5. Isn't there always a party?

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His fingers ached to reach out and touch her skin, to feel her moving around to the music up against him in the most innocent of ways. To brush against one another barely so, that it would most likely cause him physical pain.

"Allison I'm literally swamped there is no way in the burning depths of hell I am going to a party." Lydia groans, throwing her head into the open textbook as she lay on her bed. Ah yes, isn't there usually a party around this time? But then again what would college be without a couple of careless fratboys willing to take countless virginities on a Friday night beneath the thundering voices of fellow students.

"Please!? I'm dying to see Scott again! All I need is enough time to swipe his number and we can leave!" Allison whines. Lydia makes a noise of agreement, sitting up in her place while grabbing a twizzler from the broken bag of candy.
"I thought you said you ran into him at that coffee place." A mouthful of twizzler mumbles her words.

"Yeah I did! And we sat and we chatted for about an hour but I was almost late for my afternoon class. I ran off before I had the time to get it." Allison sighs with regret. She had ended up being late to class anyways so might as well have wasted another minute with getting the boys number.
"How do you know he'll even be there?" Lydia asks.

"He might've mentioned it before I bailed..." There's a silence. "PLEASEEEEEE!"
Lydia grumbles, knowing she was bound to lose anyway so might as well just speed up the process and cave. She mutters a "fine" through the phone to which Allison responds with tiny little squeals of praise.

Lydia was not one for parties. Especially when she spotted Stiles as soon as they had walked in. The apartment that belonged to lord knows who was jam packed with student after student and yet she still managed to see him across the room. She let her posture slump, begging Allison to leave for the nth time since they had barely arrived. The brunette rolled her eyes, ignoring Stiles as her eyes caught on the boy who sat next to him.

"You aren't going to run away are you?" Scott laughs as Allison grabs a chair at the table next to him, Lydia doing the same.
"just can't stay away from me, can you sweetheart?" The smirk was ever present on Stiles face while Lydia's usual response of an eye roll ensued. Allison and Scott were already wrapped up in each other, talking only so the other could hear which was fairly hard considering the volume of the music.

Stiles nods towards the kitchen where the drinks were, gesturing with his eyes to the couple as if saying "let's give them some privacy". With some hesitation Lydia sighs and they both stand to make their way towards the back of the apartment. His teeth automatically grabbed at his bottom lip from her appearance. Short jean shorts displayed her long legs, ending with a pair of beat up converse that he had never seen her wear before. Her hair was down in careless natural curls and they fell over her shoulders in a way that hid the skin her tank top had revealed.

Around the apartment it was always sweatpants and baggy t-shirts; she had no one to impress there. In class it would be skirts or jeans topped with a pair of heels that looked too dangerous to walk in. But here, at the party, every inch of skin worth showing was definitely being showed.

Lydia grabbed a solo cup without checking the contents and chugged half of it back with a wince. No way was she getting through tonight without being even a little tipsy. Stiles looks on impressed before taking a beer bottle off of the counter and bringing it too his lips.
"Didn't peg you as the party type, Princess." He leans against the kitchen counter.

Lydia scoffs, walking back to where her best friend sat entangled with the fluffy haired boy.  The sight of them warms her heart and actually makes her glad for a moment that they came.
"Did he insult you?" Scott asks, noticing the girl standing before them.
"Only every moment of my life. I don't particularly feel like third wheeling tonight so I'm gonna find someone to dance on." Lydia smiles with fake enthusiasm, downing the rest of her drink before heading into the middle of the living room where fellow students ground to the beat.

She singles out a cute guy on the sidelines and fluffs her hair before pulling him up to dance. Of course given his slightly intoxicated state and the hotness of the girl grabbing his hand, he joined her. It was a matter of seconds before another drink had found its way in her hand, the toxic liquid slipping between her lips like a drinkable sin.

His hands found Lydia's waist as her own hands raised above her head, jumping and swaying and grinding slightly to the beat of the music. And usually she did hate parties but maybe tonight would be different. A stuttered curse left Stiles' lips as he stumbled out of the kitchen and back to the direction of Scott. His beer was perched tauntingly between his fingers with the bump of every passer threatening to spill the alcohol.

"Where'd the fireball go?" Stiles groans, flopping down in a seat next to Scott. The boy sighs, resisting the urge to unwrap his arm from around Allison just so he could slap his best friend. The party continued on normally for a moment; Dim lights and loud music as Stiles continuously brought the bottle to his lips until it was clean of any liquid that had once been inside. It didn't take his caramel eyes long to spot her in the crowd though. Reaching across the table, he grabs Scott's half full solo cup and drinks it all in a second. Why was he so interested with who Lydia was dancing with? And Who the hell was this guy in the first place?

His fingers ached to reach out and touch her skin, to feel her moving around to the music up against him in the most innocent of ways. To brush against one another barely so, that it would most likely cause him physical pain. Suddenly the need for feminine attention tugged him up and out of his chair and straight towards the girl. What had compelled him to do this? He wasn't really sure himself.

"Mind if I cut in?" Stiles asks the mystery guy, not really giving the poor soul a chance as he brushed him out of the way. Ahhh there was that eye roll he knew so well. But she didn't stop like he thought she would. The girl didn't storm off with an insult because she stayed to prove him wrong.

"So who are you bringing home tonight?" Lydia makes small talk. Her eyes scan the possible victims that he would take to his bed and she made a silent bet with herself that it'd be the tall dirty blonde in the corner.

"See the girl by the wall? Her name's Malia." Stiles leans in closely to her ear so she can hear over the music. She smiles to herself for guessing correctly.
"Surprised you actually remembered her name." Lydia snickers, accidentally getting a little too close to him. His hands clenched by almost awkwardly at his sidebars he struggles to figure out where to put them.

Holding her waist as she swayed teasingly definitely felt like crossing a line that she would surely scold him for. She seemed to notice and it looked more uncomfortable than actually holding her. So she took control. Gently Lydia's fingers curled around his hand, lifting it to rest on waist and he automatically held her there.

"Feeling a bit risky there sweetheart." He smirks, secretly surprised by her actions.
"More like slightly close to being drunk." As if to prove a point, she stole a solo cup from a passing by student and downed the burning liquid. He raised an eyebrow with interest while his grip tightened as she seemed to move closer.

"So...Malia." Lydia gets back on topic. Stiles chuckles with a grin that was reserved specially to piss her off and attract her simultaneously.
"She likes dark closets during loud parties." The boys grin was burning.
"Then why aren't you chatting her up with a pre-sex flirt?" Lydia asks. He shrugs, thumbs finding the skin that was barely exposed below her tank top.

"I'm not really interested tonight." Another shrug of his shoulders and Lydia laughs. "That's a first."
The beat of the music picked up, both of their bodies itching for some type of contact from the other. And maybe that was the beer talking but it didn't seem to matter. Because for once they were getting along.
Authors note:

Don't even start with the finale. I cried and cried and died then resurrected to cry some more.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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