Chapter 5

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Sometimes whenever we be near that person we care about so much we tend to forget why did we think of other people before. Why did we ditch most of our friends because we thought we found someone so special, but sometimes that person doesn't really mean anything to us in the future.

Carlos knew keeping Aziz a secret from Jay wasn't going to end well, it could mean lots of things that could go down. People could get hurt, and most importantly Jay would ditch Carlos.

Now Carlos felt that he was more free being near Aziz, but being near Jay he felt more protective. Aziz was the one who made him blush, but Jay was the one who made him smile. The two boys had a huge impact on Carlos, in many ways.

"Yo Carlos, why we go to my castle?" Aziz asked as Carlos snapped his head over towards Aziz, biting his lip as they heard Dude barking.

"I don't think I should." Carlos admitted as Aziz smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Come on! It'll be fine, and your nanny will be alright with it." Aziz said, referring to Jay, which caused Carlos to frown as he looked out his way towards Dude.

"I only have thirty more minutes out here," Carlos stated as Aziz frowned but Carlos looked back at him. "Do you think we could make it back here before then?" Carlos asked as Aziz smiled and jumped up.

"Well follow me." Aziz said as he held out his hand, making Carlos look at his hand and he took it and Aziz whistled, causing a flying carpet to fly their way.

Aziz helped Carlos on the carpet and picked up Dude and sat him on Carlos' lap and he looked over at Carlos with a smile. Carlos looked nervously over towards Aziz and he laughed as he wrapped his arm around Carlos shoulders and he clicked his tongue and the carpet flew in the air and Carlos looked over towards him.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Carlos asked as Aziz laughed and looked over at the blonde boy.

"Of course! This carpet is the same one that my mother and father fell in love on." Aziz said as he moved close to Carlos' face and Carlos turned a bright red.

"I-it is?" Carlos asked as Aziz nodded and grabbed his hand and laced it with Carlos'.

"It could be where we fall in love." Aziz whispered as Carlos licked his lips and stared into his brown eyes and Aziz leaned in.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Carlos asked as the carpet stopped on the roof of Aziz's castle and their lips was so close their lips was moving across each other while they spoke.

"I didn't till I saw you." Aziz whispered as Carlos blushed but the bark of Dude tore their stare apart.

Carlos looked and saw Dude was running across the roof and Carlos shook his head. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, he was about to kiss a prince, the prince of his best friend's father's enemy prince, that wouldn't be good. That would be terrible, esc apply if Jay knows about this!

"Why don't I take you out on a date tomorrow." Aziz said as Carlos turned a bright red and looked over towards Aziz.

"A d-date?" Carlos asked as Aziz nodded.

"A date, where we can go out itn eh town and do things that couples would do." Aziz said as Carlos looked down at his hands, clearly frustrated from thinking too hard about this but Aziz walked over and grabbed his hands and made Carlos looked up at him.

"I won't let anything hurt you." Aziz whispered as Carlos looked Aziz in the eyes and he knew that this could change his life either good or bad, because he never went on a date or even been out by himself, how was he going to pull this off?

"I would really love to, but I don't know how I can pull this off, Jay won't let me be myself more than an hour."Carlos admitted as Aziz smiled.

"Then we should ask Ben to cover for us." Aziz said as Carlos raised his eyebrow over at him and Aziz smiled but Carlos didn't want to miss this opportunity and didn't want to leave without making him hurt, and he did feel some type of way with Aziz.

"Yes, I would love to go with you." Carlos said as Aziz smiled and ran over to grab Dude and placed him in Carlos' arms and Aziz clicked his tongue as Carlos gripped onto Aziz as they flew down towards the field, knowing that jay will be there.

"Just meet me at the field whenever Ben picks you up tomorrow." Aziz said as they walked out from the woods, not seeing that glare from Jay. Carlos nodded and Aziz pecked Carlos' cheek before running over towards his carpet.

"Why was you hanging out with him?" Jay asked as Carlos looked over at his taller friend.

"Aziz? He's just a friend." Carlos said as Jay rolled his eyes.

"Since when do friends kiss each other cheeks?" Jay asked as Carlos narrowed his eyes before storming off and Jay chased after his friend grabbing his arm.

"Carlos!" Jay yelled as Carlos looked over at him.

"Just trust me on this one Jay! He's a good guy, just let me handle myself on this one." Carlos said as Jay looked at him and shook his head. "Please?" Carlos asked as Jay narrowed his brown eyes over towards Carlos' freckled face.

"Carlos I'm only doing this to protect you." Jay whispered as Carlos rolled his eyes and tore his arm from his hand and stormed off to find Evie or Mal since he didn't want to be near Jay and he was tired being treated as a baby.

Carlos could take care of himself, and he didn't need anyone babying him so much. But what Carlos didn't know how Aziz really is.

Heyyo Guys!!!!

What we thinks??? Carlos and Aziz going out on a date??? Jay??? Wells tells me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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