Chapter Two

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(Still in flashback thing)

  I woke the next morning to my alarm going off on my phone. I sighed and sat up to turn it off. I then plugged my phone in and went to my closet to find some clothes. I pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a gray crop top with a Batman symbol on it. I grabbed a new bra and walked to my bathroom. I quickly changed and walked back out. I went back to my closet and scanned my shoes, I finally decided on my black combat boots. I grabbed a pair of ankle socks and put them on before slipping on the boots. I walked to my bathroom and took my hair out of it braid and brushed it out and plugged in the Straightener. While it heated I did my makeup:  foundation, eyeliner, a bit of blush, mascara, and chapstick. Once the Straightener was heated, I straightened all the waves from my hair due to the braid it had been in over night. There was a light knock on my door. I unplugged the straightner and went to open the door. My mom peeked her head in.
    "Where are you headed off to today?"
She asked.
    "Well, Ben asked me to go to his band practice yesterday and I told him that I would."
I said.
  She sighed.
    "You best be glad your father is already gone so that he can't say anything."
She said.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "I still would have went. I told him that I would go, and I don't back out of something after I say that I am going to do it."
I said.
    "Jacey, I just don't want you to end up with the wrong crowd. We just want what is best for you."
She said.
    "Mom, trying to force me to do something I don't want is just going to make things harder on yourself. I mean face it, me a lawyer? I don't think so. I have to do something dealing with my passions."
I said.
  She rolled her eyes.
    "I'll have a talk with your dad, but I can't guarantee anything. Don't get your hopes up."
She said.
  I smiled.
    "Thanks mom."
I said.
  She gave me a smile and then looked at her watch.
    "Its almost one. If you are going to band practice with Ben you best be on your way downstairs. I'm sure he's waiting for you."
She said.
I said.
  I then walked downstairs, grabbing my phone and messenger bag as I left my room. When I got outside, I noticed Ben leaning against the side of a car. He smiled when he saw me and adjusted the snap back on his head.
    "Good morning love. You sleep well?"
He asked as he opened the door for me.
  I climbed in and buckled up.
    "I slept pretty well. I guess I'm not quite used to the time zone changes yet, but I'm sure it won't take me long. I have the entire summer."
I said.
  Ben chuckled.
    "Yeah, hopefully you'll be settled in before you have to start school in September. Its awful."
He said as he turned opposite of town.
    "Its awful starting school period."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "True. Did your dad give you any trouble this morning?"
He asked.
    "He wasn't even home when I woke up. I guess he left earlier this morning looking for a job. Mom is supposed to be talking to him about the lawyer thing because to be honest, I don't see me as a lawyer."
I said.
  He shook his head.
    "I don't either. You're not the lawyer type."
He said.
  I giggled and looked out the window. We were pulling into a fairly decent sized house.
    "And this is Danny's house. Well, his parents house. He's seventeen going on eighteen."
He said.
    "Oh. They are okay with Danny having band practice without them home?"
I questioned.
    "He doesn't really care what his parents say and they don't really care what he does really. They just try to stay out of each others way."
Ben said, shrugging.
  Ben got out and then came around and opened my door and helped me out. I blushed and closed it. He went and knocked on the door.
    "Danny, open up! Its Ben."
Ben said, through the door.
  A few minutes later a guy with black hair and a black tank top and skinny jeans came to the door. I saw a couple of bright colored tattoos on his arm.
    "Ben! Ooo and who is this lovely lady you have with you?"
He said, winking at me.
  I blushed and looked down at my shoes. He chuckled.
    "Hey love, I'm Danny, Benny boy's friend."
He said.
I said, quietly.
  He chuckled, slightly. He then let just in. When we walked inside, Danny lead us down to the basement. In there, there were three guitars, a set of drums, and some sort of keyboards. I looked around amazed. Ben went and picked up a black guitar and started messing around with it. He winced slightly when the smallest string broke and cut his hand.
He exclaimed.
Danny asked.
    "I broke my guitar string trying to retune it."
Ben muttered.
    "I have some extras in my bedroom. I'll be right back."
He said, jogging up the stairs.
  A few minutes later, he came back with a pack of strings in his hands. He threw them to Ben who immediately went to work on his guitar. I looked up as loud voices traveled down the staircase. Then I saw three boys with facial piercings and the same haircut as Danny and Ben come in. The all came to a stop when they saw me and their jaws dropped. Ben then stood up and threw an arm around my shoulders.
    "Sam, Cameron, and James this is my new neighbor Jacey. She is going be here for a lot of the band practices from now on."
He said.
    "Where are you from?"
The one Ben had pointed out to be Sam asked.
    "Austin, Texas."
I said.
    "What made your parents want to move to England?"
He asked.
  I shrugged.
    "I don't know. It was my dad. He said I was hanging out with the wrong people. Now the only people I have to talk to are Ben, my parents, and his mom."
I said, looking down.
    "Don't worry love. You have us now, and you can talk to us whenever you want."
The James guy said.
  I smiled.
    "Thanks guys."
I said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
