Chapter Fourteen

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  I woke the next morning to the guys beating and banging around in the living room area. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I rubbed at my eyes as I walked into the room.
    "What are you doing?"
I questioned.
  Andy and Jinxx were on the floor wrestling over a jar of Skippy's peanut butter. Andy and Jinxx stood and Andy cleared his throat.
    "Well, you see Jinxx here stole my Skippys."
He said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
    "Oh my gosh, you guys are children."
I muttered as I walked back to my suitcase.
  I pulled out a shirt that read, 'School sucks, start a band' across it, and a pair of black cut-offs. I went to the bathroom and quickly changed. I then pulled on my converse. I then pulled my hair into a high ponytail and straightened out the waves. I then added my normal makeup to my face. I then added an Asking Alexandria rubber bracelet to my wrist. I walked back out and Andy was sitting on the couch with a jar of Skippys in his hand a spoon. Jinxx was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I laughed and shook my head.
    "You fought over the jar of peanut butter and then let him make a sandwich with the peanut butter? You guys don't make any sense to me. None at all. Anyways, if you need anything I'll be on the Asking Alexandria bus."
I say grabbing my skateboard.
  Andy gives me a thumbs up with a mouth full of peanut butter and Jinxx nodds. I rolled my eyes and walk out the door. I throw down my skateboard and make my way to the bus, I actually manage to get there without falling over someone this time. I knock on the door and a few minutes later, James comes to open it wearing nothing but sweats.
    "Ahh, classic James never wearing a shirt."
I say, smirking.
  He laughs.
    "Well, in case you haven't noticed it's hot out."
He says as we walk inside.
  As soon as I'm fully inside I'm attacked by Bex in a bear hug. I laugh and hug her back.
    "Its so so so good to see you!"
She exclaims.
   "I know, it's good to see you as well."
I say.
  Then Ben comes stumbling out in his normal basketball shorts and a hoodie combo pajamas. I laugh and shake my head. He walks over and wraps his arms around my waist. He then presses a kiss to my temple.
    "Good morning love. You're here early."
He said.
    "Yeah, Andy and Jinxx woke me up. They were fighting over the Skippys."
I said, pecking his cheek.
  He chuckled and shook his head. Bex and Sarah gasped when Ben leaned down and pecked me on the lips. Then Bex smacked Ben.
    "What was that for?!"
Ben whined, rubbing his arm.
    "For not telling me that you guys were together "
She said.
    "It slipped my mind. Oh yeah, you my love have to go shopping."
He said, lightly tickling my sides.
  I smacked at his hands and growled. He chuckled.
    "Why does she have to go shopping?"
Bex asked.
    "Because we have a date, and Jacey here doesn't own a dress."
Ben said.
  Bex gasped.
    "A girl cannot simply not own a dress. That is blasphemy."
She said.
  I rolled my eyes and sighed. Ben chuckled and kissed my cheek.
    "Where are you taking her?"
Ben's stepdad asked.
    "I'm not quite sure yet, but she is going to need a dress and that's why her, mom, and Bex are going to to shopping while we talk everything out."
Ben said.
  I sighed. There was no way that I was going to get out of this. None at all. I was going to suffer, a lot. I looked at Ben. He was smirking. I stuck my tongue out at him.
    "If I have to wear a dress, you have to wear a button-up."
I said.
  Ben groaned. I just smirked.
    "And no a flannel doesn't not count before you ask. I mean an actual buttun-up Ben."
I say.
  He groaned again. I just giggled.
    "Whats wrong Ben, don't like button-ups?"
I asked, smirking.
  He flipped me off. I laughed and Denis walked into the room. His hair was all over the place. I chuckled.
    "Hey Denis, you might wanna go brush your hair mate. You look like you've been in a wind storm."
I say.
  He laughs and walks into the bathroom. He comes out a few minutes later and his hair is semi-neat. I looked at Ben and he was still pouting.
    "Whats wrong with Ben?"
Denis asked.
    "He's making me wear a dress on our date tonight so I'm making him wear a button-up and flannels don't count."
I say.
  Denis laughs. Then Bex and Sarah comes out and they are dressed finally out of their pajamas. Bex grabs my arm and pulls me out the door. We called a taxi and got them to take us to the nearest shopping mall.
    "Crap! I forgot my messenger bag on my bus!"
I said, frantic once I realized I didn't have money.
  Bex shrugged it off.
    "You're fine. We got you. You've been involved in our life long enough to be considered family."
She says.
  I sighed. I always feel bad when someone else pays for something for me when I know I can pay for it myself. Bex quickly dragged us to Forever 21. She quickly pulled random dressed off the rack. A lot of them blues, pinks, greens, and black. She then pushed me into the dressing room. After trying on what seemed like millions of dresses, Bex decided we should go somewhere else. So she pulled me to so random store that I didn't see the name of. She again stacked many dresses into my arms and pushed me into the dressing room. It was finally down to two. A simple pink skater dress and I hate pink or a black halter top dress that crossed in the back with silver wrapping along with middle and it slightly proofed out at the bottom. The way it looked, it would maybe fall to just above my knees. I decided that I would try it first. I pulled it on and then walked out. I whistled slightly to get Bex and Sarah's attention. They turned and gasped. Bex nodded.
    "That one."
She said.
  We then walked down to a shoe store and picked out a simple pair of black heels to match the dress and I was done. I had jewelry and such that I could wear in my suitcase on the bus. Bex paid for the shoes as well and we went back to the buses. Ben tried to see the dress and Sarah smacked his hands away from the bag.
    "You can wait."
She said.
  I giggled slightly. He looked at me and I blushed slightly, looking down. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.
    "So I have a stupid button-up. I had to borrow one, but I have one."
He said.
  I smiled and pecked his lips softly.
    "You'll be okay. We are both stepping out of our comfort zones for a little while."
I say.
    "You can say that again."
He muttered.
  We all hung out for a little while until me and the girls decided to head back to the Black Veil Brides bus so that I could get ready. I grabbed up my bags and my skateboard and we walked to the bus. I raised an eyebrow when I walked in an Andy was in a full suit Batman onesie and hanging upside down off the couch, watching tv. He quickly jumped up.
    "You saw nothing!"
He says.
  I laugh and walk back to the back room to start getting ready. Bex and Sarah help me into the dress and I wait on the shoes. Bex does my makeup while Sarah does my hair. She kept it up in the ponytail, but curled it. I glanced in the mirror and Bex had put a shimmery silver eye shadow over my lids and eyeliner on top and bottom and coated my lashes with mascara. She was in the process of adding nude colored lipstick to my lips. Once I was finished, I slipped on my shoes and took a picture with the two of them and then Bex took a single picture of just me. Sarah smiled.
    "You know, I always hoped Ben would end up with you."
She said.
  I smiled.
    "Thanks. It means a lot and he means so much to me."
I say.
  There was a light knock on the bus door. Bex went to check it. She came back and squealed.
    "Thats Ben! I must say, he actually looks rather nice tonight in a loving sisterly way of course."
She says.
  I giggle and walk out to meet him. As soon as I see Ben I smile. His hair is perfectly straighten and he is in a black button-up tucked into black skinny jeans with no rips and boots.

