Chapter Sixteen

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*four days later*
  We are on the way to my moms house and tonight is Ben's surprise birthday party so I have the boys of Asking Alexandria taking him out to keep him away from the house a while. I told them not to let him drink though because I didn't want him to be drunk at his party tonight because my little sister would be there. I had gotten in touch with a lot of his friend from high school and invited them and some of his family he hadn't seen in a while. I had even invited some of his band friends that were still in the UK from touring and such. I just hope that everything goes well. That's all that I can hope for. Me, mom, and Ben's mom began setting up the banner that said, 'happy birthday Ben!' and setting out the food. We had made more of Ben's favorite food than I was able to make on the bus the other day. Ben's mom had made the most of it while we made the drive in. She knew that I would help, but I wasn't going to be able to do much. I checked the time.
    "I have to go pick up Ben's present."
I said.
  I had gotten him a necklace with the band's symbol engraved in it and his name and the date that the band was officially made. I also got him a new Skid Row hoodie since I stole his and a his black Beanie since his managed to lose his. I had all of that wrapped already except for the one that I had to go pick up. I drove to the jewelry store and walked inside. I walked to the counter.
    "May I help you?"
The man behind the counter asked.
    "Yes, I have a pick-up for Jacey McCardy."
I said.
    "Of course."
He said.
  He walked back to the back and a few minutes later came back with a little jewelry box. I opened it and looked at it. It looked really good. I paid for it and I walked back to my car. I put it in the little gift bag that I bought for it and stuffed it with tissue paper. I got back and helped them set up and everybody was starting to get there. Andy came in carrying a gift bag. He gave me a smile. I smiled back.
    "I'm surprised he hasn't found out about this yet."
Andy said, chuckling.
    "He doesn't have a clue. I sent him out with the guys earlier so we could get everything set up and what not and I talked to everybody while he was onstage and while I was on the bus with you guys. Besides, me and Bex have had this thing planned forever."
I say.
    "See, like if I tried to plan something like this for someone I would end up accident my telling them."
He said.
  I giggled.
    "Yeah, it can be difficult not to mention anything about it around them. You eventually come up with code words and stuff. Its pretty funny when you use the code words around someone and they have no idea what you are talking about and they look at you like you are crazy. Like, we couldn't tell James until today because when he gets drunk he will tell you anything and everything if you ask him."
I say.
  Andy chuckles.
    "Yeah, that's how it used to be with CC. We would have to wait for a while to tell him when the cd was going to be released because he would blurt it in the interviews and ruin the surprise."
Andy said.
  I glanced at the clock. It was just after four. The guys would be back at five.
    "I need to run upstairs and change. I'll be down in a few."
I say.
  Andy nods and leans against the counter and I race upstairs. I go to the room that me and Ben will be sharing. I go to my suitcase and pull out a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, a white tank with a gold zipper down the front, a brown leather jacket, and brown suede boots with lace cutouts on each sides. I got changed and went to my bathroom and added light makeup to my face. I added a dream catcher necklace around my neck and then straightened my hair and then curled it with my curling wand. I then walked downstairs. I could hear the car pull up the drive.
    "Here they come, get into places!"
I say.
  We scramble to our places and Andy flips off the light. Ben comes in first and Andy flips off the light.
Everybody shouts.
  Ben grins and hugs me and kisses me softly.
    "Thanks you guys. You are all honestly amazing."
He says.
  We just got done eating and it was time for presents. I was going to give my presents to Ben last. Andy was first to hand Ben a gift. Ben opened it and it was some of Ben's favorite bands albums and some new custom guitar picks because Ben is always losing them.
    "Thanks mate, I always lose guitar picks, and I've been dying for these albums as well."
He says.
  Andy chuckles.
    "Yeah, Jacey said you would like it. I figured that you could always need guitar picks because they are really easy to lose. Jinxx and Jake are always loosing them."
He said.
  Ben nodded.
    "They are really easy to lose."
He says.
  He opened the rest of his presents and finally it's my turn. I hand him the hoodie and Beanie first. He opens it and smiles.
    "I'm glad I decided against buying the same hoodie today. Oh and the Beanie is a great idea because it's about to turn really cold and I lost mine somewhere in California."
He said, chuckling.
  I giggled. He went to get up and throw away the paper wrapping and such.
    "Wait! There's one more."
I say.
  I go and get the bag holding the necklace. I hand it to him. He opened it and he lifts the lid on the box. He grins.
    "This must have coated a fortune."
He said.
    "I'm not saying."
I say.
  He clips it on and it rests above his heart. After that, we help him clean up and then we all joke around and laugh. Alexa comes running through the house and hugs my legs.
    "And where have you been?"
I ask.
    "With daddy at work. He let me come today."
He says.
  I giggle. Then Ben comes back with a coke in his hand. He crouches down.
    "And who is this little cutie?"
He asked.
  She shys away and hides behind my legs.
    "Alexa this is my boyfriend, Ben. Ben, this is my little sister Alexa. Alexa do you think you can come out and say hello and maybe we can go and get you some cake."
I say.
  She peeks out and says hello. Ben smiles and holds his arms out. She walked over and hugged him, still kind of unsure. We then walked to the dining room and Ben cut her a piece of cake. She sat down and ate it. Denis came back in from outside rubbing his arms.
    "Its getting cooler outside."
He says.
    "Yeah, it's October in England."
Ben says.
  Denis rolls his eyes. I giggle. Bex comes bouncing into the room and starts cleaning up the food dishes that are already empty and such. A couple of hours after joking around and talking everyone started to leave. Me, mom, Ben's mom, and Bex cleaned the kitchen. Ben came and wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped and he chuckled slightly.
He says.
  He then yawns. I poke his nose. He glares at me and I giggle. We were finally done cleaning up. I chuckled when I saw Alexa asleep on top of the dining room table. Ben carefully picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. We passed Matty's office on the way through. He waved as we walked pass. I waved. We then walked upstairs after we tucked in Alexa. We changed into pajamas me in the bathroom of course and then climbed into bed. I snuggled into Ben.
    "Thank you for tonight love."
Ben whispered.
    "Ben, it was for your birthday. Me, your mom, and Bex wanted to do something bigger than the little get together we had while you were on tour."
I say.
  He smiles.
    "It was really sweet of you."
He says.
    "I know. Now I expect something sweet for my birthday in return."
I say.
  He chuckles.
    "You will."
He say.
    "I love you."
He says with a yawn.
    "I love you too."
I whispered back.
    "Good night."
He said.
    "Good night."
I whispered back.
  I then fell asleep listening to the sound of his beating heart and slow breathing.

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