Chapter Six

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(Still in flashback thing)

*five months later*

  Its been five months since the boys left and Ben hasn't really been talking to me. Last I heard they had gotten a record deal and a lot of fans and stuff like that. So I've moved on. I have a new group of friends that I hang out with, and they accept me for who I am and don't judge my past. Yes I still live in England, but I've actually grown to like it a lot. Today is my graduation day from high school and I'm really excited because I start college in the following school year. I decided to go to school to become a photographer. I decided that it was my one true calling after the boys left, because it was one of the only things I had left. Bex being my model most of the time, I still talk to the boys parents and siblings, but I don't talk to the boys at all.
    "Jacey, are you ready yet?"
My mom asked peeking her head into the door.
  I finished the finishing touches to my hair and added a bit of hairspray to it and straightened out my black skater dress. I gave her a smile.
I said.
    "Alright. Lets go ahead and head to the school. Sarah and Bex are going to meet us there."
She said.
I said, smiling.
  She grinned.
    "I'm just so proud of you."
She said.
    "Thank you."
I said, hugging her.
  We walked downstairs and I was met by my mom's current boyfriend, Matthew Grant. No, he hadn't moved in with us, he had just brought us breakfast this morning.
    "Wow, Jacey you look amazing."
He said.
    "Thanks Matty."
I said, smiling.
  He let me give him a nickname because I didn't like to call him Matthew. My mom grabbed her keys and we walked out to her car. We climbed into her car and she drove to the school. I climbed out and went to where I was supposed to be. My friend, Brittney, hugged me.
    "Hey girly. You look gorgeous."
She said.
  I smiled.
    "You look amazing as well."
I said.
  She smiled.
    "Don't look now, but Mr. Mysterious is totally staring at you."
She said.
  I turned and looked to where she was looking. Sitting beside Bex and Sarah was Ben and the rest of the boys. I noticed that James and Ben had gotten a few more tattoos that were littered on his arms. I turned away quickly and tried to keep tears from falling down my face.
   "Whats wrong?"
Brittney asked.
  I shook my head.
    "Its nothing."
I said.
    "You sure?"
She asked.
    "Yeah, I'll be fine. Nothing to worry about. I can handle a couple of old friends I haven't seen or talked to in over four months."
I said.
    "Really?! Thats them?!"
She asked.
    "Yeah, that's Ben and the guys."
I said.
    "They're so cute!"
Brittney squealed.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "They aren't that great."
I muttered.
  Then the principal called us to attention. She went through everything and announced everything.
    "First I would like to bring up our valictorian, Jacey McCardy!"
She said.
  I stood up as the entire crowd cheered. I walked up to the podem.
    "First off, I want to welcome everyone here today to our campus. As you know, I'm Jacey McCardy. I remember my first day here, I was just a girl from Texas and I didn't have any friends. I didn't know what I wanted to do after high school when someone asked, and I was probably in the same boat as a lot of students here. They weren't for sure what they wanted to do after high school. When Mrs. Carter came up to me and asked me to be valictorian, I remember going around to different students and helping them decide on a plan after school. That way that they could be like me. Now, when someone asks me what I want to do after high school I can look them directly in the face and tell them that I want to be a photographer or I want to be a studio producer. I don't have to be unsure anymore, and that's what I want the future to be like. I don't want the future to be unsure for anyone. Thank you."
I said, smiling.
  My mom was smiling proudly as was Brittney. I went back to my seat and sat down. They then handed us our diplomas and we then threw our caps up and then we got them back and gave our robes back and we went to meet our parents. My mom, Sarah, Britney's parents, and the rest of my friends parents wrapped me into a hug.
    "That was an amazing speech."
My mom said.
I said.
  Then from behind me there was throats being cleared. I turned and Ben and the boys were standing there. I crossed my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrows.
    "What do you want?"
I asked.
  Ben looked shocked.
    "We promised we would be back for your graduation."
He said.
    "Yeah, you also promised that you would talk to me. You want to know how I had to find out how you guys were? I had to ask your mom, and the guys parents because you didn't bother answer the phone when I called. So don't you dare Benjamin pull the hurt card with me."
I said.
  He looked at me like he was shocked at the words coming out of my mouth. I walked away and went over to my group of friends. Brittney hugged me.
    "We have officially graduated!"
She cheered.
  I laughed.
    "Yeah, now we can go to college and be on our own."
I said.
    "Yeah. How did everything go?"
She asked.
  I sighed and brushed my hair back.
    "Terrible. Inconsiderate jerks."
I said.
  Then my other best friend, Austin, came up behind me and hugged me.
    "Hey you, that was an amazing speech you made up there."
He said.
    "Thanks, I worked forever on it."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "So who was the guy you were going off on over there earlier?"
He asked.
    "Someone that used to be a friend."
I said.
    "What happened?"
He asked.
    "He got a record deal and thought that he was too good to talk to me anymore."
I said.
He said.
    "Yeah. Then he came here today of all days. On my special day, to ruin my day."
I said.
  He gently rubbed my shoulders.
    "Its going to be okay."
He said.
    "Hey, Jacey are you coming to the party tonight?"
Brittney asked.
    "Probably not, my mom will probably want me home tonight."
I said.
Brittney said.
  Then Austin was ripped away from me. I gasped when he was slammed against the chain-link fence. I noticed that it was Ben. Ben hit him in the face.
    "Leave my best friend alone!"
Ben shouted in his face.
  I yanked Ben off of him and hit him in the jaw.
    "What is wrong with you?! You really don't know how to stop do you?! Don't you understand that our friendship is over?! You ruined it Ben!"
I screamed.
  I then ran away from everything. I ran all the way back to my house. I noticed that my knuckles were slightly bruised. I sighed and changed and pulled my hair into a messy bun and took off my makeup. I climbed into bed and cried myself to sleep.

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