Chapter 9

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Carlos stood in the shower, letting the soap wash off his body, listening to other people talk about nothing important. He was tired and he had a lot more bruises since last Friday, he didn't know how to tell anyone. But he knew that he needed to hide them.

The blonde sighed as he turned off the water and grabbed the towel around his lower waist then he walked out, allowing the people to see the bruises on his stomach and upper arms, which made them think that he was getting them from the sport he was playing.

He walked out of the bathroom and made it to his room, and heard Jay humming to some kind of music he was listening to, and he walked towards his closet and changed into a pair of black sweatpants and boxers, he slipped on a long sleeve red shirt with some white dots. He sighed as he rubbed the towel through his hair.

"Car?" Jay asked as he saw the blonde walking to his bed, grabbing his laptop. "Are you feeling alright?" The brunette asked as Carlos logged on the laptop.

"Fine," Carlos lied and he sighed as he saw today was Thursday, and he didn't want to go out tomorrow, since he figured that Aziz would hurt him more. "Just tired." He added as Jay's brown eyes stared towards his as he sighed and looked back at his computer.

Jay eyes landed towards his dresser, where he saw his trophy was displayed. He stood up and grabbing the small pendant, which was small clear elephant tied to a black string, he walked over and sat next to the smaller boy.

"Carlos," Jay said as Carlos looked towards Jay who grabbed his hands and placed the smaller charm on his pale hand. "Here it's for you." He said as Carlos opened his hands and gasped as he saw the clear elephant.

"J-jay." Carlos stammered as JAy chuckled and Carlos looked over the charm, his brown eyes traced the smooth surface while his fingers traced the trunk of the elephant. "This is your lucky charm, I can't take it." Carlos said as he pushed back the charm but Jay shook his head and pushed Carlos hands back and wrapped them around his large hands around Carlos' smaller ones.

"I want you to have it," Jay said as Carlos blushed and looked down as JAy smiled. "It brought me many things that was lucky to me, and I want you to have that," Jay said as Carlos smiled and Jay let go of his hands and Carlos looked down at the charm then he looked back at Jay, he jumped up and hugged the taller boy.

Jay gasped as he smiled, he wrapped his arms around him and buried his head on Carlos' shoulders. He shut his brown eyes and felt Carlos hugging him tighter.

"Thanks Jay," The blonde whispered as the brunette chuckled and pulled back, leaving them arm's length and stared into the shorts teen's eyes with a small smile.

"This charm will bring you luck," Jay started as he looked down towards the charm and picked it up from his hands then he walked behind Carlos and tied it around his neck and leaned down his ear. "It'll protect you whenever I'm not near." Jay said as Carlos blushed and reached up to touch the clear elephant.

Jay stood off of Carlos bed and walked back to his then he plopped down grabbing his computer then just going through the web as Carlos kept his hand on the elephant. He was still blushing hard, but he felt special, because Jay had this elephant since the they lived in the island, and wouldn't let no one touch it, so this was really huge for Carlos.

Dude came up and Carlos chuckled as he started to pet the dog. Jay looked over with a smile then he sighed as Carlos began talking to the dog like it was a human, but Jay knew that it made Carlos feel better, so he wasn't going to say anything, since he really does care for Carlos.


Carlos slipped him a pair of red shorts then his black t-shirt. He felt the cold elephant touched his chest and a small smile spread across his face, since it was Jay's. He sighed as he saw Jay was grabbing their sport things and Carlos was to sore to even be on the field, but he was scared to tell Jay that.

Jay smiled towards the shorter boy as Carlos sighed and slipped him a red coat on then he rubbed Dude's head before the two teens left to the field, and Carlos chewed his bottom lip as they walked closer towards the field.

"Jay?" Carlos asked as Jay hummed in respond. "I don't want to go out today, can I hang out with you instead?" Carlos asked as Jay looked towards the shorter boy with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't mind," Jay said as Carlos smiled then he frowned seeing the field come into view. "But I'm going to the town, so you want to go there?" Jay asked as Carlos nodded as Jay laughed and wrapped his arm around Carlos and they made their way towards the field.

Carlos was a lot worst then he should've been, he knew what to do and how to do, but with all the bruises on his body he was just plain sore. He wanted to bench for the game but he also knew that Jay wouldn't play without him so he was sucking it up just for Jay to be happy.

Practice was finally over and Carlos wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep forever, but as soon he saw Aziz standing near the woods then he started to freak out inside. He made his way towards Jay who was nodding towards the players, then Carlos saw Aziz walking their way.

Carlos grabbed onto Jay's arm, who looked towards the blonde with a confused stare then he saw the players started to talk to Aziz, which made him grit his teeth. He turned to walk with Carlos, ignoring Aziz calling for Carlos back, since he wanted to hang out with his best friend.

The blonde male reached up to grab the elephant under his shirt then he sighed feeling the smooth surface under his fingers and he heard Jay talking about some big game that was coming up this Monday, and Carlos was dreading it.

They walked into the store and picking up junk food, since they wanted to watch movies, which was fine to Carlos since he didn't want to move, and he grabbed some more dog treats for Dude. He saw Jay staring at the food then he walked over, to help him out, but he tripped over his own two feet, which made him grab something next to him, but he was closer to the floor before someone caught him.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked as he pulled Carlos close and Carlos took a deep breathe in and saw Jay's worried face and he nodded as Jay pulled him up.

"Yeah, thanks." Carlos said as Jay chuckled and nodded as they walked up to the front to pay for the things, then they made their way towards the Cafe, to grab something quick to eat.

Carlos was feeling weak and the fall did take a toll on him, which was making him become more trippy, which cause Jay to keep his arm around his waist so he wouldn't let him fall, which made Jay want to go back to their dorm room even more.

The two teens walked back to the dorm room and they was cracking jokes to each other, trying to get their mind off of the sad thoughts they was thinking, since they was happier in each other's presence.

Jay let go of Carlos waist to unlock their dorm room, but as soon Jay opened the door Carlos walked in, which he tripped over the chair making him hit his knee on the chair handle, which cause Jay to catch him again.

"Someone is a bit clumsy today," Jay said with a small chuckle as Carlos giggled and rolled his eyes as Jay helped him up. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked as he shut their dorm room and Carlos nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, just need junk food." Carlos said as he went through the bag grabbing the chocolate, eating it as Jay laughed and plugged in some movies as Carlos ate more chocolates. Jay smiled and he picked up Carlos, who was holding onto the junk food and sat him down on his bed then they began to eat together, laugh, nad even talk about some strange things.

Like they used too, before Aziz came into the picture. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!

What we thinks??? Jay??? Carlos??? Little Jaylos moment??? Wells tells me your thoughts!! Also I'm super sorries I haven't been updating, I was busy and stressing about school which is really killing me! But I will finish this book!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!

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