Chapter 16

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Carlos smiled as he told Evie everything that happened. She was cooing at the sweet moments and saying that they was going to be together anytime soon. They was sitting at the lunch table, waiting for Jay and Mal to come back, since Jay wanted to get him and Carlos lunch, even though Carlos fought back saying his knee but Jay said that he wanted to the prince that Carlos wanted, and making him shut up since he was blushing red and finally went to the table with Evie.

"Do you want to go out with him?" Evie asked as she put her bag on the table and moved her hair from her face as Carlos turned bright red and covered his freckled cheeks as he slowly nodded.

"Yeah," He said slowly as Evie giggled as she patted him on his shoulder. "Don't tell him! I want this to move perfectly and I don't want to ruin it." Carlos stated as Evie rolled her eyes and saw that the other two was coming and she smiled widely.

"Nothing is going to ruin it," She stated as she sat on the other side of the table. "Because you guys are going to be the cutest couple here." She whispered as the other two sat down, making Carlos blush as he looked away.

Jay raised his eyebrow towards him as Evie waved it off. He rolled his eyes as he sat next to Carlos and put his tray in front of him, Carlos beamed as he hugged Jay's neck and began eating the chocolate first as Jay rolled his eyes. Jay ate his pizza as he told Mal the game plan for this weekend, since they wanted to go and see a movie this Friday, and he wasn't going to tell Carlos until tonight, since he wanted that to be their first date.

Cliche yes, but Jay really wanted to be the prince that Carlos wanted, even if that meant doing the cliches and dressing in the suits for the balls. Then it'll be worth it, even though Jay would rather wear his normal clothes for the upcoming ball, and he didn't know how to say to Carlos that he wanted him to go with him, as a date. Which was making Jay stomach turn into knots.

Carlos groaned as he ate all the chocolate and stared at the food on his plate and he was debating whenever to eat it, since he did have a plate full of chocolate. He sighed as he began eating his vegetables and heard Jay's laugh, he turned and his eyes shined as he saw Jay laughing at what Evie said and he blushed as Jay looked down towards him then looking away at the food, trying to stuff his mouth before he would say something stupid.

Jay leaned down at his ear and chuckled as he felt Carlos tensing. "You have carrots on your upper lip." Jay stated as he grabbed a napkin and wiped off the extra food and Carlos blushed as he smiled whenever Jay wiped off the chocolate and carrots from his face.

Carlos rolled his eyes as Jay smirked and wrapped his arm around Carlos' shoulder as they began talking to Evie and Mal about the movies, leaving Carlos completely clueless since they knew what Jay was planning. The shorter teen grumbled as he told them that he was going to use the bathroom and he stood up and walked towards the bathroom and took a quick wizz before he heard the door slammed shut.

Carlos turned and saw Aziz standing there with a angry expression, Carlos gulped as he leaned against the wall and he licked his lips as he clenched his fist together. Aziz glared as he walked towards Carlos, grabbing his shirt collar and raising him off the ground.

"So you think that you just go hoeing around?" Aziz spat as Carlos whimpered as Aziz slammed him against the wall. "I thought you knew that you was mine, and no one else's!" Aziz yelled as he threw Carlos on the ground.

Carlos groaned as his side hit the ground and pain exploded from his side and traveled down his side as Aziz kicked him over. Carlos shielded his face as Aziz went to kick his face, but he felt no impact, Carlos peeked through his fingers and saw Ben was holding Aziz back against a wall.

"I would think you would do better than this Aziz," Ben said as Aziz tried to get away from his grip. Carlos scrambled off the ground as he hide behind the bathroom stall and saw Ben was holding Aziz tight.

"My father would know about this," Ben stated as Aziz glared as Ben let him go. "So I would leave so you can tell your parents what you've done." Ben snapped as Aziz walked towards Carlos and Ben pushed Aziz out the way and he stood in front of Carlos as he held him back behind the wall.

"Now!" Ben yelled as Aziz glared one last time then walking out of the bathroom, Ben sighed as he fixed his shirt then looked towards Carlos with a smile.

"T-thanks," Carlos stuttered as Ben smiled and patted Carlos' shoulder.

"No problem," Ben said then he frowned as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Was this the first time this happened? Because if it isn't then I need to report it and tell Jay, so they know what go-."

"Please don't!" Carlos cut off Ben as Ben stumbled back some at his sudden outburst. "I can tell Jay myself, but please don't tell him, I don't need him to worry about me. Because if you're going to tell your father, Aziz won't be in school right?" Carlos asked Ben nodded. "Then let me tell Jay myself." Carlos said as Ben sighed.

"Fine," Ben said as he looked back at the door then back at Carlos. "But if it happens again or if I think that it happening, I will tell Jay myself and you will be there with me." Ben commanded as Carlos nodded as they walked out of the bathroom together and Carlos rna towards Jay as he sat next to him, and he grabbed onto Jay's arm, making Jay looked at him with a confused face but he didn't say anything about it.


Jay sighed as he laid in his bed as he saw Carlos walking inside the room, he held onto to Dude and let him loose, he let Dude run in his bed as Carlos groaned and rubbed his side. Jay sat up and his eyes met Carlos' as he patted the spot next to hmi, Carlos chewed his bottom lip but walked towards Jay's bed and crawled on and hugged Jay as they laid back.

"Was you okay today?" Jay asked as Carlos frowned thinking that Ben told him. "Because my arm was numb for the whole class period." Jay joked as Carlos chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yeah I was fine," Carlos lied as Jay rubbed his back and sighed happily.

"Good, because I have something to ask you." Jay stated as Carlos looked up at Jay with a courtois face as Jay looked down with a smile.

"What is it?" Carlos asked as Jay sighed and smiled as he tangled his hair in Carlos' curly blonde hair.

"Would you like to go out with me this Friday," Jay asked as Carlos opened his mouth but Jay keep on talking. "Like a date, to the movies." Jay finished as Carlos smiled widely as he turned red and nodded his head as he wrapped his arms tighter as Jay.

"Yes!" He exclaimed as Jay chuckled and hugged back the smaller boy as he kissed his hair and smiled as he cheered to himself.

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!

What we thinks?? Carlos?? Jay?? Ben there to save Carlos?? Jay asking out Carlos??? Also I hate to say but this book will only have four more chapters and an epilouge, but don't worry!! I will be writing more Jaylos books, since I ship this so hard it's like a Disney Larry to me!! Anyways your thoughts???

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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