Chapter Thirteen

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  I woke the next morning to someone pulling my blankets off of me slightly and sliding in next to me. I rolled over and Ben was cuddled up beside me.
    "Whats up you goof?"
I questioned.
  He groaned.
    "I have a migraine."
He answered, lightly rubbing his temples.
  I sighed.
    "Wait here."
I whispered.
  I climbed over him and went to my suitcase. I grabbed a thing of tylenol extra strength and went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of cool water. I went back and shook the right amount out of the bottle and handed it to Ben along with the bottled water. I then made him slid over next to the wall so I wouldn't have to keep climbing over him. He cuddled me so that his head was rested on my stomach. I gently ran my fingers through his hair. When I get migraines it always helps me when someone does that to me so maybe it will help him. I looked down a few minutes later and Ben was asleep, light snores escaping from his parted lips. I smiled, slightly. His arms tightened slightly around my waist and he cuddled deeper into my stomach. I giggled lightly. Sleeping Ben is so cute. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I posted it to my instagram.
    'This Goofball came to my bunk this morning for cuddles. He is currently asleep fighting off a migraine. @benjaminpaulbruce.'
  The rest of the guys wake up. I leaned my head out of the bunk. Andy looked at me weirdly.
    "What are you doing?"
He asked, laughing.
    "Ben is asleep cuddled to my stomach. He came earlier with a mirgraine and I gave him some tylenol extra strength and he fell asleep. So now I'm kind of trapped."
I said.
  He chuckled again.
    "Yeah, I've had those before. I used to get them bad when I would get really stressed out about something."
He said.
  I played with Ben's hair.
    "Yeah, I do too. I also get them after a flashback."
I said.
    "Yeah, I could only imagine. Not knowing something for a while and then it suddenly just hits you."
He says.
  I nodded.
     "Yeah, that's basically how it works. Sometimes it's worse than others though like that morning I had to wake up and take my medicine I think it was the first morning I woke up on the bus."
I said.
  Andy nodded.
    "Yeah, I remember that. It was like we couldn't do anything but watch you go through the pain."
He said.
    "Yeah, lesson learned:  never drive drunk."
I said.
  He gave me a small smile and Ben started to squirm around in my arms. A look of panic crosses his face.
    "No, Jacey please don't leave me. Come back please."
He mumbled in his sleep.
  I gently stroked his hair. His face contorted to a look of pain.
    "Jacey, please come back. I'm so sorry. Its all my fault!"
He whimpered.
  I gently shook him.
    "Ben, love wake up. Its just a dream."
I said, quietly.
  His eyes snapped open and he cuddled into my neck taking in my scent. I felt tears drop onto my neck. I gently ran my hands through his messy hair.
    "Its okay Ben. Do you want to talk about it?"
I asked, quietly.
    "We were in a car and we were arguing something bad and I wasn't paying attention to the road and it was rainy and wet and the last thing I saw was a pair of bright head lights and then I woke up in the hospital. They explained what happened and explained that you were in a coma. Well, I started freaking out because we had just found out that we were going to be parents. They promised that they would check on the baby. They went and checked on it and said that both you and the baby were stable for the time being. Then about a week after I got out, they called me from the studio and you had flatlined. Then that's where it ended. I never figured out whether or not you survived or not."
He whimpered.
    "Well, I'll tell you the ending. I, would never stop fighting for you Ben. I fought this long to be with you and you aren't going to get rid of me that easily."
I said.
  He looked at me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
    "When I had that car accident, there was this voice telling me you have to wake up. You can't let your life end this way. You are destined to do something more and be with him. It would echo over and over. Sometimes it would be your name. When I woke up, I realized that I didn't know a Ben. I mean obviously because of the amnesia."
I said.
    "Well, here we are."
He said.
    "Yep, here we are."
I said.
  He pecked my lips.
    "Do you have a show today?"
He asked.
I said with a sigh.
  He pouted his bottom lip out. I poked at it.
    "Hey cheer up you. Its like the last show before we get the three days here in Florida. We can go to the beach or something."
I say.
  He grins when he hears me say something about the beach.
    "So I'll be able to see you in a bikini?"
He asked, cheekily.
  I lightly smacked his arm.
    "Keep it up and I will wear a T-shirt over it."
I say.
  He chuckled and shook his head. He then propped himself up on his elbow.
    "So when are you going to let me take you on a proper date?"
He asked.
  I sighed.
    "Ben, you know I don't like dates but if you really want to take me on one I guess we can go on one while we are on break."
I say.
  He smiles.
He says, pecking my lips.
    "Do I have to dress up?"
I ask.
    "Yes. As in you Jacey Teagan McCardy have to wear a dress."
He says.
  I groan.
    "Ben, you know I don't do dresses and heels."
I whine.
    "Suck it up buttercup."
He said, sticking his tongue out at me.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "You suck. This means I have to go shopping."
I say, folding my arms across my chest.
    "Then I guess you and Bex have something to do tomorrow."
He says.
  My eyes shot up to his face. There was a grin spread across his face. I hugged him.
    "You are flying Bex out?!"
I exclaimed.
    "Well, technically she and her boyfriend or whatever are coming to the show tonight along with my mum and step dad and they are going to get a hotel room and stuff and stay while we are on break and hang out with us."
