Chapter Twenty

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*two months later*
  I sigh as I pull my top down once again over my four month pregnant belly. I am on my lunch break, from my job as of this second. I had gotten a job working for a private company that took pictures for celebrities and such. It paid me pretty well, so I have been able to get some gender neutral stuff for the baby and the boys of Asking and my mom and Matty have been sending me stuff. Alexa is so excited that she is going to be an aunt. My mom says that it is all she talks about anymore. I explained to my mom what happened and she understood why I hadn't told Bex and Ben's mom and step dad yet. They hadn't heard that we were broken up yet unless Ben told them. I sigh as I look at the clock. My break is over for the day. I walk back in and Jinxx and his girlfriend is standing there. He rushes over and hugs me. His eyes widened when he notices my pregnant belly.
    "You're pregnant?!"
He exclaims.
    "Yes, but you have to promise me that you won't tell Ben. He screwed up his chance in having this family."
I say.
  He nods.
    "I won't say anything to him. Do the rest of them know?"
He asked.
    "Yes, I told them before I left. I thought they deserved to know."
I say.
    "How far along are you?"
He asks.
    "I just hit four months today and next month is when I get to see what I am having."
I say, with a smile.
    "Most women in your position wouldn't be so happy about it."
Jinxx's girlfriend says.
    "Well, this baby is my little miracle. I had a bad car accident and they told me that I may never be able to have children that's why I was amazed when I found I was pregnant. I mean I was on birth control plus we used protection."
I said.
  Jinxx nodded.
    "It happens. Oh back to the reason we were here. I need to set up an appointment to get pictures done. Like couple pictures of whatever. Both of our parents are threatening us if we don't do and get more pictures made."
He says.
  I giggle slightly and walk over to my desk.
    "Well, I won't be here tomorrow due to an doctors appointment to check up on my little munchkin, but I will be back on Friday and I have an open slot at one."
I say.
  Jinxx nodded.
    "That sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you Jacey. Why don't you come over to Andy's apartment tonight? We are having a small get together and I'm sure he'd like to see you. Plus, you need to tell him about you know. Asking is not going to be there. They are on tour. I think Danny might be there though."
He said.
  I bit my lip and nodded.
    "Sure, I'll see what I can do."
I say.
  He smiles.
    "Alright, I'll let everyone know that you are coming."
He says, tangling his fingers with his girlfriends as they walked out.
  I didn't have any more appointments booked today, but I still had to stay, until six which is closing just in case a client comes in wanting to make an appointment. Six finally came around and I locked up the studio and walked to my car. I drove to my apartment and climbed out of my car and then went inside after locking my car of course. I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of comfortable stretchy leggings and a sleeveless white maternity top with ruffles down the front. It was still a little big so it kind of masked my bump a bit. I then grabbed my black ruffle sandals and my black Beanie. I went into my bathroom and changed and slid the sandals on my feet. I then straightened my hair and slid the beanie on. I then grabbed my messenger bag and my phone and was off. I made it to Andy's apartment following the directions that Jinxx had texted. I knocked on the door and Danny opened it. His eyes widened when he saw me.
    "Jacey?! Oh my fuck I haven't seen you in forever!"
He exclaimed, hugging me.
  I made sure one hand was supporting my stomach while the other hugged him. He pulled back and his eyes widened when he realized.
    "And you're pregnant as well! Who's the lucky guy?!"
He asked.
  When I didn't answer his smile faded.
    "Is something wrong, love?"
He asked, turning into the supportive best friend that I've been needing.
    "Let me go say hi to Andy and then I'll start from the beginning."
I say.
  He nods. I go and find Andy and he hugs me. I of course have to support my belly because I haven't told many people about my condition. Andy's eyes widen when he pulled back.
    "You're having a baby!"
He exclaimed.
I said, quietly.
    "Where's Ben?"
He whispered, looking into my eyes.
  I just looked away.
    "He doesn't know does he?"
  I just simply shook my head no.
    "Why didn't you tell him?"
He questioned.
    "Because he willingly and knowingly cheated on me Andy. I wasn't going to let him into something like this after that. In fact, the only one from that band that doesn't know is him."
