Chapter Twenty - Nine

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Jake's POV

Things were going well in my life. I'd caught up on most of the classes I'd missed and had spent the last few weeks majorly sucking up to my friends. Gerard was still pretty pissed off at me but at least he'd started speaking to me again. None of us saw much of Wesley because he was spending a lot of time with Professor Miller's son, Tom. Lydia and Charlene were currently away at a cheap hotel somewhere enjoying their second anniversary together and Amber was working a new job at the local theater. The hours sucked so we didn't see much of her, but she got us discounted tickets whenever we needed them.

Match was my landlord/roommate for the foreseeable future. I'd given up my dorm room when I'd thought I wouldn't be going back to school. Call me childish if you want, I deserve it! I'm still learning from my mistakes but I think that's something that you never grow out of. Match was a great friend though, whenever I'd start to 'act my age' he'd tell me off. He also called me on my insecurities. He told me that I needed to take a chance on Gabe and trust that things weren't going to go wrong. 

I'd also learned that I would need to go to court in the next few months. Wesley's step-brother Daryl had finally been caught and he was going to trial. Myself, Wesley and a few other victim's of Daryl's would have to stand up and testify against him. I was a nervous wreck every time I thought about it but Wesley had actually cried when we'd been told. By some twist of fate we'd been together when an officer had called to tell Wesley the news. I'd held him for three hours until he finally exhausted himself and fell asleep. He wasn't crying because of Daryl but because of his mother. I would never understand how a parent could turn their back on their child. I knew it happened but I didn't like it and Gerard was another of my friends who had suffered it.

Gabe was on his best behavior. He'd taken me out to meet his friends a few times and I really liked them. They were older than me but they still knew how to have a good time when they could get away from their responsibilities. I could see my friend's getting along with them but they hadn't met each other yet. He'd also taken me home again to visit his mom. She was looking much better and didn't tire as easily as she had. 

Today I was going to Gabe's for dinner. He'd promised we could order anything from any take out place I liked. Gabe was an okay cook but I'd learned fast that he could turn any dish into a dried out mess. I'd almost choked on a meatloaf sandwich two days ago, I'd tried to wash it down with a glass of water but I'd ended up coughing most of it all over my shirt. Luckily I had my own drawer at Gabe's place so I'd been able to change my shirt. I also had a few things in his bathroom. Just my toothbrush, shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam, a razor and my favorite bathrobe. Okay so I had a lot of my things at Gabe's. 

I pressed the doorbell and waited for Gabe to let me in. I smiled when I saw him and stepped inside, brushing against him as I walked past him.

"Tease." He growled playfully and I chuckled. I was used to his teasing now and I knew he could handle mine.

"Only in the best possible way." I promised him. "Have you got the menu's ready or did you want to work up an appetite first?" I turned and gave him my provocative smile. 

"I could be persuaded to work up an appetite." He stalked toward me and scooped me up for a kiss. We were broken apart by a mewing at our feet and we both looked down at Oscar who was circling our feet. "I better feed him so he'll be too full to bother us and will just go to sleep for an hour."

"A whole hour?" I smiled.

"Maybe two if you get lucky." He walked away to get the tin of cat food in the cupboard.

"I hope I get lucky." I walked up behind him as he was opening the can and emptying it onto the plate for Oscar and wrapped my arms around him. This was one of my favorite positions. I had no desire to be a top so this wasn't sexual for me, it was more about the closeness. Don't get me wrong I'm still a man and like all men I love getting my dick sucked and jerked off I even enjoy the occasional rub off. Gabe calls it frottage but it's just a fancy name for rubbing our dicks together while we hump against each other. 

I loved feeling him leaning back into me and trusting me to not let him go. I really loved that.

"I think that could be arranged." He turned and stole an all too brief kiss. Then he lowered the dish to the floor and Oscar moved in to devour the offering. "Are you staying the night?" 

"I can't tonight," I admitted regretfully. "Wesley is dragging us all to a party over at Tom Miller's friend's house. Why don't you come? Maybe afterward you can ask me that question again." 

I watched him silently mull it over for a few minutes. Gabe's not a party animal but neither am I. I had no plans to get drunk or high. I'd accidentally gotten high once and it wasn't something that I ever wanted to repeat. I felt sick as a dog for days after it had happened and I swear my IQ points dropped.

"I can do that," he said.

My eyebrows flew toward my hairline and I stared at him in open mouthed shock trying to process what he'd said. "Yes? You said yes?"

"Is that really so hard to believe?" He asked with a slight chuckle of amusement at my expense.

"Yes. I mean I know you don't like loud immature parties so I didn't think you'd actually agree." I admitted.

"That doesn't matter. I want to spend time with my boyfriend and if he wants to go to a party then I want to be the one to take him. I may be pleasantly surprised and enjoy myself."

I laughed. "Stop talking about me in the third person, it's creepy. It's like I'm not here."

"I can prove that you are." He swooped in and lifted me over his shoulder. As he carted me off in the direction of his bedroom I looked over to the corner of the living room where Oscar's bed was located and noticed that tubby feline was already curled up asleep.

Hours later I was more than a little tipsy and well on my way to being drunk, which I'd promised myself that I wouldn't be. Gabe seemed to be enjoying himself though he didn't stray far from my friends and me. Anyone who neared me was met with a glare and an arm slung over my shoulders. It was kind of sweet if a bit caveman of him. 

I didn't know anyone here except for my circle of close friends and Tom Miller. He seemed to be a sweet and genuine guy and Id seen Wesley's eyes following him as he moved around the room. When Wesley suddenly frowned and put down his drink I followed his line of sight. "I need to go to the bathroom," he said and quickly left the room.

Tom was in a corner leaning into a tall blond man who had an arm wrapped around his shoulders while talking into his ear. At least I thought he was just talking it was hard to tell from this angle but obviously Wesley had drawn his own conclusions as to what was going on between the pair.

"I'll be right back," I told Gabe and handed him my drink. I went in the same direction Wesley had and looked around trying to spot him in the crowd or at least find a bathroom where he might be hiding.

I turned a corner in the hallway and found my prey pressed up against a wall with a dark haired jock trying to devour his neck. This was Wesley's answer to all his emotional issues. Someone hurt you? Fuck your worries away. You're failing your mid-terms? A blow job will make it better. Don't get me wrong he doesn't always sleep with someone when he's hurting, he's not a slut, however he does crave attention and physical closeness with willing partners. 

I heard a noise behind me but thought nothing of it. "Jesus, Wesley what are you doing?" I yelled at him. "Do you really think this is going to help?"

Wesley turned his head as best he could with the leech still sucking at his neck. The man hadn't even looked up to see if I was addressing his partner of the moment. Wesley's eyes landed over my shoulder and I turned to see what he was looking at. Tom Miller just narrowed his eyes slightly and walked past us. He turned to the right disappearing through a door before slamming it.

"He was only talking to that guy Wes, it's loud in there he was probably only leaning in so Tom could hear him over the music." One of these days Wes would self destruct and I didn't know what the fallout was going to be but I was certain it would be a destruction of epic proportions. "You need to think before you act sometimes Wes." It had been so long since he'd last acted like this that I'd allowed myself to hope that it wouldn't happen again. I shook my head and reached over the stranger to take Wesley by the arm. I dragged him back to the others and neither of us spoke about had happened for the rest of the night. I would approach the subject when we were both sober and clear minded.

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