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Jake's POV

The summer sun was shining down on us under the big old oak tree where we were playing a childish game of truth or dare. It's not a game that we normally play in a public park but Frankie decided we could play outdoors as long as we kept the dares to silly things that wouldn't draw attention. None of us had had the guts to pick a dare yet. 

"Wesley, truth or dare?" Frankie asked.

We all turned and looked at Wesley who was sitting with his back against the oak tree. He had his knees pulled up to his chin and was looking into the distance, his eyes unfocused and sad. Gerard bumped his shoulder playfully against Wesley's and when he looked over Gerard told him, "Your turn, Frankie's asking the question or handing out the dare."

Wesley shrugged, "Truth I guess."

"Is it true that you've been avoiding Tom Miller for the last month?" Frankie asked.

"No. I haven't been avoiding him I just haven't seen him around since the party he invited us to," Wesley said and followed it up with a sigh.

"That's strange. He was at the theater last night with some of his buddies," Amber told us.

Wesley pushed off the ground, standing and brushing off his butt. "I've got go I'm checking out an apartment in an hour." 

Now that college had ended for another year Wesley was without a home. He was staying with Frankie since I'd moved out but he was determined to get his own place. So far he hadn't found anything reasonably livable within his price range. I watched him leave without a spring in his step, his shoulders slumped and making him look defeated.

"Maybe I should walk him home," I mused out loud.

"He'll be fine you can't baby him Jake he needs to deal with this in his own way," Gerard said. "Frankie, we better get moving or we'll be late getting back to work." Gerard had graduated top of his class and was now working at the same law firm where Frankie was employed as a legal secretary. He took his job frighteningly serious and was hoping to one day prove himself and become a partner in the firm.

The rest of us weren't finished our college experiences yet but I was looking forward to it, after all I had my whole future ahead of me with the most gorgeous and amazing man, ever.

"I need to go too or I'll miss Gabe's show." The other's called out their goodbyes as Frankie, Gerard and I left. I was feeling happier than ever but I couldn't help feeling sad that Wesley was going through so much and keeping it all to himself.

Wesley's POV

I looked around the room barely listening to what the landlord was telling me. There was a sofa in the center of the room that folded out into a bed. There was a small corner of the room that seemed to be a kitchen but it only consisted of a small refrigerator, sink and a cooker. There was a length of counter surrounding three quarters of it and a pair of stools pushed up against it to make it a breakfast bar. A chest with four drawers was against the opposite wall. The only doors in the room led either out to the main hallway or a claustrophobic bathroom with a toilet, sink and a small walk-in shower. When I say small I mean you need to stand in it with your shoulders scrunched into your chest or you'll get wedged in.

"I'll take it," I said cutting off whatever the man with me had been saying.

"Excellent, if you'll follow me we can get the paperwork filled out," he smiled with greed shining in his beady little close set eyes.

"Sure." Sadly this was the best apartment I'd seen so far that I could actually afford. I'd thought about moving in with someone who needed a roommate but most of the ads I'd seen had been placed by freaks. Who advertised for someone who was willing to share partner's? No one sane! They weren't all like that but there were a few that rang an alarm for me and it was enough to put me off the idea.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out. Looking at the screen I felt the brief flash of hope dying. It was just junk from my service provider. I deleted the message and wrote out a new one. 

Hey! I'm filling out the paperwork for my new apartment. I might need to christen it with a housewarming party. You're invited.

I pressed send and waited for a reply. I'd filled out the paperwork and was walking back to Frankie's when it came through.

I'm giving parties a break for a while. Sorry, but enjoy your new place. 

Tom had been giving me a lot of excuses since the party a few weeks ago. We never met up anymore. I'd ask him to call over but he'd be busy doing something else and when I offered to call to his place he had an excuse that he was visiting a friend. I'd thought I was his friend but obviously I was mistaken.


My reply was brief but I didn't really have anything else to say. We were becoming strangers and it was killing me. I'd have to find a way to get his friendship back because I was not giving up on him.

Tom's POV

Things had gotten way out of hand. I'd made a promise to my father that I would talk to Wesley about everything he'd been dealing with but from the moment I'd met him that plan had fallen through.

Wesley was sweet and fun and easy to talk to and oh so easy to fall for. 

I'd listened when he'd needed to talk and I'd learned a lot about what he'd been through physically and mentally. I'd heard his stories of his need for reassurance and physical contact when he was distressed but I'd hoped I was helping him with that. 

We'd cuddled on my couch watching movies or just talking for hours when he'd felt he needed something his friends couldn't give him and I knew he was hoping for more but I couldn't do it.

I was feeling like the biggest bastard on this planet because I was deceiving him. I'd lied to him from the moment we met and I had dug myself a deeper hole to climb out of every time we met, every time we talked or text each other. 

And now things had gotten impossible. I'd seen him with another guy kissing him and I'd wanted to punch that guy so badly that I'd had to walk away or I'd have been arrested for what I'd wanted to do to him. 

I couldn't continue like this. I couldn't help Wesley and I couldn't stand back and watch him seek comfort from anyone else but me. 

I didn't know what to do but avoiding him didn't seem to be working. Even when I couldn't see him I was still going crazy. 

Maybe it was time to come clean.

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