  I heard Danny let out a gasp. I saw him looking at the scars on my arm. I put my arm down and tucked it close to me and bit down on my bottom lip. Ben cleared his throat.
    "How about we get the band practice started?"
He suggested.
Danny said, snapping out of his thoughts.
  The soon went to their positions.
    "You said you'd cried a thousand times.But I don't believe a word of it. You loved it when my heart stopped, so you start to listen. Just stop and listen! Don't test my words! Just believe! I did believe! Just believe! I did believe! Who am I to say? Fall Amy, fly, You can't lie your way out of this one. Fall Amy, fly, You can't lie your way out of this one. Put faith aside! We have no way of knowing how short our tie is! Before the Devil knows your dead, there will be blood,
There will be blood! Now you know just how I feel! Fall Amy, fly, You can't lie your way out of this one. Fall Amy, fly, You can't lie your way out of this one. (Oh baby, just maybe you're not the one) (Oh baby, just maybe you're not the one) The fall, will destroy at the end of it all. And after it all, the hopes of the sinners will lose hope and break for me!Oh baby, just maybe you're not the one! You never were! It was all sympathy and simple words of nothingness, nothingness! This is where you die! This is where you die!"
Danny sang and well scream into the microphone.
  I was honestly surprised. I found myself actually liking the music and moving along to it as well. By the end, I was smiling. Ben came over and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge.
    "So what do you think?"
He asked, taking a sip from the bottled water.
    "I like it."
I said, smiling.
  He grinned.
    "I thought you would. Wanna hear another song?"
He asked.
  I nodded, excited. He chuckled and they went back to their spots. Then they started.
    "Oh my God. Oh my God. If only he knew, If only he knew, If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies, We could've saved him. They could've saved me. But instead I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind, And I'll be damned if you're the death of me. Blood and ink stain the walls. Silently with bloodied knuckles, I carry on Hoping it's not too wrong.
You said the nights were far too long.
'Honey, it's just the start of it.' Oh my God. If only he knew. Oh my God. If only he knew. If only he knew! If only he knew. Just stand up and scream. The tainted clock is counting down (Faster and fast!) You gave in to me. Would you say the nights are far too long now? (Faster, and faster and fast!) (My God!) Oh my God! Oh my fucking God! The tears that stain my cheek make me look weak! I wear them proudly! I wear them proud Just stand up and scream. The tainted clock is counting down. (Faster and fast!) You gave in to me. Would you say the nights are far too long now (Faster, and faster and fast!) Your knife, My back! My gun, Your head! Your knife, My back! My gun, Your head! You need a doctor baby, You scared? You need a doctor baby, You scared? You need a doctor baby, You scared? You need a doctor baby, You scared? Yeah! You need a doctor baby, You scared? You need a doctor baby, You scared? You need a doctor baby You need a doctor baby! You scared?"
Danny sang into the microphone again.
  I smiled. They were really good and I knew they were going to go really far in America. They practiced a few more songs and then we just chilled and watched tv and ate snacks the rest of the day. I was almost asleep when Ben gently shook me awake.
    "Come on love, we are heading home now."
He said.
  We walked out to his car and I climbed in buckling up. The ride to our houses was quiet. He pulled to a stop in front of my driveway.
    "Well, I'll see you later Jacey. I hope you had fun with us today."
He said.
  I smiled.
    "I did. Thanks Ben. I appreciate it."
I said.
    "No problem love."
He said, smiling.
  I then walked up my driveway and headed into my house. I stopped and waved at Ben. Ben smiled and waved back. I walked inside. My dad was sitting at the counter when I came in.
    "And why are you coming in so late?"
He questioned.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "I was with Ben before you have a fit, mom said I could go."
I said.
    "I don't care what your mom said. First off, I come home and she tells me that you don't want to be a lawyer. Then this. What am I going to have to do with you Jacey? I'm trying everything to keep you from ending up messing up."
He said.
    "Dad, I don't want to be a lawyer. I want to do something that involves one of my passions. I don't want to be some stupid lawyer that argues for people they can do that for themselves. I want to be a studio producer or a photographer. I want to be something that I won't wake up and hate to do everyday."
I said.
  His eyes narrowed.
    "Who is putting all of this in your head? You've always wanted to be a lawyer."
He said.
    "No dad. You've always wanted me to be a lawyer. I've never wanted to be a lawyer. I've always wanted to be something more. I wanted to prove myself to other differently."
I said.
  He rolled my eyes.
    "As long as I'm alive you are NOT going to be going to school to be some stupid photographer or music producer."
He said.
    "Once I'm eighteen you can't stop me. I have enough money from my job I had in Texas to afford an apartment until I can find a job and then I can go to collage to be whatever I want to be."
I said.
  His eyes darkened.
    "You heard me Jacey Teagen McCardy!"
He yelled.
    "You are so controlling! Every since Tony died you have tried to control me! I think you liked him better because he would do whatever you wanted him to do!"
I screamed.
  I then ran to my bedroom. I closed my door and locked the door. I changed into a tank top and a pair of leggings and climbed into my bed and turned out my bedside lamp. I cried myself to sleep.

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