Chapter 19

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Jay sat at the table, looking at his hands. He kept thinking about what Ben said, how Aziz beaten Carlos, which explained all the bruises he got, and how he didn't want to go out on Friday anymore. He groaned as he clutched his fist together and let out a heavy breath as he looked towards Carlos.

He was sleeping peacefully on the bed while Jay was shaking with anger. Jay was full of questions, of why he never told him, why didn't Carlos trust him enough to tell that Aziz was hurting him. Jay felt physical pain in his chest, as he thought about Carlos getting hurt, or him not trusting Jay at all. He sighed as he felt tears threatened to fall out, and he heard Carlos moving around the bed.

"Morning Jay," Carlos said as he rubbed his eyes. Jay just sat there looking at the table, shaking. Carlos raised his eyebrow as he got out of the bed and walked towards Jay, placing his hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Jay? What's wrong?" Carlos asked as he heard Jay huffed.

"Why?" Jay asked as Carlos raised his eyebrow towards him.

"Why what?"

"Why didn't you tell that Aziz was hurting you? Carlos didn't you trust me enough?" Jay asked as he grabbed Carlos' hand and looked at him with his tears falling from his eyes.

"J-jay, who told you!" Carlos yelled.

"Who cares told me! Why didn't you tell that he was beating you! Damnnit Carlos, I thought you trust me!" Jay yelled as he began to squeeze Carlos' hand, but not realizing, as he shook in anger.

"Let me go!" The blonde boy yelled as he tried to push Jay off of his hand, flashbacks began to go through his mind. "Let me go now! I didn't do anything wrong!" Carlos yelled.

"You didn't told me whenever I could've helped you!" Jay yelled as he felt some tears fell from his eyes, angry tears.

"You're hurting me!" Carlos yelled as Jay widened his eyes and let go of his wrist and Carlos looked at him with his eyes watering and he held on to his wrist as he glared towards Jay.

"I didn't tell you because you would act like this," Carlos replied as Jay flinched. "He told me that you would hurt me if I told you, and I didn't believe him. He told me that no one would want me and they would hurt me, so he was doing that out of love. I thought you was different Jay, but no. You hurt me just like he said you would," Carlos muttered as he grabbed his shoes and slipped them on.

JAy stood up, grabbing his crutches, as Carlos reached the door, and he stopped as he looked back at Jay. "And I really didn't want to believe him." He stated as he ran out of the room.

Leaving the older boy standing there, crying as he opened his mouth but nothing came out. Carlos saw Jay as the monster, and he couldn't do or say anything. Aziz was telling him that he was going to be the monster, but Jay wasn't. He just didn't know what to do, he was allowing his anger to run through his body, and he hurt the one thing that brought him happiness.


Carlos couldn't breathe, he didn't want to believe that Aziz was right. He wanted to know if this was real or if this was a dream. His brown eyes looked down at his wrist, and saw a new bruise was forming, he let out a choked sob as he closed his eyes. Carlos knew this wasn't a dream, but he didn't know that Jay would've been the monster.

He knew that Jay protected all his life from everything, he never laughed whenever he told him that he had a crush on Tarzan, he never would've made him feel bad on purpose. But whenever Jay was hurting him, he just thought about how Aziz would hit him or call him worthless. Carlos wrapped his arms around his knees and placed his head on top of his knees.

Right now Carlos was sitting in Doug's room, which he was the only one who had his own room. Doug went out to grab some breakfast for the small blonde, but Carlos wasn't hungry. He just wanted to sleep, but he was used having Jay's arms wrapped around him, but know he wasn't sure if he wanted to sleep.

The small blonde cried some more as he thought about the happy memories with Jay, and he sobbed some more. He didn't want to be away from Jay, he wants to be in his arms and forget everything that happened. But he knew that it wasn't going to happen, not after everything that Aziz put him through, not after Jay's little mistake he knew that them going back to the normal things wasn't going to be easy.

No matter how much they love each other.

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Carlos??? Jay???? How Jay reacted??? Carlos running away???? Is Jaylos ever gonna get back together??? I'm super sorries for the emotional chapter, but you gotta remember since Jay is protective over his friends he going to act differently in that sitation than most people!!! Also Carlos was beaten so he would've most likely acted like that.... So your thoughts????

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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