Chapter Four

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(Still in flashback)

*five months later*

   Today is Christmas and I'm so glad that I have another week off after this week. School has been fun, but it is super stressful.
    "Jacey, Ben and the boys are here."
My mom said, peeking her head inside my bedroom door.
    "Tell them I got to get dressed and then I'll be right down."
I said.
She said.
  I walked to my closet and pulled out the hoodie that Ben had gotten me for my birthday and my black ripped skinny jeans. I then grabbed my black combat boots and walked into my bathroom. I quickly changed and brushed out my hair, deciding to leave it in it's wavy state. I then put a little makeup on. I added foundation, eyeliner on top and bottom, and mascara. I then added a clear lip gloss on my lips. I pulled on my boots and then walked downstairs, the smell of Christmas foods and laughter filled my senses. Once I made it to the living room all the boys tackled me into a hug.
    "Hello love!"
Ben cheered.
  I giggled and ruffled his hair.
    "Hey Ben."
I said.
  I pulled out of their tight embraces and plopped down on the couch. My mom peeked her head into the room.
    "I have to go pick up your aunt and uncles from the airport. Do you think that you can not burn the house down while I'm gone?"
She teased.
  I stuck my tongue out at her.
    "We got this."
I said, laughing as Ben laid across mine, Danny, James, and Cameron's laps.
  She laughed and shook her head.
    "Be good you goofs."
She said as she walked out of the door.
    "So what do you guys want to do until my mom gets back?"
I asked.
    "We can go outside and have a snowball fight."
Danny said.
  I giggled.
    "I've never actually got to have a snowball fight. In the part of Texas I lived in it didn't really snow that much and if it did it didn't stick."
I said.
  James gasped.
    "You've never had a snowball fight?"
He asked.
I said.
  With that I was told to put on my leather jacket and gloves. I did and Ben threw me over his shoulder. I squealed and he chuckled. He carried me outside and put me down in my backyard.
    "Alright, we have to have teams. I call Jacey!"
Ben said, grabbing my hand.
  I giggled and watched as the boys grouped up. A few minutes later we were all hidden behind different little forts we had built and were throwing snowballs at the other teams. When we finally decided that Danny and Cameron had won we went inside. I shivered slightly and turned the heating up.
    "I think we have some hot chocolate if not I can make some coffee."
I offered.
  The boys cheered. I walked into the kitchen and found an unopened box of hot chocolate. I made enough for everyone and placed all the mugs on a tray and carried it to the living room. They all grabbed a mug and I grabbed mine, wrapping my hands around it. It was still steamy so I knew that I wouldn't be able to drink it right now. My mom soon came in with my aunts and uncles following them. My jaw dropped when I saw my cousin that spread the rumors about me with black hair instead of bleach blonde, skinny jeans instead of Miss Me jeans, combat boots instead of UGGs, and heavy eyeliner. As soon as she saw me she threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.
    "I'm so sorry for all the things that I said about you!"
She said, sniffling.
    "Kassidy, it's okay, but what happened to you?"
I asked.
  She pulled away sniffling.
    "I went to this party, and your old friends were there and they started saying stuff about me in front of my friends and they stopped talking to me and here I am. I am so sorry for making the entire family turn against you. I explained everything, and they are all here to apologize."
She said.
  Ben came up behind me and threw his arms around my shoulders.
    "Hey love, your hot chocolate is going to get cold."
He said, handing it over to me.
  I took a sip of it, and it was only slightly chilled so I quickly finished it. He took the mug from me and carried it to the kitchen with his.
    "Is that your boyfriend?"
She asked.
    "No, he's my best friend. He was the first person to kind of help me out when I first moved here."
I said.
  She looked at my hoodie in wonder.
    "Who is Asking Alexandria?"
She asked, curiously.
    "Oh, that's Ben and the rest of the boys band. Ben got this and a tshirt like this made for my birthday."
I said.
    "You all seem to be really close."
She said.
    "We are. We spend more time at each others houses than our own."
I said.
  She smiled slightly. Then her smile faded.
    "What is it?"
I asked.
    "I just thought of something."
She said.
I said.
    "About Tyler."
She said.
    "If it's about that thing I don't want to know."
I said.
  Ben came back with raised eyebrows and Kassidy took a deep breath and looked me in the eye.
    "A month after you left, he overdosed."
She said.
  I felt my heartbreak. Even though he broke up with me, almost a year ago it doesn't change anything. Ben seemed to notice my thoughts by my facial expression and came and wrapped his arms around me.
    "Why didn't anyone tell me before now?"
I asked.
    "Your mom didn't want to upset you."
Ben said, quietly.
  I turned to him.
    "You knew?!"
I questioned.
  He sighed.
    "Yes. You're mom told me when it happened. She asked me not to tell you."
He said.
  I pushed him away.
    "How could you not tell me?!"
I screamed.
  I then ran out of the door and down the street. It was snowing again. I heard footfalls behind me.
    "Jacey, please!"
Ben called.
  I kept running until I was lost and too cold to carry on. So I just curled into myself on the cold ground.

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