Chapter Seven

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(Still in flashback)

*two years later*

I sighed as I finished unpacking the last bit of stuff into my apartment. I just moved to Florida to attend Full Sail University for my photography. I have a full ride scholarship and all I have left to do is find a part time job to pay for the apartment. I flopped back onto my bed and looked over at my pictures I had taped to the wall. I had pictures of me and Brittney, me and Austin, me, mom, and Matty at her wedding, me and Sarah, and me and Bex. I looked down at the scar tissue on my leg, I had gotten into a really bad car accident last summer and I had gotten some amnesia. The doctors told everyone not to tell me my past to have me try to remember everything on my own. Sometimes I feel like something is missing, but I haven't figured it out yet. So I didn't fully regain all of my memory, but my mom still let me come to Florida to fulfill my dreams of becoming a photographer. There was a knock on the door and I went and opened it. There was a girl standing there with black hair and an Asking Alexandria T-shirt on.
    "Hi, you must be Carrie my roommate."
I said, smiling.
    "Oh yes, you must be Jacey."
She said.
    "Yes, I am."
I said, stepping aside and allowing her to come inside.
  We settled in, and got ready for our first day the next morning.


  "Jacey McCardy!"
  I smiled as my name was called out and walked onstage to get my diploma. My mom had flown out to see me graduate and so had Matty and my younger sister, Alexa. I walked off and Alexa attacked my legs into a hug. I picked her up and threw her on my hip.
    "Hey there my baby girl. Have you been being good?"
I asked, lightly tickling her tummy.
  She giggled and my parents walked over and hugged me, taking Alexa from my arms.
    "I'm so proud of you."
My mom said.
  I smiled.
    "Thanks mom."
I said.
  We then went back to my apartment and I packed all of my stuff and carried it to the apartment I had set up for when I got out of college. They all helped me unpack and they then treated me for dinner since I had just graduated and all. We went to Olive Garden since it had been my favorite place to eat before we moved to England. We walked inside and they lead us to a little booth.
    "So, Jacey are you excited to start your life as a photographer?"
Matt asked.
    "More than anything."
I said, smiling.
    "Where are you going to try and go?"
My mom asked.
    "One of my friends from class is going to open a studio and she offered me a place there if I wanted to work there and I would have a job there as long as the studio was open."
I said.
  My mother smiled.
    "Well, that was sweet of her."
She said.
    "Yeah, well she was my roommate for the course of the time that we were both there so I guess we know each other pretty well."
I said.
    "Yeah. So has she had any thoughts of where she wants to put the studio?"
Matt asked, wiping his hands on a napkin.
    "I think she is building one right down the street from here actually because it is going to be like her house slash studio. Like the studio is going to be on the first floor and her house is going to be on the second floor."
I said.
    "Oh, that's creative."
My mother said.
    "Yeah, her dad owns a construction company so it won't cost as much for her I'm assuming."
I said, shrugging.
    "Oh, that's nice that her dad is going to do the entire thing for her."
My mother said.
    "Yeah, her dad was never really there in her life because she was a baby that the woman he had an afford with had and he didn't get to see her much due to his actual family."
I said.
    "Yeah, so the wife didn't know about the affire woman."
Matt said.
I said, shrugging.
  We finished eating and they dropped me off at my apartment. They all hugged me.
    "Have a safe flight."
I said, as I pulled away from my mom.
    "We will. Good luck on finding the job. We wish you the best of luck. Hope to see you at Christmas."
Matt said.
  I smiled.
    "Hopefully, depends on how crazy everything is."
I said.
  He ruffled my hair.
    "Take care of yourself. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."
He said.
  I nodded. I watched as they backed out of the parking lot in their rentle vechile. I sighed and walked back inside. I changed out of my sundress and wedges and pulled on a cami top and a pair of yoga shorts and climbed into bed, pulling the blankets over my body. I quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.

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