Chapter 2

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"Dude, slow down! I want to make this last!" Carlos yelled as Dude who slowed down and Carlos smiled and went over to a rock and sat down, and took off Dude's leash and let him run off, knowing that he'll come back.

Carlos looked around in the woods and smiled at it's beauty. He laughed as he saw the birds singing to each other, he looked at the deers, one mother and a child. He looked over and saw the mother deer was watching over her child, making sure no one gets them. Carlos had tears prickle in his eyes but his eyes never left.

He brought his knees to his chest and stuck his chin on his knees and frowned as the mother walked away. He wanted to scream at the mother but he saw the child deer started to chase after the mother. He sighed and buried his face in his knees and tried to shake back the memories.

"You know that's how some animals show love." A deep voice said as Carlos jumped and his brown eyes traveled over towards a male sitting on a tree branch and his left leg was kicking back and forth and Carlos raised his eyebrow over at the male.

"What?" Carlos asked, his voice thick and raw from about to cry.

"Love. That's how some animals show their love, leaving their child to see if their child is loyal enough to still love them." The boy said as he shrugged his shoulders and Carlos chewed his bottom lip, and wondered is that why his mother treated him?

"That's horrible though." Carlos stated as the guy shrugged and leaned back on the tree.

"It's the circle of life." The guy said as Carlos frowned and looked down at his hands.

"My name is Prince Aziz." The guy said as Carlos looked over at him with his eyebrow raised.

"Aren't you Aladdin's son?" Carlos asked as Aziz nodded.

"Yup, my mother is Jasmine also. They live in that castle over there." He said as he pointed towards the castle next to Tiana's and Carlos felt Dude licking his hands.

Carlos picked up Dude and stood up and nodded over at Aziz. He smiled and began to walk off, but felt a hand on his arm and Carlos looked over and met a pair of dark brown eyes and Carlos turned red as Aziz smiled over at him.

"I find it rude if I say my name and you don't say yours." Aziz said as Carlos gulped.

"M-my name is C-carlos." Carlos stammered as Aziz smiled and Carlos cleared his throat.

"Well Carlos, I think you're cute. Did you dye your hair?" Aziz asked as he touched Carlos' hair and Carlos nodded slightly.

"Yeah." Carlos said as Aziz smiled.

"Well it looks good on you." Aziz said as Carlos blushed and looked down at his shoes.

"T-thanks, but I need to go." Carlos saida s Aziz nodded and Carlos walked off and he was red whenever he walked out of the woods.

He saw Jay walking over towards himm, with Doug and Ben. He looked down at Dude for help who jumped out of his arms and started to run away from Carlos.

"Dude!" Carlos yelled as he ran after Dude, and felt his face turned redder as he reached Dude. Jay laughed and picked up Dude and Carlos fell over as he reached Jay and the others.

"So how was it like being by yourself in the real world?" Ben asked as he helped up Carlos, who blushed whenever he thought back in the woods, making Jay raised his eyebrow over at Carlos.

"It was different." Carlos said as Jay smiled.

"So you don't want to do again." Jay said as Carlos shook his head.

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