Chapter Ten

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  I woke the next morning to the boys of Black Veil Brides yelling at the tv. I went into the living room and they we're playing video games. I chuckled and shook my head. They were honestly a bunch of children.
    "I'm going to go find the catering tent for some breakfast and pick my skateboard up from Asking's bus. Maybe they won't be on it."
I said, looking down at my feet.
    "Okay. Don't lose your pass."
Andy said.
    "I won't. I'm pretty good with keeping up with things."
I said.
  I then tied the pass around my belt loop and pulled on my converse. I walked outside and pulled a snap back onto my wavy brown hair. I smiled when I saw the catering tent. I grabbed a biscuit and saguage and quickly ate it. I then went towards the Asking Alexandria bus. I sighed when I saw Ben walking towards the bus smoking a cigeratte. I didn't really feel like bumping into him today. Then Denis came out of the bus holding my skateboard.
    "Whats that mate?"
Ben asked.
    "Jacey left her skateboard. I'm going to head over to the Black Veil Brides tour bus and give it to her."
He said.
  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
    "What do you think I need to do?"
He asked, stomping out his cigeratte.
    "Honestly Ben, I think you should give her sometime. Maybe with time she will start to remember so of the good times you guys had together. She told me that she was friends with Bex maybe you can get Bex to convince her of something. I don't know mate. She is just like any other girl, she needs time to wrap her mind around things."
Denis said, lightly slapping his back.
  I went and hid behind a tent when Denis turned to walk towards where I was standing. I watched as Ben sat on the bus steps and placed his face in his hands. He looked back up and his eyes were slightly bloodshot and he had a few tears on his cheeks.
    "If I would have only told her how I truly felt before I left."
He mumbled.
  I couldn't take watching him anymore. Something about it tugged at my heartstrings. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I bumped into someone and fell backwards. I looked up and hovering over me with a hand held out was a guy with big blue eyes and shaggy black hair.
    "Sorry. I didn't see you. I was face timing with my daughter, Copeland. My wife couldn't get her to calm down so I was trying to calm her down."
He said.
  I fixed my snap back back onto my head.
    "You're okay. I wasn't really paying attention."
I said, looking down at my now dust covered converse.
    "So who are you with?"
He asked.
    "Black Veil Brides. I'm their new photographer. I was just heading back from the catering tent."
I said, shrugging.
    "The catering tent isn't over that way. I think only a couple of buses are over there."
He said, confused.
    "Oh yeah, that and I had to pick up my skateboard from Asking Alexandrria's bus, but they were on it and I didn't want to talk to Ben today."
I said.
    "Whats wrong with Ben? He's a pretty nice guy."
The guy said.
    "Well apparently before my car accident me and him were really close friends and he left me and dropped me completely and now he is trying to get back in my life."
I said.
  The guy nodded.
    "Why don't you come hang out with me and my band some? I'm Kellin by the way."
He said with a smile.
  I smiled back.
    "Sure. Sounds fun. All those dorks back on my bus are doing are playing video games and stuff. I don't really feel like watching then play video games."
I said.
  Kellin laughed.
    "Yeah, it's not all that fun. What time to you have to be back?"
He asked.
    "I'm not sure. We'll have to stop by my bus and find out."
I said.
  He nodded and we set out for my bus, joking and playing around the entire way. When we got to the bus, I walked inside. Denis was talking to Andy. They looked like they were having a serious conversation so I didn't bother them. I went up to the schedule posted on the refrigerator. It read off that the boys would be playing at six thirty which meant that I roughly had six hours to do whatever before I had to come back to the bus and start to get ready. I walked back outside to where Kellin was waiting.
    "I have until six thirty until I have to come start getting ready so I can hang out with you guys a pretty good while. The boys have my number if there is a schedule change or something."
I said.
    "Yeah, you ready to meet the rest of Sleeping With Sirens?"
He asked.
  I chuckled.
    "Considering I've never heard your band's music sure."
I said.
  His mouth gaped open.
    "You have never heard our music?"
He questioned.
    "All I usually listen to is classic rock like the eighties and stuff. I'm not big into a lot of the newer bands that are got there today. I can handle Black Veil Brides, because I have to represent my boys and whatever and I used to listen to Asking Alexandria, but now I don't really listen to them."
I said.
    "I'm going to educate you in the art of bands my friend."
He said.
  I giggled. We got back to the bus and Kellin was tackled to the ground by a guy a little shorter than he is with brown hair and a snap back.
He yelled.
Kellin cheered in a high-pitched voice.
  I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Kellin stood up and pulled his shirt down.
    "Jacey, this is my friend Vic. Vic this is my friend Jacey. Today my dear Vic we will be educating Jacey in bands."
Kellin said.
  Vic squealed and clapped his hands. I giggled and shook my head. Kellin went back to the bunks and there was banging around.
    "This might take a while. Gabe and Justin like to take Kellin's iPod and listen to it at night when Kellin is asleep."
Vic said.
    "My friend, Danny, used to do that to me."
I then gasped. I remembered something. I threw I hand over my mouth. Vic looked at me.
    "Is something wrong?"
Vic asked, confused.
    "I had a car accident and I have amnesia and I just remembered something. Danny was my old friend that I had in England. I haven't seen him in forever. His bandmate told me that he left the band and parted ways."
I said, looking down.
     "Have you tried reaching out to him?"
Vic asked.
    "I wouldn't know where to start. I don't know if he even still looks the same."
I say.
Vic says.
  Kellin comes out a few seconds later holding up a shiny iPod touch. He plugs it into the AUX chord.
    "This is a song off of our first album. Its called 'If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn.'"
Kellin said.
  I smiled as the music started. I nodded my head along to the music. The lyrics started and I smiled. Kellin was singing along with it as was Vic. I laughed at their childish behavior as they danced around the living room area.

