Chapter Seventeen

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*December twelfth 2016*
  Next week is Christmas and we are flying to England to spend it with family. We had been staying at Ben's apartment in America while they were on break from touring and such. We are on the way to the airport as of right now. We would be spending the entire week of Christmas in England. Then I would be going on tour with them when they start back on tour and take their pictures for their website, instagram, Facebook and such.
    "Flight 129 to the turmoil."
The montone voice over the intercom called.
  Me and Ben raced through the intercom to reach the right turmoil. Once we got there we showed our passports and then put our suitcases were they had to be put. I kept out my messenger bag because it held my iPod, camera, and phone and I couldn't let anything happen to them. Me and Ben made our way to our seats and sat down. Ben tangled our fingers together and sighed.
    "I'm not ready for the long flight."
He complains.
    "But we are spending Christmas with our family."
I say.
  He nods and leans his head back. The airplane starts to take off and my hand gripes Ben's nervously. He looks at me.
    "Are you okay love?"
He asks.
    "I'm not a big fan of flying."
I answer.
  He rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. I lean my head on his shoulder. He untangled our fingers and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I yawned and he chuckled.
    "Get some rest, it'll get your mind off of flying anyways."
He says.
  I nodded and snuggled against his shoulder more, closing my eyes. He played with my hair and I was lulled into a peaceful sleep.
  "Jacey, it's time to wake up. We landed."
  I sighed and leaned up, rubbing my eyes. Ben chuckled. I unclicked my seat belt and Ben reached in the overhead apartment and got out my messenger bag. He handed it down to me and I took it and slung it over my shoulder. He tangled our fingers and we walked off the plane. We waited at the baggage claim for our bags. Ben called his mom and we sat on the bench just inside the airport and waited while we watched the snow fall.
    "Hey, do you want to go out and look at Christmas lights tonight?"
Ben asks.
  I giggle at randomness.
    "Sure. Why not?"
I say.
  Ben's mom finally pulled up and we walked outside with out bags. We put them in the trunk and climbed into the back seat.
    "You decide not to get a rental car this time?"
She asked Ben.
    "Well, Jacey has a car in her garage it's just not at the airport and it wouldn't make very much sense for us to get a rental car when Jacey has a car."
He says, shrugging.
She says.
  The rest of the ride was in silence. Ben played with my fingers the entire time. She dropped us off at my house because that is where we would be staying even though Ben's house is right next door. We walked inside and Christmas smells immediately hit my senses. My mom always bought candles, mistletoe, and other Christmas items to decorate the house. There was a new pine tree decorated in the living room as well. I smiled. It is so good to be home. Alexa came and hugged mine and Ben's legs. During the duration of me and Ben being here last time she had gotten used to him and now she even calls him Benny or Ben-Ben.
    "You're finally here and it's almost Christmas!!"
She cheered.
  Ben chuckled and picked her up and I picked up our stuff to carry it to our rooms. We had put our gifts in a bag. For Ben I had gotten him a new guitar strap with an AA symbol embroidered on it because his old one his starting to tear, a pair of new black vans because his old ones are torn to pieces, a couple of new band tees, a couple of gift cards to some of his favorite stores, and I paid for the next time he goes to get his tattoo worked on. For my mom we got an all expense paid pass to her favorite spa in town, for my little sister Alexa we got the collection of Supernatural Pop dolls. She is obsessed with Supernatural. For Matt we got a rare Guns N Roses vinyl that was signed by the entire band. Don't ask how we lucked up on that one. For Ben's mom we got her an all expense paid pass to her favorite spa in town because her and my mom always go together. For his stepdad Ben got him some giftcards for some of his favorite pubs. He was going to get his mom to give them to him because he was on a business trip. For Bex and her boyfriend we got the Dark Knight Rises poster signed by the cast and the entire Supernatural series. Ben wouldn't tell me what he got me. He wouldn't even give me any hints.
*one week later*
    "Jacey, wake up it's Christmas!"
Ben said, poking me in the side.
