Chapter Ten

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Jake's POV

Not again, oh God, not again.

I ran as fast as I could in the direction of the college campus. I had to get away from them, it was like what had happened with Damien all over again. Was I a magnet for cheaters? Why did I always fall so easily for the ones who were destined to hurt me?

I heard footsteps pounding the sidewalk behind me and tried to move faster. My legs felt like jelly and there was a pressure on my chest that kept me from getting enough air into my lungs, it burned to breath. I could feel my nose beginning to run while I fought back the stupid tears that were trying to blur my vision.

"Jake!" I didn't stop, couldn't stop. If I did I would fall to pieces. It was stupid really, we'd only been on one date and he didn't owe me any explanations. He'd never promised that he wouldn't see anyone else I'd just presumed that. "Jake, please stop, I can explain. Jake!"

A car horn beeped as I ran into the street without looking where I as going. "Jesus, Jake." Strong arms came around me pulling me back and away from the car that I hadn't seen coming straight for me. I was led back to the sidewalk where Gabe started patting me down looking for injuries. "Are you hurt?" I was trying to push him away with my hands on his chest, beneath them I could feel the pounding of his heart.

"Stop! Just stop okay!" I finally managed to push him away a fraction. "Am I hurt? Did you actually just ask me that after I saw you in a restaurant with another man kissing your hand?" I turned away not really wanting him to answer me because I was hurting enough already.

"Jake," Gabe called catching me by the arm and pulling me back to face him. "That wasn't what it looked like." 

"Yeah, right," I scoffed.

"It wasn't, at least not on my part. Terrence showed up and asked if he could join me since we were both alone. He's been my friend for a long time so I didn't think anything of saying yes. I'm not going to lie to you, we were lovers but there were never emotions involved and it stopped before I asked you out. I don't know why he made a play for me tonight but I was about to tell him no when I looked out the window and saw you. I swear."

I thought back to when I'd seen them both and Gabe had turned away. He'd looked confused and slightly angry before our eyes had locked for that brief moment. "I'm not going to be cheated on again Gabe. Everyone I date seems to cheat on me. Am I really that unlikable that everyone goes looking for someone else?"

"No, not at all. You're gorgeous and sexy and really sweet, when you're not chewing me out for something that I didn't do. I understand that you've been hurt and you have insecurities but I'd never do that to you, I'd never cheat." He ran a hand over his face, he looked tired and anxious. "I guess we both have our insecurities in this relationship."

"Why are you insecure? Have you seen you?" I blushed realizing that I'd said that out loud. 

Gabe chuckled and pulled me into the circle of his arms. "You are good for my ego. I'm insecure because you're so much younger than me. You're going to want to go out with your friends and party and that's not really my thing. I don't want to hold you back from living the life that every college student lives, that's how you learn who you are and what you want from life. You may realize that I'm not what you want after all."

"Is that why you were so weird with me on the phone when you found out that I'd been drinking?"

"I didn't mean to be weird with you I was just concerned for you. There's some mad man on the loose on campus and I really don't want anything to happen to you. I was afraid you'd be out on your own with alcohol in your system just like you are now." Gabe frowned at me.

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