." Lydia repeats his name and the boy jumps to life, sitting up straight while immediately looking towards the source of her voice. "I asked if I could ride back with you. It's kind of out of the way for Allison."
Without a second thought he nods. With quick goodbyes and promises to call the next day or hang out that weekend, everyone split their separate ways.

Stiles was still a little on edge. "So this guy..." He brings up.
Lydia chuckles. "We're still going on about this?"
His thumbs twitched on the steering wheel as he suddenly realized how odd it sounded to bring up her date again.
"Nah I just want you to know that if you need someone to kick his ass, I've got no problem with making him look like he hot mauled by a werewolf." Stiles shrugs as if it wasn't that big a deal.

Because honestly he'd kill anyone who'd hurt Lydia at this point. Now Stiles wasn't usually one to get in a fight. Sure during his troubled stages he'd gotten a few black eyes and a couple of scars he usually kept covered up but he never really threw any punches. But if someone were to hurt Lydia, or any girl for that matter, he'd snap the guy like a freaking twig.

"Thank you for the offer but it's fine. I think the only reason I went on the date is because I was just sick of not any having male attention." She shakes her head with a small sigh.
Stiles lets his eyes off of the road for a moment to glance at her. "What about me?" Last time he'd check he was in fact male.
"That's different. I don't think of you in that way." Lies. "In fact, when's the last time you gave me any attention?" She laughs.

Stiles wanted to tell her 'tomorrow' but he wasn't one to spoil a good surprise.
Authors note:

Took me long enough. But this was basically just a filler chapter and I had writers block. UGH SPRING BREAK IS OVERRRRR😩 time to wish I had more sleep.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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