Chapter Eight

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(Present day 2016)

  Over the past three years, I have been working in a small studio that was private owned and it is about to go out of business and I'm not really sure were I am going to end up next. I sighed and walked out of my boss's office. My phone rang and I pulled it from my backpocket. It was an unknown number.
I answered.
    "Yes, is this Jacey McCardy?"
The person on the other line asked.
    "This is she. May I ask who is asking?"
I asked.
    "This is Kevin Lyman, I am the founder of Warped Tour if you are wondering. I heard that you are a photographer and I am short a photographer this year and I was wondering if you wanted to fill in for that spot this year."
He said.
    "How long is this Warped Tour?"
I asked.
    "It starts the end of May and lasts until the beginning of August and then there is a UK portion."
He said.
    "Why not? Where do I need to meet you?"
I asked.
    "We start in California."
He said.
    "Well, I live in Florida. Do I need to pack, and get a flight to California?"
I asked.
    "Yes. We will talk money when you get here. I will have someone pick you up from the airport, just call this number when the plane lands."
He said.
I said.
  With that he hung up. I put my phone back into my pocket and then went to my car. I unlocked it and climbed inside. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and booked a flight for California at seven which was three hours from now. I then drove home. I got out two suitcases and packed three pairs of skinny jeans and the rest shorts and then random t-shirts and cut up shirts and then a pair of converse and a pair of vans and added my toothbrush, toothpaste, Straightener, makeup, and femine products in my suitcases. I then packed my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, and other odds and ins into another bag. I looked at the clock and it was just five. I decided that I better go ahead and head over to the airport. I went over to my desktop computer and printed out my ticket and then grabbed my passport. I then put my laptop in a messenger bag along with its charger and my iPod and my headphones and it's charger and my phone charger. I grabbed my camera and put it into it's case along with it's extra memory cards and charger and battery. I then walked downstairs and grabbed my keys. I called a cab and locked the door and closed the garage and locked it as well. The cab pulled up and I put all my stuff into the trunk.
    "Where to miss?"
The driver asked.
    "The airport."
I said.
  The ride was silent. I paid the driver and I then went inside with all of my stuff. I went through security and they let me through. I then went to my gate and waited in the waiting area until they called my flight. Once they finally called it, I grabbed my bags and made my way onto the airplane. I found my seat and sat down, buckling my seat belt as advised. I pulled out my iPod and headphones and plugged in the headphones before putting them into my ears and putting on the soothing sound of 'Here I Go Again' by Whitesnake. I was quick though to let my mind ease off into a peaceful sleep.
  I woke to someone gently shaking my shoulder. I sat up, pulling my headphone out of my ear.
    "We have landed Miss."
The little kid said.
  I offered him a kind smile.
    "Thank you."
I said.
  He smiled and rushed to catch up with his parents. I chuckled and walked off the plane to the baggage claim. I got my bags and called the number and talked to Kevin and then waited in front of the airport for whoever it was that was supposed to be picking me up to pick me up. A few minutes later, a black suv type vechile pulled up. A man got out.
    "Are you Jacey McCardy?"
He asked.
    "Yes sir."
I said.
    "I'm Kevin Lyman. We will be going back to my house to discuss the details of the tour and what not and then we will get you set up on the bus you will be staying on. I believe you will be staying on the bus with Black Veil Brides and you will be their photographer. Although things are subject to change."
He said.
I said as I put my stuff in the very back of the suv.
  We climbed inside and he drove to a surburb about ten minutes from the airport.
    "I couldn't handle living that close to the airport."
I said.
  He chuckled as he turned into the parking garage.
    "Once you get used to it, it's not that bad."
He said.
    "Well, I'm used to England. Its a lot different than America."
I said.
    "Yeah, your portfolio said that you lived in America until you were seventeen."
He said.
    "Yeah, that was until two thousand nine."
I said.
  We walked into the apartments and into an office type room. He pulled out some papers.
    "Now, do you have any health issues?"
He asked.
     "Well, a few years ago I had a bad accident and now I have a bit of amnesia. The doctors don't really want me hitting my head too much."
I said.
    "Alright, we can keep you out of the pit. So is there any particular amount that you request?"
He asked.
    "At my old job before the studio closed I did shoots for a hundred a shoot because I give the memory cards to the people and they are not cheap memory cards, but it's really up to you."
I said.
    "Well, I tell you what, I'll give you five hundred a week. Thats exactly what I give the others, I didn't realize thats what you charged for your shoots as good as your work is I figured they would have been expensive."
He said.
    "Well, in the studio that I worked in I could order the memory cards in bundles and they came a bit cheaper."
I said, shrugging.
    "Alrighty, then so I guess the only thing for you to do is sign the papers and you'll be officially part of the Warped family this year."
He said.
  I smiled. I then looked over the terms and agreements and then signed the papers.
    "Done and done."
I said.
  He smiled.
    "Well, I guess I'll call the guys and have them pick you up from here tomorrow on the way to the venue. The boys of Black Veil Brides are really good guys, they really are. A little obnoxious, but they are good guys."
He said.
  I smiled.
    "Alright. Well, I guess I'll go grab my stuff so I'll have it in here so I can just grab it in the morning. Then you can tell me more about this whole Warped tour thing, it's kind of new to me."
I said.
He said.