  As the day went by, I had discovered that I liked bands like Sleeping With Sirens of course, Pierce The Veil as well, Memphis May Fire, My Chemical Romance, Of Mice & Men, and a band called All Time Low. I checked my phone and it was six.
    "I'm going to head back to the bus. I've got to get ready and get the boys rounded up."
I said.
Kellin said.
  Him and Vic hugged me. I grabbed my phone and iPod which held new music. I walked back to the bus which I was currently staying at. The boys were rushing around the bus to get ready. I grabbed my camera and strapped it around my neck.
    "Denis dropped your skateboard off. Oh and we have an off day tomorrow and he offered to let you stay on their bus. They are going to have a movie night and have like candy, soda, and pizza and stuff. He wants to be able to reconnect with the others as he says."
Andy said.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "Well, if you have his number text him and tell him I appreciate the offer but I think it's best I stay away."
I said.
  He solumly nodded.
    "Where are we headed?"
I asked.
    "Tennessee. Then Atlanta. Then when we get to Florida we will have a couple of days off while we are in Florida."
Andy answered.
I said, biting my lip.
    "Why don't you at least try to talk things out with them?"
Andy asked, looking me in the eyes.
    "Because, they abandoned me when I needed them the most! If it wasn't for them I would have never have been drinking and I would have never had that damn wreck in the first place! The entire thing could have been avoided if they would have just done like they promised!"
I screamed.
  There was a smashing of glass. I looked at the door, and Ben was standing there mouth gaping with a pile of flowers, water, and broken glass at his feet.
    "Why didn't you call?"
He asked, his voice choking.
    "Would you have even answered?!"
I screamed.
  He looked down, guilt written across his face.
I said.
  Then I brushed pass him and walked out of the bus. I wiped furiously at the tears dripping down my face. I walked to the stage we would be playing and helped the stage hands set up. The boys finally made it there. Andy sighed and I helped him get hooked to his equipment.
    "I wish you would talk to him."
Andy said, quietly.
  I looked up at him.
    "How can I? I can't look at him without the flashback of the fight."
I said.
  He sighed.
     "Please try."
He said.
  I sighed.
I said.
  He smiled and then bounced off to the stage. I went to my position and started snapping pictures. CC would occasionally stick his tongue out at the camera or flip it off as for the rest of the boys. When the show was over, we walked back to the bus. Andy looked at me. I sighed.
    "I'm going to talk to him, just not today. I need some time to think about what I want to say to him."
I say, looking down.
    "Okay, just do it soon. He's taking what you said earlier hard. After you left, we had to call Denis to help us calm him down. He's a mess."
Andy said.
  I sighed and pushed my messy hair from my face.
    "I will."
I said.
  He nodded. I went and grabbed some yoga pants and a tank top and took a quick shower and went and took a quick shower. Once I was finished, I climbed into my bed and went to sleep also instantly.

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