Chapter Twenty-four

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*one day later*
  I wake the next morning and Ben is sitting in the chair beside my bed and Caleb is on his chest and they are both fast asleep. I quickly take a picture. Caleb soon begins to squirm around and whine. Ben immediately wakes up and soothes him by rubbing his back gently.
    "Its okay baby boy. Daddy's got you."
He whispered.
  He smiled when he got him calmed down and back to sleep. He noticed that I was awake. He placed Caleb in the bassinet.
    "Hello my love, how did you sleep?"
He asked.
    "Good, what time did they bring him in?"
I asked.
  He looked at the clock.
    "Around noon. He started getting fussy so I gave him a bottle and changed him. He fell asleep on my chest and then I went to sleep and just woke up. They said he pretty much already sleeps all the way through the night. The nurse said he woke up once for a bottle and a diaper change. "
He says.
  I smile. He leans down and pecks me on the lips.
    "Is Danny going to come and see him again today?"
I ask.
    "I think he has to go to the studio today so he won't be here today."
He says.
  I nodd. My phone rings and Ben hands it to me.
    "Its your mom."
He says.
  I answer.
    "Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?"
She asked.
    "Sore. The birth was quick, but it hurt."
I say.
  She laughed.
    "Hows little Caleb doing?"
She asked.
    "He's sleeping like a rock right now. Ben said they brought him in around noon and he had to fed him a bottle and change him and then he went to sleep on his chest. They were still both pretty much both asleep when I woke up until Caleb woke up and Ben had to soothe him and he went back to sleep and Ben put him in the bassinet and he's been asleep ever since. He said the nurse told him that Caleb only woke up once for a bottle and a diaper change. He's a really good baby."
I say.
    "I can't wait to see him. Alexa is really excited as well. She was running around in circles in the airport until she tuckered out and Matty had to carry her onto the airplane."
She says.
  I laugh. The nurse comes and checks all of my machines and checks my vitals and such. My stomach growled and Ben chuckled.
    "Well, I gotta get off this thing. I'm about to go make Ben get me something to eat."
I say.
    "Okay. I'll call you later."
She said.
  Ben was already two steps ahead of me. He grabbed the keys.
    "I'm going to go down to Taco Bell. You want your normal?"
He asked.
  I nodded. He went out and as soon as the door closed, Caleb woke up. I winced as I managed to make my way to his bassinet. I picked him up and put him against my chest. I laid back down and he was instantly back asleep, listening to my heartbeat. I smiled and gently rubbed his back. Ben came back a few minutes later with the food.
    "Did you get out of bed to get him?"
He asked.
    "Yeah, I have to start moving around. I have to be moving around on my own before they will release me."
I say.
  He nods understanding.
    "Is he asleep again?"
He asks, motioning towards Caleb.
I say.
  He gently takes him from me and places him gently in the bassinet so I we could eat. We eat and then he climbed into the bed beside me. There was a light knock on the door and Danny stuck his head in the door. Ben waved him inside.
    "Hows the little man?"
He asks.
    "He's been pretty much sleeping since they brought him in here. He's woken up to eat and I had to change his diaper, but other than he's been fine."
Ben says.
  Danny rose and eyebrow.
    "Ben Bruce actually changed a diaper and didn't wake up mommy?"
He teased.
  Ben flipped him off.
     "Believe it or not, I've changed a diaper or two before. Granted, I'm a little rusty but I remembered how to do it."
He says.
  Danny chuckles.
    "Have they said when you might be getting to go home?"
He asks.
    "Its depends on how well I can get up and moving around in the next few hours."
I say.
  He nods. The nurse comes in and checks on Caleb.
    "He's just sleeping the day away."
She says.
    "Yeah. He's woke up twice today that I know of."
I say.
  She nods.
    "Yeah, he's a newborn. He'll sleep a lot. As he gets older, he'll grow out of the sleeping habits."
She says.
    "I don't know, his dad likes to sleep a lot too."
I teased, bumping Ben's shoulder.
  He stuck his tongue out at me.
    "Then that all depends on who's personality he gets."
She says.
  I giggled. Caleb started whining. Danny hopped up and gently picked him up from the bassinet.
     "Hey there buddy, uncle Danny has you."
He says, gently rocking him in his arms.
  He immediately calms down and reaches his little hand out and latches onto Danny's finger. Danny grins and presses a kiss to his forehead. Soon enough he was back asleep and Danny put him back in his bassinet. He sat back down. Ben smiled.
    "You are going to be a good godfather."
Ben said.
  Danny just grins.

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