Chapter 1

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Fairy tales. Everyone has their favorite. Either its Cinderella who met her prince at the ball, or Beauty and the Beast where she fell in love with the Beast, or even Snow White where her prince kisses her from the coma she's in. But sometimes fairy tales doesn't always happen from a simple kiss.

Sometimes a kiss could confuse you forever. Not knowing if that person likes you or not knowing if that person even done it on accident. For Carlos it wasn't a kiss, it tends to be protectiveness from his best friend, Jay.

Carlos never questioned it before, he was pretty used to it, since Jay as protective over Evie and also Mal, but Carlos started to question it whenever Carlos had some people flirting with him. Jay would always grunt and take Carlos away from the person.

He always knew that Jay was protective over him ever since he became friends with Evie and having his mother always wanting him doing things for her, since he was rather scared of his mother, and Jay would always watch out for the three.

Sure he would play around with Jay, but Jay wouldn't let him go out on his own in Auradon unless he or the two girls or even Ben was near him, since Carlos was the youngest one in the group. But Carlos was fine with it, since Evie was always like a mother to him and Mal would be rude but that how she shows her affection and Ben was always nice giving him chances.

"You thinking too hard could give you wrinkles." Evie asid as Carlos shook his head from thought and looked over at Evie and she giggled.

"Sorry." Carlos said with a smile as Evie patted his shoulder and Carlos turned to watch Dude run across the field.

"What was you thinking about?" Evie asked as Carlos gulped and shrugged as he looked over at Dude, and sighed.

"Nothing much, just wondering why can't I come outside alone." Carlos said as Evie frowned at her friend but smiled over at him.

"You're the youngest Carlos, we can't lose you yet. Besides we're best friends and it would kill me and the others if you gotten hurt." Evie said as she side hugged Carlos, who smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to get Dude then we can go back inside." Carlos said as Evie nodded. Carlos stood up and ran over calling Dude's name and picked him up. Evie frowned and stood up, wiping off her skirt and Carlos ran over with Dude in his arms.

The pair walked back to Auradon and Evie walked Carlos back to his room, giving him a hug and Carlos sighed as he walked inside. He closed the door and heard Evie's boots walking off, he let go of Dude and walked over towards the laptop and sat down in the chair.

"You know what Dude? I wish that I could do things on my own, it would be great if I could walk you by myself, where we could do anything we wanted." Carlos said as he turned over towards Dude, who was laying on his bed and Carlos sighed and as he turned back to his computer.

"But Jay or the others won't let me, what's so wrong with me going out on my own? I thought when we came here I could do anything I wanted, but instead I'm being protective by my friends just like always." Carlos muttered, not knowing that Jay walked in holding his sport gear.

"You know the reason why we want to watch you is a good one." Jay said as Carlos jumped up from the chair.

"I know. But I just would want one day where I could be by myself." Carlos said as Jay nodded and walked over to his bed and looked over at the blonde and laid back on the bed.

"Why do you want that? Do you remember all those times you were alone." Jay said as Carlos flinched and nodded. Remembering all the abuse from his mother and tried to remember that Evie was there for him, that she was his mother in his eyes.

"Yeah, but I would like to take Dude on a walk with Ben beside me talking about how great I am at tourney, when I'm really not, then listen to Mal not talk but a couple of words, but I'm fine with Evie since she was rather cool, but you never want to go out on walks with me and Dude, I just want that time alone with me and Dude." Carlos said as Jay looked over at his pleading friend, and sighed as stood up and walked over and sat in a chair next to Carlos.

"Fine, but only on Fridays for one hour." Jay said as Carlos brighten up and hugged his friend who laughed and Carlos started to smile real huge.

"Thank you Jay! Thank you! Thank you!" Carlos repeated as Jay laughed and shook his head at his friend.

"But remember only for an hour! If you're even one second late, I will hunt you down." Jay said as Carlos rolled his eyes.

"Okay, can we go to the dinner hall? I'm kinda hungry." Carlos said as Jay laughed and nodded. Carlos let go of Jay and went over and patted Dude's head and told him that they were going to get some food and he'll bring him back something.

Jay opened the door for Carlos who smiled and walked out. Jay closed the door and walked after Carlos, who was talking about where he was going Friday, which was in the woods,and Jay rolled his eyes at his friend.

He stood back and waited for Carlos to grab his food, with his arms crossed and timing him you could say. Whenever he saw Carlos walking back with him with some food, Jay grabbed Carlos' arm and dragged them back to their bedroom and Carlos rolled his eyes at his friend.

"You know, you should start trusting me since I'm going out tomorrow by myself." Carlos said as Jay laughed and went over to his bed and laid down.

"It's only for an hour, and plus I still can watch you since I'm going to hang out with Doug and Ben." Jay said as Carlos nodded and took a bite from his chocolate bar and leaned back in the chair.

"Whatever, I'll be fine. Besides I have Dude there with me." Carlos said as Jay snorted and sighed.


Carlos slipped on his red muscle shirt and grabbed his black and white leather jacket. He laced up his boots and slipped on his fingerless gloves and grabbed Dude's leash and brushed his hair up and he saw Jay nodded for him to come on.

Carlos grabbed Dude and walked out with Jay, ready to go out by himself. Well once he actually is out in the woods. Jay met up with Doug and Ben and Carlos waved at them and walked off towards the woods, and slipped on a leash on Dude's collar and he laughed as they walked in the woods.

"Jay, you really letting Carlos out by himself?" Ben asked with worry in his voice as Jay looked over at Ben and sighed.

"Don't make me regret it." Jay said as Doug patted his shoulder and Jay looked back in the woods and heard Carlos laugh and smiled.

He'll be fine. Jay thought. 

Heyyo Guys!!!!

What we thinks???? Jay??? Carlos??? Also I'm going off the book and the movie!!! So be ready for that!!! Wells tells me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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