I say, looking up at Andy.
  He hugs me a little more gentle this time.
    "Do you have a place to stay that's big enough?"
He questions.
    "I have a two bedroom apartment about two blocks from here. I have a good paying job. I'm doing well for myself. I don't need a man in my life to keep my head above water."
I say.
  Andy nodds.
    "Okay, if you ever need anything you have my number. I will come stay with you closer to your due date. You can't be alone during that time."
He says.
  I just nodd.
    "Okay, well I have to go and explain this mess to Danny."
I say.
    "Alright. Take your time."
He says.
  I walk over to where Danny is standing. We walked outside and sat in the hall.
    "Okay so explain this."
He motions towards my belly.
    "Well, I got into a car accident and I had some brain damage therefore I had some amnesia and I didn't remember even moving to England. I didn't recall any that. Well, my mom and step dad eventually decided to let me move back to America to Florida and pursue my dream of becoming a photographer. So I went to Fullsail and what not. I graduated from there and moved to Miami and worked for a few years in a friend's studio and she ended up closing it. Then I got a call from Kevin and Black Veil Brides needed a photographer. Well, I agreed and went to California and when I got there I bumped into Ben. At first me and him didn't get along. Then we started dating, and now I'm here."
I said, placing a hand on my belly.
    "Why aren't you with Ben?"
He asked.
    "He knowingly and willingly cheated on me before I told him and I didn't want my child to grow up in that type of environment so here I am."
I say.
  He pulled out a sharpie and wrote his number on my arm.
    "If you ever need anything you call me, and when you go into labor if you need someones hand to squeeze the crap out of I'll be there."
He said.
  I giggled.
    "Do you know what you are having yet?"
He asked.
    "Not yet, I find out next month. I'm only four months and they usually check at five. The baby is positioned wrong. They are hoping that it will move so we can see what it is."
I say.
    "Can I maybe be there when you see what it is?"
He asks.
  I smile.
    "I'll shoot you a text when the appointment is if you want."
I say.
    "I'd like that."
He says.
    "Wanna head back inside before they think that someone kidnapped us?"
I asked.
  He chuckled.
    "Yeah, we better."
He says.
  He gets up dusting off his pants and then helps me carefully stand to my feet. The rest of the party, I pretty much stuck to Andy and Danny's side because they didn't drink and the rest of the people there did.
*one month later*
  I'm really excited, today is the day I hopefully get to see the gender of my baby. Danny is currently on his way to my apartment to pick me up and carry me to the appointment. He is working on a cd here in L.A. so it is actually convient for him to be able to help me out. I didn't get much rest last night. My back was hurting the entire night. There was a knock on my door and I went to open it. I smiled when Danny stood there with a baby blue Teddy bear in his hands. He handed it to me.
    "I thought you could put it in the baby's nursery."
He says.
    "Do you wanna see it?"
I ask.
  His eyes light up and he nods. I motion for him to follow me down the hall. I open the door and Danny walked in with the Teddy bear in his hands. The walls were painted a pale pastel blue and the white crib was pushed against the wall opposite of the window. He placed the Teddy bear on the little white shelf that held diapers and wipes.
    "Are you going to tell Ben's mom?"
Danny asked.
    "I don't know. She would probably tell Ben and try to get him to come after me and I don't want that."
I say.
    "Well, it is her grandchild as well."
He says.
  I close the door as we walked out of the nursery.
    "I know and in time I will tell her, but not right now. I haven't even told Bex and she is one of my best friends."
I say.
  Me and Danny walk out to his truck. He helps me into the truck and closes the door behind me. He drives me to the clinic, and helps me out of the truck and I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder. We walked inside and I got signed in. I sat down and Danny sat beside me. I was fidgety, and really nervous. Danny put his hand on my knee that was shaking like crazy.
    "Jacey, everything is going to be just fine."
He said.
  They soon call my name and we walk back into the back. They weigh me and measure my belly.
    "Well, Ms. Jacey everything is looking okay. Lets get a look at the little munchkin. You know the drill."
She says.
