13. Catwoman

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"Where the hell do you think you're going? It's Friday! Friday is movie night!" Stiles sits up from his slumped position on the couch as Lydia starts to walk to the front door. Biting harshly into a gummy worm, he watches as she leans against the small table against the door to pull on some socks.

"I'm not going anywhere. I always lean against this table when I put on socks." She replies with furrowed brows and Stiles immediately feels the need to take back his earlier worrying. With a sigh, Lydia plops down next to him and steals a gummy worm from his bag. "Why? Would you have missed me, dork?" She asks with a grin.

Stiles shrugs. "Probably not." The movie starts as Lydia laid a blanket over the two.
"Probably? So there's a chance that you could've missed me?!" Lydia says with faux excitement to which Stiles rolls his eyes. She attempts to steal another worm but Stiles seats her hand away with a stern look.

It was his turn to pick a movie tonight and the boy had already devised a perfect plan to get her closer. Sure there was the classic yawn-arm-stretch but Lydia was too smart to fall for that one. So instead, she'd be doing all the work. Horror movies tended to make the girl jump.

Stiles counted the minutes, the seconds, before the first jump arrived, eyeing Lydia from the corner of his eye as she gnawed on their bowl of popcorn. In three, two-

The girl lets out a shriek and she jumps, her small body landing closer to his. With a smile on his face, Stiles complains that his arm was falling asleep to which she allows him to maneuver it out from between them and onto the back of the couch. Throughout the rest of the movie, her body seemed to mold farther into his.

And even once she had fully rested her head on his chest with one leg crossed over both of his, he thought there was nothing else in the world this girl could do to stop his breathing in this moment. He'd been wrong.

Her nimble fingers went from resting on her lap to the top of his knee, pressing soft circles into the material of his jeans and he was immediately a goner.
"Have I ever told you how cute you are?" She looks up at him through her eyelashes and he gulps.

"Sc-scuse me?" He stutters. Lydia laughs while biting her bottom lip. Turning her body so their chests face each other, she starts to mess with the collar of his shirt.
"We could kiss." She whispers.
Stiles nods. "Yeah. We, uh, we could do that."

And just like that, the two met with full force, lips colliding in a symphony only they could hear. Her hands made their way to the back of his neck while his held onto her waist, moving the girl into his lap. Hell he had waited so long for this.

"STILES!" He jolts forward at the sound of her yelling his name, slightly falling off the couch as she laughs.
"What happened? What's going on?" He asks frantically.
"You fell asleep." Lydia laughs. His eyes trail to the tv where sure enough the credits were beginning to roll in.

"But we-"
"We what?" Lydia asks with slight humor. We kissed. Stiles wants to say before he realized. He had fallen asleep. The kiss was a dream. Silently cursing, he runs a hand down his face while Lydia turns off the tv with a yawn.
"Can I ask you something?" Stiles says as she begins to walk to her room.

The room grew quiet and she takes a cautious step back toward the living room as if telling him to continue.
"What do you think of me?" He says. I think you're the dumbest, weirdest, skankiest damn son of a bitch I've ever met. Yet somehow, that seemed far from the appropriate answer. So
Lydia simply answers: "I don't think of you at all." Before quickly retreating to the safety of her room.

I think you're sweet when you want to be. You've got a horrible sense of humor but then again so do I. And I think you're laugh is cuter than the way a kitten sneezes. And sneezing kittens are pretty freaking cute. Lydia curls into her covers with a deep sigh and a small smile that held secret thoughts. The boy was a nuisance. But she loved that about him as well.

"BEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR, FOLKS." Lydia announces loudly into the invisible microphone in her hand. "That's right ladies and germs, I'm looking at you sir," she points to where Stiles sits with chuckles on the couch. "Halloween is just around the corner!"

With another laugh, Stiles applauds her performance as she bows. He'd always seen her as the stereotypical 'Christmas is my favorite holiday' kind of girl but apparently she had a knack for all things spooky. Three cardboard boxes full of costumes and decorations and pumpkin shaped mugs had been stuffed in her closet at the beginning of the school year. They weren't small boxes either. No, these were possibly the biggest boxes Stiles had ever seen.

"So you love Halloween and scary crap but last night when we were watching the movie, you jumped about a million times?" Stiles snickers as Lydia starts to unfold each box she had drug out in the living room.
"Just because I jump doesn't mean I don't love horror movies." She counters while carefully pulling out items. Light up pumpkins, orange and purple banners, bits and pieces of a skeleton. But out of all of these, Stiles wanted to see the costumes. More specifically, Lydia in the costumes.

"What have you dressed up as before?" He asks, snatching a witch hat she had thrown on the coffee table.
She sighs, looking towards the ceiling in search of the memory. "Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz, a witch, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and last year I was Catwoman." She names off before continuing the unpacking.

Stiles nearly chokes on his own spit. "Catwoman?" He questions and Lydia nods slowly. "Like the full leather, skin tight, body suit Catwoman?"  Another nod. "Holy freaking shit I'd give anything to see you in that."
Lydia rolls her eyes. "The day I put that costume back on is the day you stop being pervy."

With a shrug, Stiles places the witch hat on his head and continues to watch her unpack. His eyes widen as she pulls out a ball of fake spiderwebs.
"Oh no, not today Satan!" He backs as far away from the material as he possibly could while Lydia stares at him with confusion. "Put that shit back in the box and burn it!"

Lydia picks up the fake webs and raises it in question to which he nods.
"Bad experience with fake spiderwebs?" Lydia asks and Stiles nods again. He can clearly remember the day they were taking down Halloween decorations and a flock of real spiders had made their place in the fake webs. He had counted seventeen spider bites that day. Lydia stands with an evil smirk on her face and the webs in hand.

"Lyds..." He says her name cautiously but it doesn't stop her from running full speed towards him with the ball threatening to touch him. They chase each other around the apartment, Stiles shouting protests while Lydia laughs at him. But you know how socks get really slippery on hardwood flooring? Stiles lets out a loud curse as he falls the the floor and Lydia attempts to skid to a stop but she only trips over his body with a loud shriek.

The fake webs were forgotten as they catch their breaths with silent chuckles. Her legs were crossed over his torso as she used her arms to keep her upper body sitting up while he chose to just lay flat down. And it was quiet and the two stayed there for a moment. Then a moment turned into an eternity. Sitting there for as long as they had Stiles now knew that Lydia had two more freckles on her right cheek than her left. And Lydia now knew how much it warmed her heart to see him staring at her in such a way.
Authors note:

I love watching Nanny McPhee and telling everybody that Simon is Newt from The Maze Runner😂 Tiny Thomas Sangster will be the death of me he's so adorable!!
Comment, read, enjoy!

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