Chapter Twelve

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  Today, the boys of Black Veil Brides had given me a break. The stage hand was going to take the pictures and they were going to let me go catch Asking Alexandria's show. I decided to surprise Ben of course. I didn't let him know that I was coming today. I pulled on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, Ben's old Bullet For My Valentine shirt that I had stolen when we were teenagers. I quickly got changed and pulled on my converses. I then grabbed my pass off the bathroom sink and tied it to my belt loop. I made my way to the Asking Alexandria stage and saw Ben messing around with the boys (GIF.) I bit my lip to hold in a giggle. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped and tried to pull out of my arms.
    "I'm sorry whoever you are, I already have a girlfriend."
He said.
  I giggled and swung around to kiss his cheek. He chuckled and pecked my lips.
    "Don't you have a show today? Although, I'm not complaining."
He said, confused.
    "They gave me a day off. They wanted me to come spend some time with you. The stage hand is going to take the pictures for the night."
I said, shrugging my shoulders.
    "You actually trust someone with your camera?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow.
  I stuck my tongue out.
    "The guys won't let anything happen to it."
I said.
  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. The stage manager walked up.
    "Okay boys it's time to go on."
He said.
  The guys grabbed their gear and headed out onstage. I watched from the sidelines with a big smile on my face. Then the music stopped for a second.
    "Okay, we are going to slow things down and change things up a bit. Ben just recently got a new girlfriend, and she is backstage with us tonight and he wants to welcome her onstage while he sings this next song!"
Denis shouted into the microphone.
  I felt my cheeks heat up. I can't believe that Ben is about to make me go out there. Ben walked backstage and then picked up his acoustic guitar and a guitar stool. He nudged me in front of him and out onto the stage. The crowd roared when me and him stepped into view. I smiled and he placed me ontop of the stool. He walked to his mic.
    "Alright, as you know me and Sam split last year and I haven't been dating much well that's because there's been one girl on my mind. That girl is sitting on that stool right there. She has been haunting my thoughts since we came to America and I regret never telling her how I truly felt. So, today I am going to be singing 'Someone, Somewhere' in honour of my beautiful girlfriend, Jacey!"
He said.
  I smiled. He started playing the guitar.
    "Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm alone 'cause I know there's someone somewhere praying that I make it home. I need a home sweet home to call my own, to call my own. It was you, that told me I could do this. You put the music in my heart, how you sang with the band in Memphis. Its hard just to be strong, not knowing if I've done you proud. I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs. Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone 'cause I know there's someone somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home to call my own. A letter home and I know we don't speak much and we both know I'm not keen to, but I think there's things I've left unsaid. I'm okay don't worry, I wish I'd been a better kid. I'm trying to slow down, I'm sorry for letting you down. Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone 'cause I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home, to call my own. Yeah! You know it's just rock and roll. I know you're by my side through it all. My terror twin and I, let's take over the world. Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm alone 'cause I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart my life right from the start, I need a home sweet home to call my own. I know I'm not alone 'cause I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home, to call my own."
Ben sang, looking into my eyes.
  I could tell that the song was partically about his mom, ex-wife, and probably some about me as well. He came over to me and hugged me tightly. He then gently pecked my lips. I blushed and pulled away. He chuckled. I walked offstage as they began 'Dear Insanity.' It was going to be their last song since they subituted that little piece in. Once they were finished they all rushed off. I handed each of them a water bottle. Ben hugged me to his body. I giggled and snuggled into his arms.
    "Are you coming to the signing?"
He asked.
    "I don't know."
I said, shrugging.
    "You don't have to, but I'm sure some of the fans would like to meet you, the inspiration for the hit Asking Alexandria song 'Someone, Somewhere.'"
He said.
  I sighed. He poked out his bottom lip.
    "Fine, only for a little while though. I'm not staying through the entire thing. I still plan on staying on my bus tonight."
I said.
  He grinned.
He cheered, childishly.
  I rolled my eyes.
    "You would think you were a three year old instead of a twenty eight year old."
I said.
  It was his turn to roll his eyes.
    "I act my age sometimes."
He says.
  I laughed.
    "Only sometimes, huh?"
I said.
  He stuck his tongue out at me and tangled his fingers in mine as the bodyguards lead the boys to where their signing would be held. Once we got there, I realized there wasn't enough seats so I was going to stand in the back and lean against the pole. Ben wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I felt my cheeks heat up in embrassment and I hid my face with my hands. Pretty soon the fans started pouring in and were gushing over how such a cute couple me and Ben were. A few even asked for my autograph which was something completely new and different for me. So I just smiled and signed their CDs along with the boys. Me and the boys joked around throughout the duration of the meet-n-greet. Ben would pull a funny face or tickle my sides and I would fall off his lap and all of the boys would laugh and eventually I would join in after flipping them off of course. Once the meet-n-greet was over, Ben walked me back to the Black Veil Brides bus. Once we got there, he leaned down and gently kissed me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me until I ran out of breath and had to pull back before I died from lack of oxygen. I giggled and pecked his cheek.
    "I'll see you tomorrow, Goofball. Sweet dreams, my love."
I whispered.
  He grinned and pecked my lips gently once again.
    "Sweet dreams to you as well. I see you have caught on to some of the British terms."
He said.
  I smiled.
    "Well, what can I say? British people are hot."
I said, with a wink.
  He chuckled and pecked me on the lips again.
    "You better get on the bus before Andy comes out here like an overprotective dad and tries to shoot me."
He said.
  I laughed, throwing my head back.
    "Funny. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow."
I said.
He said, pulling away.
  He then walked back towards his tour bus. I walked inside, biting my lip. The boys looked up from their phones.
    "Have fun with Asking Alexandria?"
Andy asked.
    "Yeah, it's always a blast with that crew. They pulled me onstage and Ben did an acoustic version of their song 'Someone, Somewhere' and then drug me to their meet-n-greet."
I said.
  Andy chuckled.
    "Yeah, they can be hard to keep up with. Back when I used to party with them and Danny was in the band it was interesting to say the least. There was always that random time when Ben and Danny would end up making out on the couch or something and we would have to carry then to their bunks because it would get awkward."
Andy said, laughing.
  I smiled.
    "I wish I could remember Danny. I don't remember him at all. Like I just remember how he used to be."
I said, looking down.
    "He's basically the same way now that he was when you knew him except he doesn't dye his hair black anymore and he has a beard. Oh and he drinks a pretty good bit now. He stopped taking his medicine for depression and anxiety."
He said.
  I nodded.
   "Why did he leave the band?"
I asked.
    "He told me that he basically felt like he was bringing the band down. That he couldn't be what the band needed anymore. He had started a new band called We Are Harlot and began to try and do some stuff with them. Well during that time he became withdrawn from Asking and the guys figured that he wouldn't stay much longer. Then after their album 'From Death To Destiny' he left. He continued his band We Are Harlot for a little while and I think he is solo doing country type music."
Andy said.
  I nodded.
    "He used to come to me when he had to talk and he hid a lot from the boys because he didn't want to worry them. He hid so much inside. I was kind of like his therapist in a way. He didn't want to admit to hiself that he was going to a dark place and then they left and they all stopped talking to me."
I said.
  Andy nodded. I then yawned. Andy chuckled.
    "Go get some sleep. You have a show to photograph tomorrow."
He said.
  I chuckled. I went to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of yoga shorts and an oversized T-shirt and underclothes and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then climbed into my bunk. I was quickly sucked into my dreams as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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