12. New Emotions

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"Stiles?" Her voice was tired and a little groggy but all the same his name was like a clear sky after rain on her lips. She was still in her jeans from yesterday, her shirt crinkled from the sheets, and her hair the most beautiful of messes.
"Hey, you're awake." He stands from his place at the table, putting his bowl in the sink as her eyes train after him.

"Actually I sleep walk now." She leans on the doorway of the kitchen as he snickers.
"My sarcasm finally rubbing off on you, Lyds?" He leans back against the countertop to watch her. Resisting the urge to lick his lips seemed impossibly hard in this moment, biting the inside of his cheek instead. Her sassiness could be incredibly sexy at times so it nearly gave him a heart attack when she was sarcastic.

"Uh....could I possibly use your shower?" She murmurs, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb. Stiles raises his brows in question. "I just feel really disgusting and want to wash off all of the emotions, like, metaphorically I guess." She rapidly explains.
"Yeah! Yeah, it makes sense." Stiles nods, brushing past the girl and into the hall bathroom. He sets out towels for her and starts the shower, explaining how to make it hot or cold before leaving her be.

The sound of water crashing against the tiles was louder than any of the noise outside and the thought of Lydia clothe-less only a few feet away from where he sat on the couch only made it worse. His ears tuned out anything but the shower as he stated aimlessly at the wall. Bringing a hand to the back of his neck, he rubbed at the skin there almost in a nervous manner.

You need to stop. You need to stop before you get ahead of yourself. He tells himself in his mind.
But the way she said his goddamn name was the most innocent of all sins.
"Whatsup, brat?" It was new nickname and she rolls her eyes at how comfortable he was saying it.

"Well never mind then. I'll just walk around naked."
Stiles whips his head around at the suggestion. The boy nearly faints. Because there, in the middle of his hallway, was a tiny Lydia who clenched a towel tightly to her body as if she'd die without it. "Can I borrow some clothes?" She asks.

Her hair was soaked and already starting to curl and he swallows hard at her glistening skin. "Help yourself." Stiles gestures to his bedroom door, trying desperately not to stutter as she thanks him and disappears. Cursing under his breath repeatedly, Stiles drags a hand down his face. Was she trying to kill him?

He laughs. "That's a good look!" His face crinkled at her appearance and she whacks him on the arm. As if the old lacrosse hoodie had been bad enough, she had put on a pair of his boxers as shorts only causing him to laugh harder at her outfit.
"Well I couldn't exactly walk around without underwear on and it's not like you wear thongs!" She argues with a red face.

Stiles stops laughing. "Wait, so the only thing you're currently wearing is a hoodie and my boxers?" He asks to which she gives a small nod. "Oh that's a little too tempting, Lyds."
She rolls her eyes and chucks a throw pillow at his face.

"Dipshit, get off the couch." Lydia pokes Stiles in his side and he groans. Neither of them really talked about that day, simply leaving it as just any other moment. With mumbled argument, Stiles sits up as Lydia plops down next to him. He examines her appearance with furrowed brows.

Her curly hair was pin straight, a dark blue dress covering her body and the perfume she was wearing was almost put on too heavily. She uncaps a bottle of red nail polish, setting her foot on the edge of the coffee table while carefully painting each toenail.
"Are you....going somewhere?" Stiles asks.
"Can't exactly wear sandals on a date without painted nails." She replies while recapping the polish.

A date?

"Where have your usual sluts been?" Lydia carefully slips on her sandals. They hadn't been around lately. In fact, it had been three days since Lydia had seen another girl in their apartment.
Stiles shrugs. "I'm getting a blow job later but you didn't really need to know that. So you're going on a date?"

Lydia rolls her eyes and stands to retrieve her purse. "Yes. Grown women go on dates."
Stiles lets out a single laugh. "Grown women. That's hilarious, sweetheart. If you were a grown woman 'date' would be code for 'sex'."
He twists around in his place on the couch to watch her wander the apartment.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Lydia's tone of voice was threatening but it didn't scare him in the least. A problem? Stiles thinks, yes I do have a freaking problem with you going out with a guy because yes I think I am starting to like you.
"I just don't think you should occupy yourself with a relationship this deep into the school year. You could get distracted." He says.

Lydia stops looking for her purse for a brief moment, instead looking to him. She pouts. "Aw. It's so cute when you try and talk about things you understand. Ya know? Like relationships?"
Stiles opens his mouth to say something but immediately closes it. What could be say to that? Lydia exclaims upon finding her purse and says a quick goodbye to the boy before leaving.

It was quiet. The silence made his skin itch and he groans, letting his body go limp. All Stiles wanted was to open up the door and yell for her to get her ass back in here so they could sit down and watch a movie. And that's what bothered him. Because he's never felt like this before and he didn't know what to do about it.
Authors note:

So I accidentally published this when there was literally only two paragraphs😅 my bad...
I'm SICCCKKKK and it sucks and all I want is a #13 from whataburger but my dad won't get me any😞
Comment, read, enjoy!

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