  I pull my oversized T-shirt up to just under my bra. She went and got the gel from the cart and poured it on top of my belly. I jumped and giggled. She flipped on the machine and pressed the wand to the screen.
    "So is this the father?"
She asked, her eyes cutting to Danny.
    "No ma'am, this is one of my best friends."
I say.
    "There is your baby."
She says, pointing to the screen.
  Tears filled my eyes. I sniffled and wiped at my eyes. Danny chuckled and kissed the top of my head.
    "Do you want to hear the heartbeat?"
She asked.
  I bit my lip and nodded. She flipped the switch and a heartbeat filled the room. I looked at Danny.
    "Thats my baby Danny."
I said, tears running down my face.
  He chuckled again.
    "I know, I know Jacey."
He says, stroking my hair.
     "We can finally see the baby's sex Ms. Jacey, would you like to know what you are having?"
She asked.
  I nodded.
    "Its looks like...."
  She stared hard at the screen and then smiled.
    "Its a healthy baby boy."
  More tears filled my eyes and ran down my face. Danny wiped them off with his thumb. The doctor handed me a napkin and I wiped the goo from my belly. Danny helped me up from the table and I signed out. We walked out to Danny's truck. My stomach growled. Danny chuckled.
    "Why don't we go get you some food. What does that little human inside of you want?"
He questions.
  I giggled. I was kind of craving tacos.
I said, seriously.
  He chuckled and then pulled into a Taco Bell.
    "Tacos it is."
He says.
  He comes around and helps me out of the truck. I'm so glad I had on my glasses instead of contacts because if someone saw me and this got back to Ben he would literally come and find me. We went inside and ordered. I got four tacos and a steak quesadea. I paid and went and got a root bear and then went and waited for my food. My order was called and I waddled and came and got my food and went back to the table we were sitting at.
    "You waddled."
Danny laughed.
  I playfully flipped him off.
    "Thats obviously already been done."
He says.
  I rolled my eyes and continued eating my food. Me and Danny ate and then went back to the truck.
    "Does he feel better now?"
Danny asked, directed towards my stomach.
  There was a slight motion in my belly. I gasped and held a hand there. Danny looked at me strangely. I grinned.
    "He's moving."
I say, motioning for Danny to give me his hand.
  I placed his hand where the movement was and he moved again. A huge grin spread across his face. He then pulled his hand back so that he could drive.
    "You know, I was going to be a father. The girl ended up losing the baby and then her and her mom used pictures from the internet to say that she was like five months along and then one of her friends finally told me. It didn't surprise me really, she was a heroine addict. I mean, it still hurt like hell, but she wouldn't have been a fit mother."
He said.
  He dropped me off at my apartment and I sent at a dm to Denis.
    'Me:  A healthy baby boy! I wish you could have been there. It was so amazing!'
  He immediately called me.
    "Oh my fuck! Are you serious?!"
He exclaimed.
    "Yes! He started moving today as well. It feels so weird."
I say.
  He chuckles.
    "Wow, can you believe it the first AA baby."
He says.
  I sigh.
    "I know. Hows he doing?"
    "He's really torn up, but he's not drinking and he's doing shows. He's out with James and Cameron right now that's why I called instead of messaging."
He says.
    "I wish it didn't have to be this way."
I say.
    "Me too, but I admit he screwed up. I'm not going to stick up for him. He's really stupid."
He said.
  I ran a hand through my hair that is now down to my butt. The prenatal vitamins are making it and my nails grow like crazy.
    "So the guys from Black Veil Brides know now. They invited me to a little get together they had last month."
I say.
    "I mean as long as no one tells him it should be fine. Have you told his mom and sister yet?"
He asked.
    "I don't know how. How do you tell someone that you are five months pregnant with their son's child and he doesn't know and you guys are no longer together? I may just wait until he is born."
I say.
    "Shit! I gotta go the guys are back!"
    "Okay, I'll call you later."
I say.
  He hangs up and I put my phone on my nightstand. I lay back on the bed and pull my T-shirt up to expose my belly. I poke at it and I felt a movement in my belly. I smiled. That is my little man in there. I continued to do that for a while until I was tired enough to go to bed and I eventually managed go fall asleep.

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