Chapter 14

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Carlos opened his eyes, s small spread across his face as he heard slight snoring. Carlos eyes widened as he felt arms wrapped around his waist, he looked around and saw Dude sleeping on his bed and he looked behind him and saw Jay was snoring with his long hair covering his face.

The blonde felt his face turn red as he felt Jay breathing on the back of his neck. He chewed his bottom lip and he felt his hands go down towards Jay's and he placed them on top of his. Carlos felt himself smile as he relaxed in Jay's touch. He closed his brown eyes and sighed happily as he heard Jay sleeping.

Carlos didn't want to move, but he wanted to know what happened last night. He needed to know why he was laying in Jay's bed, still in his day clothes, sleeping with Jay. The blonde furrowed his eyebrows together as he turned around and saw Jay was in deep sleep. He looked so relaxed and happy, which made the smaller teen smile.

Carlos sighed as he felt Jay's grip tighten on him, which made Carlos turn red to the tips of his ears. Carlos groaned softly as he placed his head on Jay's chest, listening to his heartbeat. He slightly hummed along with it as he gripped onto Jay's tank top and closed his brown eyes. He wanted to go back to sleep but he was afraid that Jay would wake up and toss him off.

Even though he thinks that Jay made him stay here.

Jay moved a little bit as he scrunched his nose. Carlos cooed but stopped as he saw Jay's eyes opening, Carlos laid his head down, kept his face away from Jay, as he heard Jay singh. He felt one of Jay's arms lift off his body as he wiped his eyes, the blonde chewed his bottom lip as he heard Jay move around a little.

He felt Jay left him alone in the bed and he quickly shut his eyes. He turned on his side and faced the wall as he heard Jay moving around the room, being quiet as he can, and he walked towards Carlos. He stared at the sleeping, but not really, teenager and a smile crept across his face.

Carlos breathe stopped as he felt a pair of lips to his temple, "I'll be back Car." Jay whispered as Carlos heard Jay walked out of the room.

Carlos sat straight up as he looked around, but he knew that Dude was asleep and Jay left the room. He touched the spot that Jay kissed, which was his left temple, and he smiled wide as he giggled to himself. He felt like a girl, like a girl who got their first kiss. He squealed as he fell back on Jay's bed.

"You're awake?" He heard Jay asked as Carlos removed his hand from his temple and sat up smiling towards JAy as Jay walked over with some food, he tossed a chocolate brownie towards Carlos and Carlos thanked him.

Carlos ate his brownie as he saw Jay sitting in front of him, typing on his phone while eating his breakfast. THe blonde chewed on his bottom lip as he looked towards him as he crossed his legs and cleared his throat making the brunette looked towards him.

"Why was in your bed?" Carlos asked as Jay smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"You had another nightmare," Jay lied as Carlos nodded and looked down at his knees and Jay sighed as he moved his hair back, putting it in a messy bun as he gulped down some spit in his mouth. "Actually you kinda had a panic attack, and I was trying to calm you down. You end up falling asleep in me, and I figured you was comfortable so I didn't move you back to your bed, besides I think Dude enjoyed the bed by himself." Jay joked as Carlos laughed and looked towards Dude who was still sleeping and Carlos stood up and looked around the room.

"What's today?" Carlos asked as Jay looked at his phone and he frowned as he turned off his phone.

"Friday," Jay replied in a sad voice as Carlos looked towards him with a confused look then Jay stood up as he smiled towards the blonde. "I figured you wanted to hang out with Aziz." Jay said as he grabbed his crutches and Carlos face paled as he looked down at the floor.

Carlos let out a nervous chuckle as Jay raised his eyebrow towards the blonde. "I wanted to hang out with you actually, you know like old times." Carlos said as he shrugged his shoulders and Jay smiled as he looked towards Carlos.

