Chapter Five

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(Still in flashback thing)

*two weeks later*


  Its been two weeks since Jacey was put in the hospital and she is awake and she has forgiven everyone for not telling her. I still feel bad about not telling her the day it happened, but I didn't want to ruin her day. She got out of the hospital yesterday and went back to school today so she only missed a few days because she had to get her strength back. I still feel terrible for the entire thing, but she has forgiven everyone for not telling her and has gotten in touch with his family and friends. They have been talking back and forth. She found out that her friend, Riley, was expecting his baby and that they wanted to ask her to be the godmother, but they didn't have anyway to get ahold of her because she changed her number.
    "Earth to Ben."
  I snapped out of my thoughts.
    "What did I miss?"
I asked.
    "I asked if you wanted some pizza since I'm ordering, mate."
Danny said.
    "Yeah, that sounds fine."
I said.

  I sighed as the final bell rang for me to go home. I packed my things into my backpack and walked out of the classroom. I gasped when I was pushed into the lockers from behind. I turned and a blonde haired girl was smirking at me.
    "I heard you were dating Ben Bruce, is that true?"
She asked, her hand propped on her hip.
    "No, he is my best friend. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get home before it starts raining."
I said, pushing past her.
  She rolled her eyes and scoffed. I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the building. Ben was waiting for me, leaning against his car. He smiled when he saw me and threw away his cigeratte. He hugged me once I was close enough to him.
    "Hello love, did you have a good day at school?"
He asked.
    "It was okay."
I said, shrugging.
    "Oh, me and the boys have something to tell you at practice today."
He said, his eyes dancing with excitement.
    "What is it?"
I asked as I put my backpack in the backseat that also held Ben's guitar.
    "If I told you it would be a surprise now would it?"
He said.
  I giggled and shook my head.
    "You're impossible sometimes."
I said.
  He laughed.
    "Get in so we can get to Cam's before I am late."
He said.
  I laughed and climbed into the passenger seat. I smiled when I noticed that he was listening to my current favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold. We rode to Cam's house, jamming out to the music pouring through Ben's radio. We got out and Ben grabbed his guitar from the backseat and we walked inside. The guys were already in Cam's basement setting up for practice. As soon as Danny noticed that Ben had came in, he ran over and threw his arms around Ben.
    "My Benny boy is here!"
He said.
  I laughed and covered my face with my sweater paws. They all chuckled at my reaction to Ben and Danny's moment. They soon went back to setting up. Then Danny cleared his throat and looked at Ben.
    "Mate, it's your place to tell her."
He said.
    "Tell me what?"
I asked.
    "Tell you that we got a record deal! Its finally coming true!"
Ben said, throwing his arms around my waist and picking me up and spinning me around.
  I squealed and hugged him.
    "Thats amazing you guys!"
I said.
    "There's only one problem."
He said, putting me down on my feet.
  My heart dropped.
    "What is it?"
I asked, quietly.
    "We have to move to America."
Ben said, looking down and biting his liprings.
  My eyes filled with tears. I was happy for them, but I knew if they left there was a chance that they would forget about me.
    "How long until you leave?"
I asked, my voice hoarse.
    "We have a week."
Ben said.
    "Will you guys be back to visit?"
I asked, my voice weak.
    "We'll be back whenever we can love. Tour life is a mess and is crazy."
Ben said, his arms hugging me tighter.
  A tear fell down my cheek. Ben wiped it away with his thumb.
    "Please don't cry. I know things are going to be different, but I promise I will talk to you as much as I can."
He said.
  The other boys hugged me tightly as tears rushed down my cheeks. I couldn't help put cry. They were the only friends that I had around here. I really needed them around. I sighed and pulled away from them, wiping the tears from my cheeks, mascara and eyeliner coming with it. Ben chuckled.
    "Come on Jacey, let's go get you cleaned up."
He said.
  He lead me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter top. He got a washcloth and ran it under the warm water and then came over and gentley began to wipe at my face. Once he was finished, he helped me off of the counter and we walked back towards the basement. He stopped me before I walked down the stairs.
    "Look, I'm sorry I'm just leaving you like this Jacey. Just this has been a dream of mine as far back as I can remember and it's finally coming true."
He said, brushing his hair out of his face.
    "Hey, I'll be okay. Just see to promise that you will keep in touch and that you will come to my high school graduation in June."
I said.
  He smiled.
    "Of course. I wouldn't miss my best friend's high school graduation. I'm sure me and the guys will keep in touch as much as we can with recording and touring."
He said.
  I ruffled his hair and he chuckled.
    "Just don't get in trouble."
I told him.
    "I make no promise."
He said.
  I laughed and pushed his shoulder.
    "Go get to your band practice you goof."
I said.
  He laughed and we walked downstairs.


*one week later*

  Today is the day that the boys are leaving for the airport. I am riding to the airport with Ben, his mom, and his younger sister, Bex to say goodbye. Danny's parents had given the boys money to pay for a r.v. when they get to America so that they have somewhere to stay and what not. I rolled out of bed and got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of Ben's hoodies which I had stolen from him at a band practice. He let me keep it due to him leaving this week. He wanted me to have a little of something to remember him back. I pulled on my converse and walked outside. Ben was putting suitcases into the back of his mom's car. He looked up when he saw me from the corner of his eye. He wrapped his arms around me.
    "I'm going to miss you so much."
He whispered into my hair.
    "I'm going to miss you as well."
I whispered, closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.
    "I'll be back to visit before you know it."
He said, pulling away.
    "Don't forget to call me and tell me how everything is going."
I said, putting my hands into the hoodie pockets.
  He smiled and nodded.
    "I will. I just need you to focuse on staying strong for me."
He said.
    "I will."
I said.
    "Ben, you got everything packed?"
Ben's mom asked walking outside.
    "Yes ma'am, everything is set and ready to go to the airport."
He said, closing the truck.
  She hugged him.
    "I'm so proud of you."
She said.
  He smiled.
    "Thanks mom."
He said.
  We then all piled into the car and she drove to the airport. I helped Ben with his stuff. I ended up with his guitar and a backpack full of clothes. We walked inside, and I shivered. Ben chuckled.
    "Cold love?"
He asked.
    "A bit."
I said.
    "Well, you should have put on more clothes."
He said.
  I stuck my tongue out at him. He shook his head and laughed. We met up with the others at the coffee shop and Ben bought me and hot chocolate against my wishes. Then the final boarding call for Ben's flight was called. We walked the boys to their turmoil and Ben hugged me.
    "Please be strong. If you ever need anything, even if it is to talk and it is three a.m. in America don't hesitate to call me."
He said.
  I pulled away and nodded. He had a few light tears running down his face.
    "Take care of yourself Ben. Please for me."
I said, wiping away at some of his tears.
  He nodded and pressed a kiss to my forehead before walking to his plane. As soon as he was gone, I felt alone. In fact, I felt extremely lonely without the boys around me as I walked to the car with my mom, the boys parents, and Bex. I sighed and looked out of the window as their plane took off into the air. I could only imagine some of the things the boys will be facing when they get to America.

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