  I giggled, and rolled over. I looked over and he was making a weird face (picture). I laughed and grabbed my phone and snapped a picture. He chuckled.
    "Take a picture with me."
He says.
  We snuggle close to each other and he snapps a picture. He types something and shows it to me.
    'Merry Christmas from me and @JaceyTeagan! Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful fattening day!'
  I giggled and shook my head. I could smell the Turkey and Ham cooking already. A few seconds later, Alexa came running and jumped on the bed.
    "Santa came! Santa came!"
She cheered.
  Me and Ben laughed. Me and Ben rolled out of bed. Ben grabbed his hoodie from the dresser and pulled it on and zipped it. I giggled at his weird habit to wear gym shorts with hoodies. He stuck his tongue out at me and we walked downstairs hand in hand. Bex, her boyfriend, Ben's mom, my mom, Matt, and Alexa were all in the living room already.
    "Ah, there you two are. I was starting to think you were going to sleep the day away."
My mom said.
  Ben chuckled.
    "We were up we were just talking."
Ben said.
  Then my mom told Alexa which presents were from "Santa" and she happily went and got them. She squealed when she opened each one of them. Then it was time for me and Ben to give our gifts. They all opened them and I think Bex squealed the loudest over everyone including Alexa. Everyone laughed and she blushed. Matt then hugged me.
    "I don't know how you guys found this, but this is honestly amazing."
He said.
  Ben smiled.
    "You're welcome. It was just a lucky find to be honest. Somebody that didn't know the value of it."
He said.
    "I could only imagine."
He said.
  Then Ben's mom and Bex handed out presents. I got gift cards for iTunes and Hot Topic and a couple of new CDs I've been wanting. I also got a Motley Crue hoodie that was from Ben's mom. She knows me so well. I hugged them.
    "Thanks you guys."
I said with a smile.
  Then my mom handed out hers. She got me a couple of new lenses for my laptop and a couple of gift cards for Starbucks and hot topic as well. I hugged her. Then me and Ben exchanged ours. The first was a new Pink Floyd hoodie because mine got ruined. Next was a pack of new cartilage earrings and some band tees. The next was a graphic tee that said, 'messy hair don't care -Damon Fizzy' I smiled and snacked him lightly on the arm. He chuckledand handed me the next one waiting for me to open this one. I opened it and it was a cd case. It had a track list on the back, I flipped it over and a picture of Ben was on the front and so was his name. I gasped and threw my arms around him.
    "You finished it!"
I squealed.
    "Yep, and you get the first copy."
He said, grinning.
  I kissed him and he kissed back immediately. I then remembered we were in the same room as my family and I pulled away. He then handed me the next last gift. I opened it and it was a box. I opened it and gasped. Inside sat two rings.
    "Before you get all worried, it's a promise ring. I got it as a promise to say that one day it will be an engagement ring. One day, I will make you my Mrs. Jacey Bruce. This is me promising that I will always be by your side. So will you accept this promise ring?"
He says.
  My eyes tear up and I nodd quickly. He grins and takes the box out of my hand. He takes mine out and slid it on my left ring finger and I took his out and did the same for him. Everyone cheered and I hugged him tightly, happy tears running down my face.
    "My presents can't top yours."
I said, quietly.
  He smiled.
    "They are perfect. Jacey, you replaced my favorite pair of shoes and paid for my next tattooing session at my favorite tattoo place. You got me a new guitar strap to replace my old one. In fact, you actually noticed I needed a new one. I didn't even notice."
He said, pecking my lips.
  I smiled. Best Christmas ever. We went and ate and me and Ben were basically connected at the hip. Of course Bex wanted to see the promise rings that Ben had picked out. They are amazing. (Ill post pic in next chapter) I don't know how he managed to get my ring size though. Then we did like we do every Christmas and watched Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate and wearing pajamas. We did that until dark and it was time for Alexa to go to bed. She wanted me and Ben to tuck her in so we did and she was immediately asleep. She was tuckered out. Me and Ben then went to our bedroom and curled up in bed and cuddled together until we went to sleep.
I will post pic of promise rings in next chapter

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