18. The Boogey Man

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A scream rings out from somewhere near the fake mansion in the back and jumps a little before laughing. They'd been standing in line for thirty minutes for a haunted house but it was well worth it just because they were spending time together. Two minutes upon stepping into the park, Stiles' red jacket had made its way onto her shoulders. And of course she had worn the dress, his eyes immediately lingering along the curves it showed off.

Lydia held her breath as they were next to go in, her hand finding hold on his wrist as the worker allowed them inside. It was darker than outside and as they walked further along, people would pop out to scare the two. Lydia would scream and jump further into Stiles' warmth causing him to laugh.
By now she was laughing as well, doing a skittish little dance on the tips of her toes. "I can't do it, I can't do it!" She said through small laughs, grabbing onto Stiles' arms.

"We can't go backwards, Lyds. You have to walk!" Stiles chuckles, trying and failing to get her to move. A few people had lined up behind them and eventually squeezed past the two seeing as they wouldn't move. Stiles sighs and moves to where his back was facing Lydia and he crouched slightly.
"Come on, get on my back." He shakes his head at the ridiculousness of it all. She climbs on without hesitation, his hands holding onto the backs of her thighs as she holds onto his shoulders. In this moment she was glad she'd decided to wear shorts under the dress.

Stiles continues their journey through the house. Every time someone would jump out to scare them Lydia would shriek into his ear and he was sure he'd go deaf by the end of the night. When they finally made it all the way through, he set the girl down and she immediately started to fix her appearance.
"And you like horror stuff?" He asks with slight amusement.
"Yeah!" She says as if it was obvious.
"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles cups a hand around his ear and Lydia playfully shoves him.

With light conversation they make their way over to a candy store where he buys her a big bag of cotton candy. They walk around the wide open park, Lydia screaming once again as an employee dressed as a goblin comes up behind her and growls in her ear. She jumps back into Stiles' body, gripping a handful of his shirt as the "creature" goes away. Lydia excitedly pats on his arm, pointing to a booth where people were doing henna tattoos and he caves in as she bounds over to the small stand. Taking off Stiles' jacket, she ties it around her waist before offering the lady her hand.

She does a simple but intricate design with a symbol Stiles recognized to be a triskelion from Hale's class and he paid once she was done. Taking a chance, Lydia grabs onto Stiles' fingers as they continue to walk and he stiffens at the contact. After a couple of seconds though, he grabs her hand with his with a smile and drags her over to a dunking game.

Stiles tries twice and fails to dunk the man in a werewolf costume. Lydia steals the third ball and hits the target perfectly, winning herself a spiderweb crown that she places daintily atop her auburn locks. The cotton candy had all been eaten out of the bag so they bought a large box of candy while making their way over to a group of picnic tables. With smiles and light laughter, Stiles attempted to catch the candy in his mouth that Lydia threw at him. The rest of the night they went through several more haunted houses and Lydia was a little hesitant on the clown maze but Stiles assured her he would protect her. And he did.

It was nearing two in the morning when they had finally made it back to the apartment. Lydia was laughing and explaining Stiles facial expression after seeing a clown with a chainsaw and his face grew red with embarrassment.
"Thank you. For tonight." She smiles while slipping off her shoes.
Stiles shrugs. "It was fun." There's a moment of silence before he speaks again. "It's extremely hard for me not to kiss you right now but I know that's not how dates work so I'm just going to awkwardly hug you goodnight."

With a small smile, Lydia nods and accepts his hug which was (like he had promised) awkward. And he watches in the doorway of his room as she closes her own door, still wearing his jacket over her dress.
His voice was a whisper.
"Lyds." Stiles peers over the edge of the mattress at the sleeping girl. Shifting slightly in her sleep, she pulls the covers up her shoulder more.
"Lyds..." He speaks slightly louder this time. He was resting on his knees so he could be at eye level with her, his nose brushing against the sheets every time she moved.

"Lyyyyyyyyyds." He exaggerates the nickname and Lydia groans. She peaks her eyes open before settling further into her pillow, lying stomach down.
"What do you want?" She sighs. Sitting up, he folds his arms on the mattress and rests his head there as well.
"I had a dream about you." He pouts like a little kid. Stiles then climbs onto the bed and lays overtop of her with his chest to her back and she groans slightly from his weight.
"Stiles, are you horny?" She grumbles.

"Possibly." But then again, when was he never horny? "I just want a little kiss." He says.
Lydia attempts to push the boy off of her but it only results in wasted strength as he continues to pout.
"Stiles, get off." She sighs.
"Will you give me a kiss?" He asks with excitement. Lydia smiles and rolls her eyes.
"Yes now get off, I can't breath!"

Stiles rolls off without hesitation, allowing Lydia to sit up and regain her breath as he waits patiently for what he was promised. It was rather adorable the way he would tease her and would definitely become the signature of their relationship. Lydia motions for him to scoot closer and he does so with no question. Kissing her was like gravity had stopped for all of eternity, he concluded. Because when she wrapped her small hands around his neck and set her lips softly upon his own, the boy was floating.

Lydia pulls back causing Stiles to let out a noise of disagreement and he grabs hold of her wrist as she tries to get out of bed.
"You got your kiss!" She chuckles. What could he possibly want now.
"One more, one more then I'm done. I promise!" He assures. With a playful eye roll, she crawls back in front of him and doesn't waste anytime on kissing him again.

The thing about kissing Stiles was that it was hard to stop kissing him. So that second kiss, turned into three. And three eventually turned into five. It continued until Lydia was saying how she had to get up between small pecks to the lips with Stiles refusing to let her go. "One more!" He seemed to repeat a million times, pulling the girl back to him. He snakes his arms around her torso as she lets out cute little laughs.

He repeatedly pecks at any available skin while she lets out protests of how she needed to get ready. It was Friday and they didn't have classes so he would ask back in return: "where are you going?" In a tone that said "you're not going anywhere because you damn well know we do nothing on Fridays."
Authors note:

Cute little fluffy chapter for now. FOR NOW. Aka I'm evil and I ruin dreams.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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