Chapter 21

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Carlos sat at the table, holding a cup of cocoa while Jay sat across from him. Jay had dark circles under his eyes, his brown eyes was bloodshot, while he stared at Carlos. The blonde was just sitting there, feeling numb as he held onto the drink that Evie brought him, while Jay licked his lips and saw Carlos shifted a little.

"How did I ended up in your bed?" Carlos asked as Jay raised his eyebrow and moved closer towards the table, messed with his hair.

"You had, uh, nightmares. And you told me that you didn't want to sleep alone," Jay replied as Carlos nodded and took a drink from the coco and Jay chewed his bottom lip staring at Carlos.

"Okay," Carlos said as he stood up and walked towards the closet as Jay raised his eyebrow and looked towards Jay.

"Okay?!" Jay hissed as Carlos stopped and gulped as he closed his eyes. He glanced back at Jay, with confusion written across his face.

"Yes, Jay. Okay, what's wrong with that?" Carlos asked as Jay eyes widened and jumped out from the chair.

"Everything is wrong with that!" He yelled, as Carlos flinched and turned towards the closet as Jay scoffed. "Do you know how hard it was to hold you through the night? How hard it was to see you cry, and not being able to kiss when I wanted too! Carlos, I hate this! Okay? I fuckign hate how you can just push me away like I meant nothing to you, I fucking love you Carlos de Vil! And seeing you push me away, it torturing me!" Jay yelled as Carlos gulped and shook his head.

"Jay, I," Carlos couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do. He was holding onto one of his shirts as he heard Jay choking on his words, and hearing him was breaking his heart.

"I don't know what to do," Carlos finally said as he turned towards Jay, who was crying and holding onto the table. "I don't know what to say or do about this! Okay, I'm sorry it's hard for me to Jay! I get that you're hurting, I get that you want us to be normal again, but it won't be normal again!" Carlos yelled as Jay licked his lips.

"Why can't it be?" The brunette asked as Carlos shrugged his shoulders and began to cry as he wrapped his arms around himself.

"Because I'm tired of being hurt," Carlos whispered as Jay saw Carlos fell to his knees, making the brunette rushed towards him and Carlos shook his head as he cried some more. "I'm so tired of that, I thought when we stayed here that we wouldn't be hurt again, but I was wrong. Why does these things keeps happening to us?" Carlos asked Jay as Jay sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know angel, but we can fight it, together. You know? Evie, Mal, you and I, fighting all the problems together like we always done. Just please don't face this alone, because we're all here." Jay whispered as Carlos looked towards him, with tears streamed down his face, and Jay gave him a weak smile.

Carlos jumped on Jay, and wrapped his around his neck as he began to cry in his chest. Jay wrapped his arms around him, still in shocked, and rocked them back and forth as he rubbed the blondes back. Jay closed his eyes and kept his arms wrapped around tightly Carlos, as Carlos cried in his chest and began to say 'sorry' over and over again. Jay choked back a sob as he kissed Carlos on the head.

The two boys began to cry together as they kept their arms wrapped around each other, not knowing what else to do. Jay was still angry that Carlos was only coming to him whenever he was upset, but he was in love with the boy and didn't know what to say. Carlos was upset that he allowed himself to pull away from Jay because of the past, but it was hard. He couldn't just let go of the past, because he thought that he was falling for Aziz, he thought Aziz liked him too but it wasn't like that. So thinking that everyone was only using him, made him pull away from Jay.

Jay finally stopped moving, and the two just opened their eyes and stared at the walls across from them. Their breathing was slowing down, but their grip never loosen or tighten anymore, they keep their bottom half of their face on the other, while their top half was above. Their heart began to beat fast as Jay closed his eyes and chuckled lightly in Carlos' shoulder. Carlos smiled hearing Jay laugh, and he pulled away, with his legs wrapped around Jay's waist, and stared at Jay, who was staring at him.

Carlos chewed his bottom lip as Jay smiled and pushed back the blondes curls. "I missed this," Jay whispered as Carlos nodded with a small smile.

"I missed you," Carlos replied as Jay smiled.

"I always missed you, even when we was next to each other. Carlos, I missed you and I still love you," Jay said as Carlos looked away, causing Jay to frown, and grabbed his chin and made Carlos to face him. "And I won't ever stop loving you." Jay said as Carlos frowned.

"How do know that's true?' Carlos asked as Jay smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whenever you wake up and decide that you don't love me." Jay replied as Carlos shook his head. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Jay??? Carlos??? Also I decieded that you guys needed some fluff, so here you go!!!!! What you thinks??? 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!

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