Chapter Sixteen

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Gabe's POV

The fundraiser was a success. We'd sold almost twice as many tickets as we'd expected to and we had a concert planned for later in the evening but first it was time for family fun.

A fun fair was set up in a field that we'd been lucky enough to get permission to use. All of the rides were free of charge to the kids and there were sports events that they could enter with their parents. It was fun to watch them all running around and enjoying themselves for such a good cause. 

"I loved going to the fun fair when I was a kid." Jake moved in close beside me and rested his head on my shoulder and I turned my head to kiss his forehead. "I always imagined that I'd take my own children to fun fairs and maybe even Disney World someday."

"You want children?" I asked watching a little boy riding on his father's shoulders. I looked back at Jake and saw him watching the pair as well.

"Sure, some day." He looked up at me. "Do you?"

"Absolutely. I want it all, a husband and at least two kids. I want to be the best dad that I can be for them. I had one of the best role models anyone could have." 

"I wish I could have known your father he sounds like a wonderful man." 

"He was. He was a man though so of course he made some mistakes, but he owned up to those and I think that's what made him a better man," I said. "Let's go for a ride on the ferris wheel." I quickly changed the subject. It was still hard to talk about my father, the feelings too raw.

"Okay." Jake pulled me along to the queue of people waiting for the ferris wheel. It was one of the few rides he could go on, he'd healed nicely but he still had the odd ache in his shoulder and ribs. I slipped my arm around him and kissed the back of his neck. I felt completely content when I was with him.

The queue finally started moving and soon we were seated on the ride and slowly moving upward. My arm was along the back of our seat and my hand was curled around Jake's shoulder while he cuddled close to me. He looked up at me with a warm smile and leaned in for a kiss that I was more than happy to give him. 

An hour and a half later the younger children had gone home and the concert I'd planned was finally beginning on the large stage erected at the rear of the field. I had quite a line-up planned and I'd kept the biggest act as a surprise for the crowd. "I'll be right back." I kissed Jake's cheek and left him with his friends to go back stage.

"Hey, guys. Are you all ready for me to introduce you after the first act?" I smiled at each member of Deadly Bones in turn.

"Sure, we're ready to rock this out for you man." Pick strode over and took my hand pulling me in for a brief shoulder bump. I patted him on the back and grinned at his familiar form of greeting. I'd gone to school with Pick's older brother Harry.

"Thanks Stevie," I said with a wink knowing that he hated anyone using his given name.

"Shh, the name's Pick these days." He frowned and shoved me playfully.

"How's your man doing?" 

"Conor is doing good, he's crazy busy at work but he came to see me last week. It's nice to get a brief break from the concerts to see him and spend time helping out a friend." He grinned and picked up his guitar, putting the strap over his head and one shoulder.

"I have to go, the band on stage is just finishing up so I'll be introducing you." I clapped Pick on the shoulder and jogged to the edge of the stage waiting for the current band to finish their song. Finally the last cord played and I stepped out in front of the crowd.

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