Chapter 15

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Jay sat on the bench, holding onto his crutches, while looking towards Carlos. He was talking about how he wanted to stay near the ocean forever, and just live there. Jay chuckled of how passionate Carlos was talking about the beach, as they sat at the wishing fountain.

Jay looked over Carlos' small body, seeing the bruise on his face was still very black and blue, seeing how his wrist bruise was turning yellow, Jay frowned knowing that he wasn't there to protect Carlos, even after he promised him. His eyes saw how Carlos was leaning towards the water, which was making Jay worried.

He grabbed Carlos' arm, which made the smaller teen looked towards him. He raised his eyebrow as Jay chewed his bottom lip and grabbed a coin from his pocket and motioned for Carlos to bring out his hand, which he did, Jay smiled as he showed him the coin.

"I want you to make a wish," Jay stated as he placed the coin in his small pale hand and smiled. "And this wish will come true if you wish hard enough and dream it." Jay said with a smile as he let go of Carlos' and, Carlos smiled as he looked at the coin.

Jay nodded at Carlos who closed his eyes as he faced down the water fountain, he took a deep breathe as clutched onto the coin.

"I wish for my prince to come and save me," Carlos mouthed as he tossed the coin in, his brown eyes stared into the water, with all the other coins.

Carlos looked towards Jay, which was smiling towards the smaller teen, Carlos giggled as he laid his head on Jay's chest, which made Jay chuckle. Carlos felt his hand laying on top of Jay's, who was smiling deeply, and Jay laced his hand with Carlos' and laid his chin the top of Carlos' head.

Jay sighed as he closed his eyes and let go of his crutches, and ignored them whenever they fell on the ground, he used his other hand and laced it with Carlos' left hand. Carlos blushed as he felt his hands intertwined with Jay's and a smile spread across his face. His chest filled with butterflies as Jay held onto his hands, his head on top of his.

"Carlos?" Jay whispered as Carlos hummed and Jay buried his face in his curly blonde hair, and smelled the apples from his hair mixed with the outside, he sighed as he felt Carlos smiling in his chest.

"Yeah?" Carlos asked as Jay lifted his head off his head, and Carlos looked up and faced him. Carlos eyes showed curiosity as well as scared, Jay licked his lips as he smiled weakly.

"I'm scared," Jay admitted as Carlos gave a nervous chuckle.

"Of what? Water?" Carlos joked as Jay smiled and Carlos looked down at their hands then back towards Jay.

"No Car," Jay said with a small smile and Carlos raised his eyebrow and chuckled as he smiled.

"You feel it too?" Carlos asked as Jay nodded slowly, and Carlos felt his face turned red.

The two teenagers stared into their eyes, ignoring the people walking past them, their eyes showed love and scared. They didn't know how to love or even what was love. All their life they was taught that being bad was the best feeling in the world, don't fall in love since it was a weak emotion. But neither of the boys knew that they was already in love, and falling in love more.

Their hearts raced as they leaned closer, their eyes never looked away. Carlos' hands began to tremble as Jay kept them in place. Carlos smiled as their foreheads touched and they both closed their eyes as their noses touch.

"I feel it." Jay replied as the two teenagers lips connected.

It was a very nervous kiss, neither of them moved but sparks flew through them. Finally both of their lips moved as they kept it a sweet innocent kiss, and everything was perfect. Carlos found himself smiling in the kiss as Jay gave a small giggle in the kiss, it was like their inner child was coming out, and they was finally feeling something that they thought they never would feel.


Jay pulled apart, but neither of them opened their eyes. Their foreheads found their way back together, their noses touched. Tan to pale, freckles to plain, boy to boy. Carlos tighten his grip on their hands as Jay done the same. They felt their hands getting numbed as they kept their grip, and finally they opened their eyes.

Brown eyes to brown eyes. They both showed love, gentleness, weak, and even scared. Carlos opened his mouth but closed it, he blinked and Jay just smiled as he let go one of Carlos' hand, which made Carlos frown, and he put it up to Carlos' cheek and let his thumb caressed it.

"Carlos," Jay whispered as Carlos looked away from their hands then back towards Jay. "I'm scared, I don't know what to do or even say." Jay said as Carlos frowned. "Is this how it really is?" Jay asked as Carlos raised his eyebrow towards the older male.

"How what is?" He asked as Jay closed his eyes.

"Is this how being love feels?" Jay asked with his voice cracking, he opened his eyes as Carlos face twisted into sadness.

"I don't know Jay," Carlos said as Jay frowned. "But we can learn together." Carlos whispered as Jay chuckled and nodded as he let go of Carlos cheek and Carlos sighed as he found himself smiling.

"Jay?" Carlos asked as Jay raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah?" Jay asked as Carlos smiled and let his head fall on Jay's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his tan body and Jay smiled as he wrapped his arms around his small body.

"I love you dork," He replied as Jay chuckled.

"I love you too," Jay whispered as he chuckled. "Idiot." He whispered as he tickled Carlos' side, making him laugh loud, and snorted as Jay cooed and ended up tickling Carlos more, as Carlos let out his loud laugh and begging for Jay to stop.

But neither of them could stop what they was feeling, it was there. You could feel it in the air, it was love. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!

What we thinks??? Jaylos finally kissed!!!!! Who is else happy, because I couldn't stop smiling while writing this!!!! So tell me your thoughts!!! Jay??? Carlos??? Both scared of loving??? Jaylos kiss?? Welps your thoughts??

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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