Chapter Nine

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Jake's POV

We were all seated in Match's living room drinking beer except for Tonya who was sipping a lemonade. Wesley was already on his second beer and had a scowl on his face while he stared into the bottle in his hand.

"You know we all love you both," Match started. "But this is madness. Do you really think that a fake marriage is an ideal situation for raising a child?" As Match grew more frustrated he used hand gestures more and more frequently during a sentence. 

Wesley gave me the stink eye from across the room and I felt the need to defend myself before he hated me more than he already seemed to. "I didn't tell them Wes, I swear. I thought we were just coming over for a beer."

Match's head snapped in my direction, "you knew? You knew about this sham and you never told us?"

"I only found out yesterday." This gathering was quickly snowballing towards an all-out fight, I could feel it in my bones.

"I told Match," Tonya told Wesley. "I didn't think he'd go all crazy about it."

"I am not going 'all crazy about it'. I'm trying to make you both see that this is a very serious situation you're trying to get yourselves into." Match growled making air quotes with his fingers.

"I'm already in a very serious situation. Thank you very much," Tonya huffed. "We both discussed this Match and I know you mean well but we know what we're getting ourselves into. It's not like either of us expects the other to have sex with them, that's just gross Wesley is like my brother. And he's gay."

"Thank you for clarifying that Captain Obvious." Wesley chuckled and pushed at Tonya with his shoulder.

I could see Match shaking head and lifting his hand to pinch his brow between two fingers. "How do you plan to raise a child? You're both in college, who's going to mind the baby while you both attend classes? How are you going to pay for everything that a baby needs? Those little humans are expensive."

Little humans? I mouthed the words to Gerard and he couldn't hold back his snicker.

"Will you both be serious." Match snapped at us.

"Why are you taking this so hard?" Wesley questioned.

"Because you're young and you don't know what you really want yet. I don't want to see you throwing your life away, either of you. Having a baby alone is not the end of the world. Yes, it's hard but you'll have all of us for support. I'm sure your parents will come around because they'll be missing out on their grandchild's life if they don't." Match's face was turning red and I could see a vein in the side of his forehead throbbing. I was afraid it would pop at any time if he didn't calm down.

"You don't know my parents," Tonya said sighing. "My Uncle was cut off from the family when I was eight because he wanted to leave the family business and study for a different career. That was it, a life choice that was his to make and the whole family turned away from him." I was seriously feeling bad for Tonya right now but surely there was another way.

"Guys I think we all need to calm down," Gerard spoke breaking his silence. "We seem to be missing the point here. Wesley, man, you're never going to pass as a straight dad. You're too..." Gerard seemed to struggle for the right word and I inwardly cringed at anything he could say. "Gay." I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"I'm too gay?" Wesley's voice found a pitch that could shatter glass, it definitely tried to shatter my eardrums. "You're fucking gay too so would you like to explain that?"

"The way you act," Gerard elaborated. "The way you dress and the way you speak. I'm not trying to put you down I'm just saying you can't hide it Wesley it's glaringly obvious."

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