Chapter One

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(The first part of the story is like a flashback type thing from back before Asking Alexandria went to America.)

  Today is the day, the day I'm forced to say goodbye to everything I know and move to a completely different continent with my parents. They decided it would be okay to uproot me from my home in Austin, Texas and move me to York, England. I'm seventeen years old for goodness's sake, but since I'm still in high school they won't let me stay behind in Texas.
    "Jacey get in here!"
My parents screamed.
  I sighed and walked downstairs. They were sitting in the living room.
    "I want you to apologize to us. Your behavior earlier was simply uncalled for."
My father said.
    "I'm sorry."
I said, and then I turned on my heel and went to walk upstairs.
My mother warned.
  I signed and turned around.
    "Look, if you want me to say I'm okay with you uprooting me from my friends and the place I've lived my entire life, you are sadly mistaken. I'm not okay with it, and I never will be okay with it and as soon as I graduate high school, I'm moving back here to Austin. I'm about to be a senior and you are moving me so I can't graduate with my friends."
I said.
  My father sighed, rubbing his forehead.
    "Look, I'm sorry for yelling. Thats all I'm apologizing for. I'm not apologizing for any of the stuff I said, because it's exactly how I feel."
I said.
    "Whats Jacey, just say your goodbyes and start packing."
My father said.
  I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. I looked around my room at all of the pictures of me and my friends, the friends I will be leaving behind, the ones I had so many plans with this summer and after graduation. I grabbed my phone and pulled up a group message.
    'Hey guys, all meet at the skatepark. I have big news.'
  They all texted back, saying they would meet me in ten minutes. I grabbed my skateboard and slid on my vans. I picked my helmet up and walked downstairs, shoving it on my head.
    "I'm going to the skate park. I'll be back later. I'm not carrying my phone so don't bother to call. This will probably be the last day I'll see my friends for a while since we are leaving in two days."
I said.
  My parents didn't say anything and just watched as I walked out. I sat my skateboard down and begin my way to the skate park. Me and my boyfriend, Tyler, always met at the end of the road so that we could ride in together. I stopped and waited for him. He came around the curb a few seconds later on his skateboard.
    "So what was the big important thing you have to tell everyone that couldn't wait?"
He asked.
    "I'd rather just say it once."
I said.
  He nodded and tangled our fingers together. We then both rode in silence to the park. The rest of the gang was already there waiting on the big ramp where we always hang out and it's our known hangout spot. Me and Tyler climbed up and sat down.
    "So what's the big news?"
My friend, Riley, asked.
  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
    "I'm moving to England."
I said.
Tyler exclaimed.
    "Tyler look-"
    "No! Why didn't you fight to stay with us?! I though when we made that pact, that meant we were a family! What happened to that huh?! What happened to that Jacey?!"
He screamed at me.
    "Don't you think that if I could stay I would?! I tried! They threatened to send me to a military school! Then no one would ever see me!"
I screamed back.
    "You know what?! I'm done! If you don't want to fight for this family then I vote you out! Out of this group and out of our relationship!"
Tyler yelled, the veins in his necks popping out from his yelling in anger.
  My breathing caught in my throat and tears filled my eyes.
    "If that's how you feel about it, I'll just leave then."
I said, quietly.
  I climbed down from the ramp and put on my helmet and put my skateboard on the ground. I then took off back towards my house that now had a for sale sign in the front yard. They had took it a lot worse than I thought they would, especially Tyler. I made it back to my house and by this time, tears had managed to make their way down my face, most likely streaking my face with mascara. I walked upstairs, ignoring my parent's calls of my name. I grabbed my phone and delete everything with Tyler and the rest if the gang related off my phone. Numbers, pictures, everything. I can't handle the memories. I then took down all the pictures from my walls and put them in my old vans shoebox. I then started packing all of my clothes into the plastic containers while humming 'Beautiful Soul' by Jesse McCartney. I left out enough for the next two days and had a small backpack for the stuff that would be dirty. I then got the other plastic containers my mother had put in my room and started packing the rest of my stuff. There was a gentle knock on my door. I sighed and walked over to open it, wiping another set of tears from my cheeks. It was my mother.
    "Hey, I saw you come in crying. It didn't go over well did it?"
She asked.
    "No, it didn't. My friends hate me, and I no longer have a boyfriend and it's all because of you!"
I snapped, closing and locking the door.
  I sighed and walked to my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and packed my curling iron and other stuff I wouldn't need in the next two days. Once I was finished, I walked back into my bedroom and flopped backwards on my bed, looking around at my now bare room. I'm really going to miss this place. The people, the food, and most of all my old friends. Before I knew it I had cried myself to sleep.
*two days later*

  Today is the day, I'm leaving Texas. Today is the day we leave. All of our stuff had been shipped previously so it would be in our house when we got there. I sighed and walked downstairs, pushing my hair out of my face. I then pulled it into a messy bun on the top of my head. My parents gave me a sympathic smile. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag, skateboard, and helmet. I then walked out to our car. They were getting the neighbors to sell it and send the money to us in England. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I'm scared that no one is going to like the quiet skateboard freak that has no friends. I don't really have anything to look forward to anymore. I was looking forward to having senior year with my boyfriend and my best friends and then after we graduate going to California and getting apartments and start our lives. I sighed and stared out the window, pushing my headphones in my ears and playing random songs. I looked as we pulled into the airport. My eyes filled with tears once again. I don't want to leave. We have three different flights. One from Dallas to Jackson, Mississippi,  one from New York,  and then one from New York to London, England. I'm probably going to sleep two days when we get to England. We got out and I slung my backpack onto my shoulder and grabbed my skateboard and helmet. I walked a few steps behind my parents, and listened to music. They were talking about something, but I wasn't paying attention at this point. I handed my passport to the lady at the front desk and she stamped Jackson, Mississippi on one of the pages. I followed behind my parents now with just one headphone in my ear. Soon enough our flight was called and we walked to the airplane. I sat down and put my other headphone in and sat back and watched as the ground below us got smaller and smaller. I soon fell asleep.

A.N. picture is what I picture Jacey looking like

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