Chapter Eleven

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*Two days later*
  We are in Georgia and I have finally worked up the nerve to talk to Ben, I think. I got out of my bunk and went into the storage area and grabbed my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top that read 'don't call me baby!,' and a pair of all black high top converse that I wear everyday usually. I then pulled on a black snap back with the Monster symbol on it in green. I then added a bit of foundation, blush, eyeliner, and mascara to my face. I walked out. Andy and the rest of the boys were sitting in the living room area. Andy looked up from instagram when he heard my sneakers on the floor. I tied my pass to my belt loop.
    "Where are you going?"
Andy asked.
    "I'm about to go and try to face my fears and talk to Ben. Its all I can do. I can't just keep hiding."
I said.
  Andy smiled.
     "You are doing the right thing. I'm proud of you, if it means anything."
He said.
  I smiled back.
I said.
  He nodded. I then made my way to the Asking Alexandria tour bus. I gently rapped my knuckles against the door. A few seconds later, Denis opened the door.
    "Oh, Jacey. I didn't know you were coming over."
He said, sounding surprised.
    "Umm... is Ben here?"
I asked, my voice quiet.
    "He's asleep, but I can go and wake him up real quick."
He said.
  I chuckled. He let me come inside. I went and sat on the couch. He went back to the bunk area. You could hear him talk to someone and them groan. There was footsteps and Ben came out following Denis a few minutes later in a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. He stopped short when he saw me. I stood up and shoved my hands into my pockets.
    "Can we talk?"
I asked, my voice soft.
  He nodded and lead me back to the back room. He closed the door behind us softly. He sat on the bed and I sat down beside him. I bit down on my bottom lip. I took off my hat and racked my hand through my hair.
    "First, I wanted to apologize for the other day. You shouldn't have had to hear that. I should have never said that."
I said, looking down.
  Ben softly grasped my hands in his.
     "Jacey, it's not your fault. God, it will never be your fault. Please don't blame yourself. We shouldn't have left you. I should have put my foot down and demanded that we waited for you and carried you with us."
He said.
  I bit my lip, tears welling up in my eyes. I blinked and they raced down my cheeks. Ben gently tilted my cheeks up and wiped my tears away.
    "Please don't cry, Jacey. Please, please, please don't cry over my stupidity. This entire thing is my fault. Your car accident, your amnesia, everything. Its my fault. I should have been there to protect you, yet I was here living my dream while you were slowly wasting away in the bottom of a bottle."
He whispered.
  More tears streaked down my face. He pulled me into his chest and I buried my face into it and I cried. He gently stroked my hair.
    "I'm so sorry."
I cried.
    "Please don't cry. Jacey, please."
He whispered, pressing a kiss into my hair.
  I cried until my tears ran out. I looked up to Ben and he had light tears on his face. I gently brushed them away with the tips of my fingers.
    "Its not your fault Ben. None, of this is your fault. I was being stupid. I'm so freaking stupid. You have no idea."
I whispered.
  He buried his face into my neck.
     "I risked this all for you. We went to America because you had hope in us Jacey. It was you that made us do this."
He whispered.
  He pulled back and looked into my eyes. He then gently placed both of his hands on my neck and tilted my face towards his. Our gaze locked. I never realized just how beautiful his eyes were. He waited to make sure that I wouldn't protest before he leaned down and gently pressed his soft lips onto mine. He smiled and pulled back. I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his messy hair. He chuckled and kissed my temple.
    "Be mine."
He whispered.
     "Of course Benjamin Paul Bruce."
I whispered.
  He grinned and pecked my lips once again. He tickled my sides. I giggled and squirmed away from his hands and playful pushed him off the bed. He looked up at me and pouted. I giggled. I got off the bed and helped him up. He tangled our fingers together and we walked into the living room area together. Denis looked up from his phone. He seemed to notice our intwined hands.
     "I take that the talk went well and that Ben finally grew some and kissed the girl."
Denis said.
  Ben smacked him in the back on the head. He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. I giggled and covered my face with my hands. Ben pecked my cheek and went to his bunk. He threw me his Skid Row hoodie.
     "Something to remember me by at night while you are on the other bus."
He said.
  I chuckled and took my snap back off my head. I placed it over his messy curls.
     "You let anything happen to that Bruce and I'll have your head. Bex got me that for Christmas."
I said.
  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
    "Nothing will happen to it, I promise."
He said.
  I checked my phone. It was six.
    "I gotta go start getting ready for work. That and I have to make sure them crazy goofs are getting ready."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "I'll walk you to the bus."
He said, tangling our fingers together.
  We walked out and to the Black Veil Brides bus. The boys were rushing around to get ready as normal. I sighed and pecked Ben on the lips. He smiled.
    "Have fun my love."
He said.
    "I'll try."
I said.
  He walked out, closing the door behind him. I walked inside and grabbed my camera. I placed it around my neck and waited for the boys to be ready so that we could walk to the stage. They finally managed to get finished and we walked to the stage. They got hooked to equipment and such and went onstage as I went to where I was supposed to be. I snapped pics as the guys did their thing. They went offstage and I followed the boys back to the bus.
    "I'm surprised you didn't go to the Asking bus. You still have time."
Andy said.
  I shrugged.
    "I don't know. I mean I haven't hung out with the boys in forever and I don't want to intrude."
I say.
  Andy rolls his eyes and nudges me.
    "Go spend some time with them."
He said.
  I laughed. I went and took a quick shower before changing into a pair of gym shorts and a tank top and throwing Ben's hoodie on top. I hung my pass around my neck and ventured to the Asking Alexandria tour bus. I knocked on the door and James answered.
    "Oh hey Jacey. I didn't know you were coming by. Ben is in the shower at the moment. He just got back from the KBB meet-n-greet and he wanted to get all of the sweat and stuff that got back on him off again."
He said.
  I chuckled as I sat down on the couch.
    "I can wait for him."
I said.
  Denis came out of the bunk area with a Monster in one hand and a stack of movies in the other.
    "Oh. Hey Jacey, you staying for movie night?"
He asked.
    "I wasn't aware there was a movie night but sure. I just came to spend time with everyone. I thought I owed it to everyone."
I said.
  Denis sat the movies down beside the tv and plopped down on the other end of the couch. A few minutes later, Ben came out towel drying his hair. He took a double take when he saw me.
    "Why didn't you shoot me a text and tell me that you were coming over after the show love?"
Ben asked.
    "I didn't know I was. This was a sort of last minute thing. You are okay with me being here right?"
I questioned.
  He sat down beside me and cuddled into my side.
    "What kind of stupid question was that?"
He asked.
  I giggled slightly. He pressed a kiss to my cheek. Sam got up and put in the first movie. It was the first Pitch Perfect. I laughed.
    "Are you boys serious?"
I asked.
  Denis shrugged.
    "Why not?"
He said.
  I just shook my head and snuggled into Ben's side, resting my head on his chest. By the time we had watched all of the Jurassic Parks and the newish one Jurassic World, I was mostly asleep. Ben started to play with the hair at the back of my head. I was lulled into a deep peaceful sleep.

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