"I'm guessing we're bringing Dude?" Jay asked as Carlos gave him a knowing look and Jay stuck up his hands in surrender. "Hey!" JAy exclaimed with a chuckle. " I would go take a shower and I'll have your clothes on the bed when you get back." Jay said as Carlos raised his eyebrow towards Jay and nodded as he grabbed a towel and walked towards the door as he turned back to Jay, but stopped as he saw Jay making his way towards the closet, Carlos sighed as he walked out and Jay grumbled under his breathe.

He wouldn't have thought that using crutches would be so hard, he would think they was easy. Jay hated them, he wanted to be able to walk on his knee again, but he knew that it make his knee way worst and he didn't want to be off the team longer than he has too. Jay sighed as he opened Carlos' closet and grabbed a pair of white shorts, with black ends, and he grabbed Carlos a red muscle shirt and a random pair of boxers and tossed them towards the bed.

Jay sighed as he sat down in the chair and placed the crutches next to him. If Jay was going to be honest, his armpits was hurting and he hating standing on them whenever everyone could sit down so easily.

But it was worth breaking his knee, he felt like if it was Carlos he would never forgive himself. He would rather have his arm cut off then seeing Carlos' getting hurt. Which is why Jay thinks that he whipped for Carlos, and having Evie know isn't so easy, because she was teasing him about it and even told Mal about it, so it was awkward when your two best friends know who you like.

Jay heard the door click as he heard Carlos coming inside the room singing some random song and he heard Carlos getting dressed. Jay pulled out his phone and pretended to be texting someone, but he wasn't really. Evie was out with Doug, Mal, and Ben for some double date, so Jay would've been alone if Carlos was going to hang out with Aziz.

Even though he didn't want him too.

"Ready!" Carlos exclaimed as Jay smiled and stood up and saw Carlos had Dude in his arms, Jay smiled as he grabbed his jacket and tied it around his waist and they walked out, Jay listened to Carlos talk about the types of foods he wants to try before he dies, which Jay made a mental list.

Jay led Carlos to the candy shop and Carlos acted like a kid in the candy store. Carlos ran around the store as Jay held onto Dude and sat near the counter smiling toward the blonde. Carlos walked back with a brown bag full of candy and had some stuffed in his mouth, eating a chocolate bar and smiled towards Jay as he gave him the other half as Jay chuckled and ate the bar as he paid for Carlos' candy.

"I also got some things for you." Carlos stated as Jay smiled and they made their way towards a table outside of a cafe and sat down, Carlos let Dude run free as he gave some candy to Jay and Jay smiled at the blonde.

They began talking about something stupid but hearing Carlos laugh, was making it Jay wanted to keep talking about it, until he saw Carlos shriving form the cold. Jay frowned as he untied his jacket from his waist and handed towards Carlos.

"Here," Jay said as Carlos looked at him with wide eyes and Jay smiled. "Wear it, I can tell you're getting cold." Jay replied as Carlos chewed his bottom lip and shook his head.

"I can't, it's yours and I don't want you to get cold." Carlos admitted shyly as he looked down and Jay rolled his eyes with a smile crawling across his face.

"Please? I don't want you to freeze to death, I want you to be warm," Jay said as Carlos looked towards him and sighed as he nodded. Jay smiled wider as Carlos grabbed the coat and wrapped himself around inside it as he saw it made him have sweater paws.

"I already feel bad about this," Carlos grumbled as Jay grabbed a chocolate cup and shoved it inside Carlos mouth with a smile.

"Shut up and be happy," Jay commanded as Carlos smiled and ate the chocolate as Jay placed his hands on under his chin and looked towards the blonde. "Now tell me more about your crush with Tarzan." Jay said as Carlos blushed.

Which made Jay fall in love with Carlos even more. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Carlos?? Jay??? Carlos wanting to hang out with Jay?? Will Jay ever tell Carlos that he loves him?? And you thought that Jay forgot Carlos' crush!! Welps your thought wrongs!!! Anyways tell me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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