Chapter Thirty

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Gabe's POV

I'd survived a lot of things in the past few weeks; keggers, clubs, groups of friends meeting and mingling, even another meeting with Jake's parents so I was sure I could survive this. I took a deep breath and steadied myself for his reaction. What was the worst that could happen? He could say no!

"Jake, can I talk to you for a minute?" I watched him put down the dishcloth he'd been using to dry the dishes and turn to me. I'd done the washing up while he'd dried but we'd just finished the last plate. "Let's sit down." I took his hand and led him to the couch in the living area.

"You're starting to worry me," he said taking my lead and sitting beside me with a slight frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I promise you." I decided to take the band aid approach. Just rip it off and get it over with. "I want you to move in here with me."

"Oh!" Jake's eyes widened and he seemed unable to say anything else. It wasn't the reaction I'd been hoping for.

"It makes sense," at least it did to me. "I love you being here every day and you spend more time here than at Frankie's anyway. Think how perfect it would be to wake up together every morning, I know it's a little further from the college but I could drive you so you wouldn't have to take the bus. Oscar loves you because you spoil him rotten and I love you too, not just because you have him on low fat treats that he'll actually eat." I chuckled hoping that he was at least considering everything I was saying. The silence stretched out between us and it was making me nervous. "Jake, say something."

I saw him blink like he was waking from a deep trance and then he was crying. My heartbeat faltered and I worried that I'd upset him in some way. I was about to take it all back, tell him he didn't have to move in and things could stay the same as they were now. But he threw himself into my arms and wrapped his around me tightly. I could feel his body trembling and I held on tighter. "Yes." The single word was muffled by my chest but I heard it and felt its vibration against my skin.

"Yes?" I asked daring to let myself feel hope that he was agreeing.

"Yes!" He laughed. "I want to move in. I want to split the bills though, I want everything to be equal between us," he told me solemnly.

"That sounds fair to me. Equal partners." I vowed.

"Equal partners." He nodded.

Moving day was a breeze. Most of Jake's things had already migrated to my apartment by then so he only had one box of books and knickknacks at Frankie's. We celebrated with pizza and beer and curled up in bed to watch a disaster movie. Jake had picked one starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. I didn't see why people drooled over him, yes he was a good looking man but he was too muscular for my liking. I tightened my arms around Jake, he was perfect in every way for me. I stole a kiss to the side of his neck as he lay back against me. We were sitting on the bed with him between my legs and resting his back against my chest. It was a comfortable and favourite position of mine.

"Are you even watching the movie?" He finished his last bite of pizza and snugged further into my chest.

"Nope," I answered honestly. I was too busy watching him, awed that such a perfect creature could want to be with me.

"Gabe!" He rolled his eyes and tilted his head back to look at me upside down. "Watch the movie."

"I have a better idea." I flipped us until Jake was on his stomach but still facing the television. "Now you can watch the movie while I enjoy something else." I ground my hardening erection into the crease of his ass and thanked my lucky stars that we'd thought ahead and had stripped out of our clothes before getting into bed. Now all that separated me from my prize was our underwear.

I stretched back to the drawer by the bed, feeling a slight twinge in my back, and retrieved the lube and condom. A quick shuffle and I had our boxers off and on the floor. "How do you want it Jake?" I asked running my hand down the bumps of his spine.

"Mm, I want it fast and dirty, need you now." I smiled at his answer, fast and dirty wasn't going to be a problem I wanted him too much to give him slow and easy but if he'd said that was what he'd wanted then I would have reigned my passion in and given it to him.

"Are you still stretched enough from earlier?" I pushed two fingers into him as I spoke not really needing a verbal reply. It had only been about an hour and a half since we'd last made love. I was beginning to doubt that we'd ever be able to get enough of each other. 

"Yes, please just do it." He was panting and pushing back on my fingers. I suited up and slicked my dick before pushing into him in a single stroke. "Oh yes," he groaned blissfully and started moving with me, pushing his ass back on my dick. I stopped my movements and watched him seek his own pleasure. He was a wonder to watch, sexy and sweet in equal measures with a hint of mischief thrown into the mix. He looked back at me over his shoulder with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. I groaned, caught his shoulders and hammered into him.

"You drive me fucking crazy." I told him between panting and moaning from both of us. "Remind me to send Frankie a giant fruit basket for introducing us at the bar."

Jake chuckled beneath me and the vibration echoed in my dick. "I don't think he'd be able to eat all that fruit." His chuckle turned to a moan when I took his dick in my hand and began to jerk him off in time with my thrusts. A moment later his cum wet my hand and I was yelling out my pleasure above him.

We collapsed on the bed side by side. When I caught my breath I asked him, "was that messy enough for you?"

He moaned and turned his head to face me. His face was flushed and his eyes were still closed. There was a goofy grin on his face as he said, "I'll say, I'm lying in the wet patch."

I laughed and pulled him closer to me so he was out of his own mess. "Shower?"

"Yes please."

I kissed his cheek and then pulled him out of bed and into the shower with me. "I love you."

"I'm crazy in love with you," he replied.

We made quick work of our shower and I changed the sheets while he took extra time to wash his hair. When he came back into the room I had the bed dressed with fresh sheets and and we slipped under them to watch the last few minutes of the movie. I had no idea what was happening in the movie but I was in the one place I wanted to be, in the arms of my loving partner, in our bed, in our home. Nowhere else could possibly be closer to heaven than this.

Jake's POV

I was floating on a cloud, this was bliss. I had found the man I'd been searching for all my life and he was even more spectacular than I could have imagined. 

I'd fallen in love with his voice long before I'd met him but now I loved every little thing about him, not just that liquid chocolate tone that still had the ability to make me cream my pants with a single word.

This was heaven.

A/N: I hope all of you who celebrate it had a wonderful 4th of July yesterday. The epilogue for this story will be posted on Friday and then I'll be taking a few weeks off from writing before I return, hopefully with more stories that you all want to read.

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