Chapter Eighteen part two

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Ben lead me carefully through the woods one hand in mine and the other holding the thermos. I saw a clearing up ahead and it was lite up by fairy lights. I gasped and I saw a tent made from a rope connected between two trees and blankets. There was a mountain of blankets piled and pillows piled on the inside and some fairy lights hanging down as well (picture above). We went and climbed into the makeshift tent and I sat on the pile of blankets. Me and Ben sat across from each other. I looked up into his eyes, they shined when the fairy lights hit them. I smiled at him.
"Ben, this is beautiful. You really out did yourself. It means a lot that you done all of this-"
He cut me off by kissing me. I leaned closer and kissed back. I saw a small flash. I saw him typing something.
'@benjaminpaulbruce: I'm so sorry for earlier. I'm so blessed to be able to spend New Years with you, my love. I love you more than words can describe. @JaceyTeagan'
I smiled when I read the caption.
"Sorry, I saw that it was twelve and I had to take a picture and post it on instagram."
He said.
"Its okay, you dork."
I said grinning.
He chuckled and tickled my sides. I giggled and fell back on the pillows. Ben locked eyes with me. He then leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands rested on my hips.
I woke the next morning tangled in the blankets and Ben. He was softly stroking my bare shoulder. He smiled when he saw that I was awake.
"Hello love, how you feel?"
He whispered.
"I'm fine, I think."
I said, snuggling closer.
"We probably need to need to get dressed and head back. I'm sure they are worried about us."
Ben said, kissing the corner of my mouth.
We got up and got dressed. Ben took down the fairy lights and stuff. He then picked something up and shoved it in his pocket. When I realized what it was, my cheeks flushed red. I mean, I was on birth control but still better safe than sorry. He chuckled and shook his head.
"You act so innocent when you are not."
He said.
I rolled my eyes. He folded up the blankets and I grabbed some of them and the pillows. He did the same and got the now empty Thermos. We tracked our way through the woods as easy as before. We walked inside of my house and my mom, step dad, and little sister were watching 'Finding Dory' in the living room. Me and Ben walked down to the washroom and put all the blankets in the washing machine. Well, not all of them of course. We also took the pillow cases off the them. We then came up from the basement and Ben carried the Thermos into the kitchen. We walked into my room.
"I'm going to go shower. What do you wanna do with the thing?"
Ben asked.
"Just wrap it in some toilet paper and flush it."
I say.
He nods and then grabs some clothes from his bag and goes to the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then the water in the shower start. I would get in there when the water warmed back up. A few minutes later, Ben came out towel drying with now curly hair. He plopped backwards on the bed.
"The water should be warmed up in a few minutes and you should be able to hop in there."
Ben said.
My mom knocked lightly on the door frame.
"Did you guys have fun?"
She asked.
"Yeah, we talked everything out and drank hot chocolate, and then fell asleep in the little tent thing that Ben had made out in the woods with a bunch of pillows and blankets. We are running them through the wash because they smell like the woods."
I said, shrugging.
She seemed to believe it and walked away. Me and Ben looked at each other in relief.
"That was awkward."
Ben said, quietly.
I nodded. I leaned up and pecked his lips.
"I'm going to go hop in the shower. I'll be out in a few minutes."
I say.
He nodds. I grab Ben's black and white plaid shirt and a pair of my black leggings and underclothes and knee high plaid socks. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower and grabbed a towel from the cabinet. I climbed inside and washed my body and took my time to wash my now almost waist length hair. I got out and dried off and then wrapped my hair in the towel. I then got dressed. I took my hair down from the towel and brushed it with the comb and blow dried it. I then pulled it into a messy bun. I walked back into the bedroom and Ben noticed my outfit. He smiled. He snapped a picture.
'@benjaminpaulbruce: my girl like to steal my clothes when it's cold. @JaceyTeagan'
I smiled and rolled my eyes. He's a dork, but he is my dork. I pecked him on the lips and pulled on one of my old infinity scarves. Ben shook his head. I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs and into the kitchen.
"What do you want for lunch?"
I questioned.
"Grilled cheese?"
He asked.
I chuckled. I grabbed enough out of the loaf of bread for two sandwiches and then got two slices of cheese from the refrigerator along with the butter. I fried up the sandwiches and put them on the paper plates I had laid out. I handed one to Ben and then sat down next to him.
Me and Ben mostly stayed in my bedroom watching Netflix because we have to fly back to America tomorrow. I stayed in the outfit that I was in just taking off the scarf and cuddled into Ben. He kissed my head and we drifted off to sleep after he set an alarm so we wouldn't miss our flight.
"Come on love it's time to get up."
Ben said, gently shaking me.
I got up and pulled on a pair of black ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a black cardagin. I then got out my old white converse. I changed and redid my hair into it's messy bun. Ben repacked our bags and took them downstairs. I picked up my messenger bag and walked down with him. His mom and Bex drove us to the airport. They both hugged us.
"Bye you two. We'll see you next holiday."
Bex said.
We started running as soon as we heard our flight was called because we had just got inside the doors of the airport. We made it to the plane on time and they got us seated and I took ahold of Ben's hand. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I'm so ready to be home."
He says, putting his phone into his pocket.
"Me too. As much as I enjoy being in England, I miss being able to have the house to ourselves."
I say.
Ben chuckles.
"You miss the running around the house in nothing but my T-shirt."
He says.
I say.
We get took off and get into immediate turmbulance. I squeezed Ben's hands. He brushed his thumb against the top of my hand.
"Its okay."
He said.
I leaned against his shoulder. He started humming a random tune and it instantly lulled me to sleep.

*flight lands*
"Jacey, wake up."
Ben said, nudging me slightly.
I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I looked out the window and it was dark. I yawned and Ben handed me my messenger bag. He took my hand and we walked into the airport.
"Lets go get our bags, my love."
He says.
I said, shuffling my feet a bit.
We make it to the baggage claim and wait for our bags. Ben grabbed our bags and we walked to his car that we had gotten James and Cameron to drop off earlier this morning. Ben drove to our apartment.
"Don't worry about unpacking, love. We will do it in the morning."
He said.
We walked inside and I changed into one of Ben's tshirts and Ben grabbed some of his gym shorts and he bumped up the heater to sixty-five and then we climbed into bed and went to sleep instantly.

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