  I walked out to Kevin's suv and grabbed my bags and brung them inside and sat them beside the couch. Kevin was sitting on the love seat so I sat on the couch.
    "So basically, Warped tour is a huge summer long tour where a bunch of popular bands get together and go on tour. That and some solo artists and sometimes youtubers."
He said.
    "Huh, I never heard of that growing up like before the amnesia."
I said.
    "Yeah, it's for the mainly screamo bands I guess you could call it although there are many different types of rock genres there. From punk to rap there's something there for everyone."
He said.
    "I'm more of a classical rock type of girl, but I have this one band, called Asking Alexandria on my iPod that's decent. My mom said that I used to listen to them before the car accident so I listen to them in hopes of maybe remembering something someday."
I said, shrugging.
    "Ahh, Asking Alexandria will be there this year. Maybe you can talk to them and try to jog your memory although the lead singer left earlier in the year. This will be there first big event with their new lead singer."
He said.
    "Oh, I think I just have their first album. I haven't looked into any of their newer stuff. Like I said, I'm more of a classic rock fan."
I said.
    "Yeah, that's understandable. Everyone has their preferences."
He said.
  He then glanced at the clock.
    "Okay, the guys should be here in a few minutes. The first show is tomorrow, but it is going to take a while to get there and you'll hang out in the buses for a while before the entire thing starts."
He said.
I said.
  I then just simply pulled out my phone. I noticed that I had a text message from my friend, Charlie. I opened it.
    'Hey girly!'
  I smiled.
    'Hey girl!'
  I texted back.
    'What are you up to?'
    'In California. I'm working for a touring thing over the summer.'
  I typed.
    'Thats so amazing! We should meet up sometime and hang out when you have some off time and you are in Texas!'
  She messaged.
    'Yeah, I'll have to see what I can do. I'm not for sure when I'll get days off and such.'
  I texted back.
    'Alright, just text me and let me know.'
  I slid my phone back into my pocket and got comfortable on the couch. I don't know how long I will be sitting here waiting for the bus. Before I knew it, I had drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
  I woke to someone gently shaking me.
    "Jacey, the bus is here to pick you up. The guys already carried your suitcases out to the bus, but they didn't get your purse and stuff. They figured that you would want to get it yourself."
Kevin said.
  I brushed my hair back from my face and sat up from my slumped over position on the couch. I picked up my messenger bag and put it on my shoulder. I then pulled back on my shoes at the door and tied them before heading out. Once I got out there, I saw a huge bus and a group of five men standing outside of it. They all had long hair except for one who had shorter hair. He was also the tallest of all of them. I walked up and they all smiled.
    "Jacey, I assume?"
The tallest one said.
I said, quietly.
  He chuckled.
    "I'm Andy."
He said.
  Then the rest introduced theirselves. I smiled and we walked onto the bus. They showed me where I would be sleeping. I smiled and thanked them. I put my messenger bag onto the bunk. I walked into the living room area where all of the guys where sitting at. I sat on the sofa beside the Ashley guy and Andy.
    "So tell us about yourself."
Andy said.
    "Well, I'm twenty six and I'm originally from Texas and then I moved to England when I was seventeen. Then when I was eighteen I had a car accident and got some amnesia and I never fully regained all of my memory. So with what I did remember, I went to Florida to Full Sail University, and I majored into photography and I worked in a photography studio for a while with a friend until it went out of business and then Kevin called me this morning coincidently the same day that the studio closed. So here I am."
I said.
  They all chuckled. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and my moms number flashed across the screen.
    "I gotta take this."
I said.
    "Alright. Take your time."
Andy said.
  I walked back to the bunk area and answered.
    "Hey mom, what's up?"
I asked.
     "Just calling to check up on you like I always do. I heard about the studio closing."
She said.
    "Yeah, I have something for the summer and a little while after that. Then I will go back home and try to find another job."
I said.
    "Are you going to be home for Christmas?"
She asked, hope filling her voice.
  I didn't get to come last Christmas because money was super tight and I wasn't able to fly to England. This year, things were a little different and I had money put back to go to England in my wallet.
    "If things go as planned I will be able to come. Things are better this year and I have money saved back."
I said.
  I could literally see the smile on her face.
    "Great. Me, Matt, and Alexa can't wait to see you. "
She said.
  I yawned and she chuckled.
    "Get some rest baby girl. That jet lag from your flight earlier is going to kill you."
She said.
  I sighed.
    "I know, I caught I small nap earlier, but I'm still pretty tired."
I said.
    "Well, I'll let you go. I love you baby girl."
She said.
    "I love you too, mom."
I said, quietly.
  She then clicked off. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked back into the living room area. The guys all looked up as I walked in.
    "Everything okay?"
Andy asked, concern lacing his tone.
    "Yeah, my mom was just calling to check on me."
I said.
He said, nodding his head.
  I then yawned again. Ashley chuckled.
    "You can go get some rest before tomorrow if you want. You are probably tired from the plane ride from Florida."
He said.
  I nodded, slightly.
    "Yeah, I'm probably about to go and get some rest."
I said.
  I then went back to the back and grabbed a pair of yoga shorts and a big T-shirt and went into the small bathroom and changed and then pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail. I then went back to my bunk and put my suitcase into the storage area and then climbed inside of the bunk that the boys had already made up with sheets and blankets and small pillows. I pulled the blankets around me and got comfortable and then let my mind be at peace before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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