Chapter Fifteen

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Match's/Frankie's POV

Once Wesley made up his mind about something it was almost impossible to change it. Since he'd temporarily moved in with me I'd been trying to talk to him about his decision to marry Tonya. I understood why he'd thought he needed to do it but there was no longer a reason to go through with it. Daryl would be apprehended soon, I hoped, so he would no longer be a threat to Wesley or anyone else.

I'd finally been getting somewhere in convincing him not to go through with it when Tonya got a surprise visit from her parents. Unfortunately her mother found a baby book on one of the shelves in Tonya's apartment and put two and two together. There'd been a fight that resulted in Tonya and her mother crying while her father yelled about her needing a husband before she gave birth. Tonya had been cornered and she could only think of one way out, her upcoming wedding to Wesley.

Tonya had phoned Wesley and begged him to meet her parents. Wesley had freaked out but I'd helped find him something to wear that was suitable for meeting his in-laws-to-be. I'd never met a partner's parents, though I'd come close once until I'd found his bed occupied by someone else.

Now here I stood a week later on a warm Friday afternoon waiting for everyone to gather at the courthouse. Tonya's parents were inside with her. I didn't know what they were talking about but from here it looked to be a serious and somewhat upsetting conversation. Her father was starting to use angry hand gestures.

"I don't like the look of that." I drew Wesley's attention to what was going on inside. "Do you think we should go in and see what's happening?"

Wesley started walking to the door of the courthouse. "I don't think he bought the straight act. He was watching me very closely when I met them, I swear he knows I'm gay." 

I kept pace with him as we entered the court house and noticed that security was moving toward the arguing family too. "I have a bad feeling about this," I mumbled to myself.

"I'm warning you Tonya, if you expect me to believe what you're telling me you'll be disappointed. That boy is as gay as it gets!" Tonya's father was yelling at the top of his lungs now.

"Daddy please, Wesley is a good man and he'll take care of us. You don't want your grandchild born out of wedlock so we're getting married to please you." Tonya was beginning to cry.

"Please me? You think this pleases me? I'd rather you not be pregnant at all Tonya. You're starting your career with our company soon, do you think you'll have time for feeding some kid and changing its dirty diaper?"

"Son of a..." Wesley's hands balled into fists. "How dare you talk to your daughter like that! She's pregnant, so what? No career is more important than your child, maybe that's why you're such a horrible father," he yelled red faced.

"You all need to take your domestic dispute outside." Two security guards started ushering us to the door. 

"But we're getting married," Tonya argued but it was futile, they left us on the sidewalk and went back inside. "Thank you so much, daddy," Tonya fumed.

"It's for the best, maybe now you'll see sense. A job is waiting for you in the company, but only if you forget this charade and give that baby up for adoption." 

"What? You can't force that decision on her she's an adult and if she wants to keep her baby she can." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This man's old world views and beliefs were sickening.

"I am not forcing my daughter to do anything, I am simply giving her a choice," he replied.

"Daddy I don't want my child to grow up in the system."

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