He said, shrugging.
  I smiled.
    "You are the most amazing boyfriend ever."
I said, pecking his lips.
  He smiled.
    "Oh and while we are in the UK we are stopping by and visiting your family as well. I want to check up on them. I haven't seen them in forever."
He said.
    "Aww you should see Alexa. She is the most precious little thing."
I say, almost squealing.
    "Who's Alexa?"
He asks, confused.
    "Oh, she's my little sister. My mom got remarried and had Alexa."
I explained.
    "Oh that's good. I'm glad that she finally saw what your dad was doing."
He said.
  I nodded silently and looked down, tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ear.
    "Yeah, she had to sit me down and explain to me when I got out of the hospital why my father wasn't there anymore. She had to explain to her daughter that had only been out of a coma for a week that her father used to beat her senseless and lock her in the basement for hours to days at a time without food or water."
I said, my eyes staring off into nothing.
  Ben's arms snaked around my waist and he hugged me tight.
    "Don't think about it. You are stronger than he will ever be. You know why he done that? Because his parents never allowed him to be what he wanted to be, I bet he wanted to be something more than what he was. He probably had a dream, and they took it away from him and forced him to do something else. Thats usually how it goes. People that weren't allowed to have dreams growing up, are scared to let people around them have dreams because they are scared the people that hurt them are going to cone back."
He said, resting his chin on the top of my head.
  I played with his fingers that rested on my stomach.
    "You know if you wouldn't have became a Singer slash guitarist you would have became a good therapist."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "I wouldn't say that. I've had my rough patches myself. I turned to drugs and alcohol a lot when the band first started. I think on through 'Reckless And Relentless' we were all pretty much a bunch of drunks until our girlfriends at the time got us on a show called 'The Warrior Show' and we all realized how bad out of shape we all were.  It nearly killed us all. I remember Cameron and James puking everywhere. It was actually like my birthday that next day and we had to go do that. I remember it was rainy and cold and it was at night of all things. I realized through that show that we kind of needed a change, so we stopped drinking completely before shows. It was needed especially after we had to cancel a show because Danny was so drunk and high he just stumbled around the stage. I think he actually even hit a fan or two. We ended upsetting to put him through a bit of rehab after that as well. It was a mess honestly. It was definitely an eye opener for all of us. Of course, now who knows what Danny is up to. None of the boys or me really talk to him. Just a text here or there to check in on each other, make sure we're still alive and such. It was a pretty hard hit when he left. I mean, we all seen it coming, but it still hurt like hell you know because I mean he was like my best friend and he left me hanging. Now with Denis though I think Asking is bigger than it has ever been."
He says, looking at the few pictures I have taped to my bunk walls.
    "Yeah, I admit I have my demons and I have regrets but one thing I don't regret is moving to England."
I say.
  Ben smiled.
    "Well, I for one am glad you moved to England. I just wish that you could remember all the fun times that we had back in the day."
He said cuddling me.
  I sighed.
    "All in time, my love, all in time. They said hopefully it won't be permanent. Once I get around the people that I was myself with I will start to remember more and more stuff faster."
I say.
  He nodds. Then there is a light knock on the wood above my bunk. I push open my bunk curtain slightly. Andy was standing there, completely dressed in his stage outfit.
    "Might want to get ready. We play in thirty."
He says.
  I pull out of Ben's arms and he whines.
    "I have to get ready now. I'm sure you have a show to go get ready for as well so go get to it."
I say.
  He chuckles and checks his phone.
    "My show is at seven and it is almost six now."
He said, shrugging.
  He rolled out of my bunk. He brushes his messy hair out of his face and pulls on his converse. I go to my suitcase and pull out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a Drop Dead shirt that reads 'I don't trust me either' with a skeleton hand that is crossing it's fingers. I went to the bathroom and changed. I quickly straightened my hair using one of the boys straighteners which was still hot and went and pulled on my converse. I then grabbed my camera and pulled it around my neck. Ben smiled when he saw it.
    "You still use the camera that your mum bought you for your birthday."
  I looked down at it and smiled.
    "Yeah, it holds a lot of memories I'm sure. I couldn't bare to part ways with it."
I say.
    "You still have the original strap as well."
He points out.
  I looked down fiddling with the worn Skid Row strap on my camera.
    "Well, it is one of my favorite bands."
I say.
  Ben smiles.
    "Yeah, it was back then too."
He says.
  Then the boys are rushing me out the door. Ben waves as he makes his way back to his bus. We get to the stage and I help the boys get hooked to their equipment because after all this time they still don't know how. They soon raced out to the stage. I giggled when Andy almost tripped on the way out. I soon went to my spot and started snapping pictures of the boys. Once the show was over, we walked back to the bus and I went to my bunk. I climbed inside and checked my phone. I had a message from Ben.
    'Didn't get to wish you a good night before you left my love, but good night and sweet dreams. Hope you dream of me in that beautiful mind of yours.'
  I smiled and shook my head. He was such a cheese ball.
    'Goodnight to you as well my love. I hope you sleep well and don't get anymore nightmares, but if you do you better call me. Xxxx'
  I then went and changed into a pair of light sweatpants and a tank top and climbed back into my bunk. I immediately fell asleep, knowing that tomorrow I would get to see Ben, Bex, and, Sarah.

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