Chapter Ninteen

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*one month later*
  We are on the tour and we are in California right now and girls are literally throwing themselves at the boys at this meet-n-greet. Ben is currently not paying any attention to me, he is flirting with some blonde with perfect skin and a lip piercing like he used to have. This tour the meet-n-greet is before the show, and then they perform afterwards. I got tired of watching Ben stare at her boobs so I went back to the bus to wait until the show started. I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and my Motley Crue hoodie that Ben's mom gave me. I sighed and walked to the bathroom to check my hair and makeup. It was still decent so I didn't worry about it. I looked at the clock and we still had about forty-five minutes before the show started. I sighed and grabbed my phone from my bunk. I went on instagram and I noticed that I had a direct message. I clicked on it and it was from Denis. I opened it and my heart dropped. It was a picture of Ben and the girl kissing. Ben had her pushed against the side of the trailer and her legs were around his waist. Tears immediately filled my eyes and rushed down my face. I couldn't believe him after everything that I sacrificed for him. I threw my phone across the couch and curled up into a small ball. The door opened and I looked up. Ben and the girl came through the door. I stood up and slapped his across the face.
    "I hope you can find a new photographer Benjamin because I quit! Oh and here's your stupid promise ring! Your promises are shit!"
I screamed.
  With that I ran out of the bus. I walked backstage where the guys were still doing the meet-n-greet. I pulled my sleeves down over my hands and wrapped my arms around myself. The boys immediately rushed over to me when they saw my state. Denis wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his chest.
    "Why would he do this to me?"
I cried.
  He gently rubbed my back.
    "I don't know, Jacey. I don't know."
He says.
    "Can one of you guys go and get my things? I'm not going back in there where those two are. I don't even want to know what they are doing. I'd rather not even know."
I say.
  They look confused.
    "What do you mean?"
James asked.
    "I can't be you guy's photographer anymore. I can't look him in the face anymore, not after today."
I said, biting my lip and sniffling.
  Denis put his hands on my shoulders.
    "Jacey, please don't do this."
He pleaded.
    "Please guys, don't and make this any harder on me than this has to be. This is already going to be hard."
I say, looking down too my shoes.
  Denis looked at me confused.
    "What do you mean?"
He asked.
    "If Ben wouldn't have screwed up, he would have had a family."
I said, quietly.
  All the guys got quiet and their eyes got big.
    "You're pregnant?!"
Denis exclaimed, quietly.
    "Yeah, I don't understand it myself, but it is what it is. I'm going back to mine and Ben's apartment and getting my stuff and then I'm going to find a place of my own. I'll keep you all updated though. Maybe you can come visit you know. Oh and one more thing, please don't say anything to him. I don't want him to know."
I say, kicking the ground awkwardly.
  They all nodded. Then Denis ran back to the bus and explained what was going on to the stage manager and what not and he understood and let me go. He then grabbed all of my things. He came back and handed them too me.
    "Thank God, they were passed out when I came through."
He muttered.
  I stuttered and groaned. I called a cab and then hugged all of the guys.
    "You all keep in touch, and I'll send you my address when I get moved in so don't be a stranger."
I say.
  I put all of my bags into the boot (trunk) and then climbed into the back seat. I told them where to go and paid them. I went to Ben's apartment and got all of my things. I found a small two bedroom apartment in L.A. and I drove the car I'm currently making payments on to the apartment. It was already furnished and the rent was only five housand a month because it had a hole in a wall and the paint was scratched. I made it there and told them my name and they gave me the key. I went upstairs with all of my things and started unpacking. I finally finished and sat down on the couch. I pulled my hoodie up. I gently held my two month baby bump.
    "Don't worry baby, we'll make it through this. Mommy is going to take care of you. Tomorrow she is going to look for a job and we are going to be okay."
I said, quietly.
  I sniffled, quietly. My baby was never going to know it's father all because he couldn't keep it in his pants. I had refused to do anything with him since I found out because I was worried he would see the bump. I hummed 'Run Free' quietly to myself. I then pulled out my phone and shot Denis the address to my new apartment.
    'Denis:  okay, I'll see if I can stop by and check on you before we leave California. You get settled in okay?'
    'Me:  Yeah, it's decent. Its a two bedroom. I'm going to go tomorrow and look for a job. If I'm going to do this, I have to have the money to support it.'
    'Denis:  Yeah, if you need anything we are here for you. Just call or text us and we will be there as soon as we can and we won't say anything to him if you don't want us to. He really doesn't deserve you or that little miracle inside of you.'
    'Me:  You guys are being so helpful. It means so much. Has he even noticed I'm gone?'
    'Denis:  Yeah, he realizes his mistake and is clutched to his phone looking at pictures of you, and bawling. We had to cancel the show tonight because he is drunk off his face, and can't stand up. I honestly don't know how he is awake still.'
    'Me:  Did I do the right thing?'
    'Denis:  Yes Jacey, you were thinking about you and that tiny human inside of you. If you wouldn't have left he could have just caused more pain when you told him. I mean face it, I don't think he's ready.'
    'Me:  I don't either, but this is real. I wasn't ready, but I have to be now.'
    'Denis:  Just be strong Jacey. If you ever need to talk, you can call me at any time and I'll answer.'
    'Me:  Thank you Denis, I really appreciate all of this. You have no idea. I think I'm going to go ahead and get some rest.'
    'Denis:  Okay, if you need anything call me I mean it.'
    'Me:  I will. I promise.'
  I sighed and went up to the bedroom I would be sleeping in. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt. I changed and pulled my hair into a messy pony tail. I laid down, and immediately missed the feeling of my love's arms around me. I finally managed to get some sleep.

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