Chapter Twenty-One

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*one month later*
  I'm six months today and I'm miserable. I've been trying to think to baby names as well and so far my favorite is Caleb Paul, Mason James, or Caleb Lee. My mom thinks that I should name him Caleb Paul, that way he will have Ben's middle name since he will not be taking Ben's last name. I have not decided though. There was a knock on my apartment door. I went and opened it and it was Danny. He chuckled at my "waddle" as he calls it to the kitchen. I flipped him off.
    "I can't help it. I can't see my feet and it's hard to walk with this little munchkin in here."
I said.
    "Have you decided on a name yet?"
He asked.
    "Its in between Caleb Paul, Mason James, and Caleb Lee. My mom wants him to be named Caleb Paul because he's not taking his last name."
I say.
    "I mean, they all sound amazing, but it's completely up to you."
He says.
    "I know, but this is hard. Its worst than naming a dog."
I groaned.
  He chuckled.
    "So has he tried to call like at all?"
He asked.
  I shook my head.
    "The other guys call and I keep check on him."
I say.
    "Hows he doing?"
He asks.
    "Last I heard he's down, but he wasn't drinking and he's playing shows. He was out with James and Cameron when I called the other day."
I said, shrugging.
  I winced and held my stomach slightly when the baby gave me a slightly hard kick.
    "You alright?"
Danny asked, rubbing my lower back.
    "He's just kicking a lot for some reason today. He's going to be an active little thing."
I say.
  Danny chuckles.
    "Well, he's got his father's blood and the only time he's calm is during tattoos and sleeping."
He said.
    "Well, he can play sports or something to run his energy off before he gets home."
I say with a chuckle.
  I checked the clock, it was almost time for my appointment. Thats the reason I'm home from work today. Danny took over driving me to the doctors, and Andy took over driving me up pretty much everywhere else. Me and Danny headed out the door for his truck. He helped me into his truck. He then closed the door behind me. He drove to the clinic his voice ringing out beside Motley Crue's. I smiled and shook my head at head. He could be a child at times, he really could. We made it to the clinic and then he helped me out of the truck. We walked into the clinic and I signed in. Me and Danny sat in. I gently rubbed over my stomach, trying to calm down the baby. He was going crazy.
    "Jacey McCardy."
  We walked to the back and they weighed me and measured my belly.
    "Still looking good Ms. Jacey. You are nearing your due date. I believe it is the first of November."
She says.
    "I think so, but he's a little eager to come out so he may come out early."
I said.
  She laughed as she went to get the goo for the machine. I rolled up my top and she squirted it on my belly. I giggled and Danny laughed a bit. She turned on the machine and pressed the wand onto my belly. My baby immediately showed up on the screen. A huge grin spread across my lips. Danny tangled our hands together. I looked at him and then back at the screen. She switched on a switch and the heartbeat filled the room.
    "He's got a strong steady heartbeat."
She said.
    "His father has a strong heartbeat."
I said, quietly.
  She smiled at me. Danny squeezed my hand lightly. She clicked off the machine and handed me a napkin. I wiped off my belly and pulled down my top.
    "Well, Ms. Jacey I will be seeing you next month for possibly your last checkup before your little man is born. I definitely want to see some pictures when he is born."
She said.
    "Oh, we'll be coming here for his checkups and such. I don't trust just anybody."
I say.
  Danny helps me off the bed and we make it to the check out desk and schedule my next appointment.
    "Okay, Mister what do you want for lunch today?"
Danny asks as soon as we get into his truck.
  I laugh.
    "I could use some chicken nuggets and fries from McDonalds."
I say.
  He chuckled.
    "You always have the randomnest cravings I've ever seen."
He says.
  I stuck my tongue out at him and we walked into McDonald's. I pushed my glasses back up my nose and rebraided by now breast length hair. I ordered a twenty piece chicken nuggets and a large fry and a large drink. I paid and went to get tea while I waited for my food to be done. My order number was called and I walked up and went and got my food. Me and Danny found a secluded Booth in the back and we ate in a comfortable silence. We walked back out to his truck and Danny helped me inside. I buckled the seat belt around me and we were off back to my house. Me and Danny watched Netflix on my laptop until he got a call from his manager and had to go back to the studio. So I decided to go to my bedroom. I went in there and sat cross cross applesauce on my bed. I decided that I had gathered the courage and I skyped Bex. She soon picked up. Bex's eyes trained on the shirt stretched over my belly. Her jaw dropped.
She screamed.
  I looked and slightly nodded.
    "Its my brother's right."
  I nodded again. I then looked up.
    "You can't tell him though, please Bex I'm begging you."
I said.
    "I'm not going to say anything to him, but you have to tell him Jacey. Thats his kid as well. If you don't tell him before it is born, I will."
She said.
  I sighed.
    "Bex, that gives me three months. How do I tell him? How do I tell him that he has three months to prepare to be a father or to walk away?"
I asked, tears falling down my cheeks.
    "My brother may do a lot of stupid things, like cheating on you, but I promise you that boy won't walk out on that kid."
She says.
    "Okay,  I'll try. I can't just fly anywhere though because I'm six months into this thing, but I can try to get someone to drive me there."
I say.
    "Six months? So since New Years? Ewwww so when Ben did the tent thing you guys, ewww!"
She exclaimed.
  I giggled and shook my head.
    "Its not like you haven't done it before."
I said.
    "But I don't want to think about my brother doing it!"
She exclaimed.
  I giggled again and then yawned.
    "Well, I'm going to get some sleep and then I am going to try and see what I can do."
I said.
    "Remember what I said, you or me and I mean it."
She says.
  I nodd. She hangs up and I put my laptop beside my bed and crawl under the covers and curl up.

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