  My heart skips when I see Jacey. She looks absolutely amazing. I could tell that Bex had done her makeup because she never really wears eye shadow. I knew that my mum did her hair because she never wears curls, but I honestly don't care because she looks amazing to me.
    "You look so beautiful, my love."
I say.
  She blushes and looks down. All I can do is grin, it makes her more adorable when she does that. She carefully walks over and I take her hand in mine. We walk to the car that I had rented and picked up earlier. I had gotten a 2013 Dodge Challenger because that is Jacey's favorite car. I walked her to her side and opened the door for her. She smiled and sat down. I closed the door and jogged around to the driver's side. I climbed inside and cranked the car. A huge grin spread across Jacey's face. I got turned around and on the road. Jacey tangled her hand through the fingers on my free hand. I drove us to the fancy Italian restaurant that my step dad and James had suggested earlier. I pulled into a parking place and walked around to Jacey's door and opened it. She smiled and climbed out. I intertwined our hands and we walked into the building. I walked to the front desk.
    "Resverations for Bruce."
I say.
    "Right this way."
The waiter says with a smile.
  We followed the waiter and he sat us at a small secluded area at the back of a small garden.
    "Would you like wine?"
The waiter asked.
  Jacey immediately shook her head.
    "No thank you. I'll take a coke."
I say.
    "I'll have the same."
Jacey says.
  The waiter comes back with our drinks and soon comes back to order over food. We ordered and soon got our food. Jacey ate in silence, it also seemed like she was thinking.
    "What are you thinking about love?"
I asked.
  She jumped.
    "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
I said.
    "Its okay. What did you say?"
She asked.
    "I asked what you were thinking about."
I said.
    "Oh just some stuff. Nothing too important."
She says.
  I nodd and continue eating. Once we finish, I pay and we walk back to the car hand in hand. I open the door for her and she gets in. I gently close it back and climb into the drivers side. I cranked the car and drove down to the beach. The boys had set this part up while we were eating. She gasped when she saw all of the mini lanterns surrounding the mountain of blankets and pillows.
    "Is it illegal to be on the beach at midnight?"
She asked.
  I shrugged.
    "I know some people."
I say.

  I looked around the beach. It was absolutely amazing. Whoever set all of this up did amazing.
    "You are so beautiful."
Ben whispered.
  I looked up into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me gently. I smiled and kissed back until my breath ran out. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We sat there for a while just watching the stars and talking. I yawned and snuggled closer to Ben.
    "Do you wanna go back love?"
Ben asked.
  I nodded slightly. He helps me up and bless out all the candles and grabs all the blankets and pillows and throws the candles away and then shoves the pilliows and blankets in the backseat. He drove back to the buses. We just went to his bus. He gave me one of his big T-shirts to wear. I pulled it on and it fell to reach around my mid-thigh. I went back to the bunks and climbed into Ben's bunk. He was already there, half-asleep. I cuddled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
    "Goodnight my love."
He whispered as I fell asleep.

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