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*One year and two months later*
  It is Caleb's first Christmas. We had decided to have Christmas at our house because we had just moved to a four bedroom house. Caleb came running into mine and Ben's bedroom. He giggled and climbed onto the bed. He immediately started jumping.
    "Mommy, daddy!"
He cheered in his baby voice.
  He was very advanced for his age. Ben groaned and dug his face into the pillow. I nudged Ben.
    "Come on Ben. Its Christmas."
I said, pecking his cheek.
  I rolled out of bed and pulled on my UGGs. Ben sighed and rolled out as well. He pulled on a goodie and zipped it. Typical Ben, gym shorts and a hoodie. Ben picked Caleb up and balanced him on his shoulders and took off downstairs. I giggled and shook my head at Ben's childishness. I walked downstairs and joined the rest of them in the living room. Ben went and got something from under the Christmas tree.
    "Okay before we start, there is something I want to do."
  He took and deep breath and dropped down to one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth.
    "Jacey Teagan McCardy, you have been my best friend since we were teenagers. We have been in love for longer than I can remember and you have given me a beautiful baby boy and a future that I am looking forward to. So will you do me the honors of becoming my Mrs. Jacey Bruce?"
He asked, a huge smile on his face.
  I immediately nodded. I couldn't find the words to say. He stood up. He took the ring from the box with shaky hands. He laughed when he almost dropped it, he then took off my promise ring and replaced it with the engagement ring. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. He smiled and kissed back until I couldn't breath. I pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine.
    "I love you my love."
He says.
    "I love you to."
I say with a huge grin on my face.
  We then go back to opening presents.
*six months later*
  I took a deep breath as I fixed my hair and makeup in the mirror. Jay turned me to face her. Me and Ben had hired her to be our wedding photographer.
    "Jacey, quit freaking out. You look amazing and Ben will love it."
She says.
  There was a knock on the door. Matty peeked his head in.
    "Its time."
He says.
  I slip my heels on and loop my arm through Matty's. The music started. My bridesmaids went with their dates and then it was my turn. Ben grinned when he saw me. We soon got to the end and Matty connected our hands together. The preacher started. Me and Ben were too busy staring into each others eyes to pay much attention to what the beginning was. Then the ring barrier, Ben's cousin, came. We took the rings.
    "Do you Benjamin Paul Bruce take Jacey Teagan McCardy to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health?"
The preacher said.
  Ben slid the ring on my finger.
    "I do."
He said, his voice choked up.
    "Do you Jacey Teagan McCardy take Benjamin Paul Bruce to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health?"
The preacher said.
    "I do."
I choked out, sliding the ring on Ben's finger.
    "You may now kiss the bride."
He said.
  Ben lifted the veil from in front of my face and tilted my face up to meet his. He then leaned down and gave me a sweet and gentle kiss. I smiled and pulled away.
    "I give to you Mr. And Mrs. Bruce."
The preacher said.
*four years later*
"What does it say?"
Ben asked as I turned the test over in my hand nervously.
  I grinned and showed it to him. It was positive. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
*eight months later*
    "Welcome to this world McKinley Rose Bruce."
Ben said, gently taking his newborn baby girl into his arms.
    "Let me see!"
Caleb yelled, running in from the doorway Danny not far behind.
  Ben moved a little so that we could all fit in the hospital bed. Danny came and sat in the chair beside the bed.
    "Who would have thought it, Ben Bruce a father."
He said, with a smirk.

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