Chapter Five

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I felt like such an idiot. I’d done it again. I’d left myself open to rejection and – surprise, surprise! – I’d been rejected.

I sat alone in my dark dorm room on the end of my bed, sniffling like a girl. I’d always been too sensitive. I normally held back the tears but the slightest thing could upset me, hurt me.

This was much worse though and I thanked my lucky stars that I didn’t have a roommate. I tugged at the hem of my shirt and used it to wipe at my nose. I was a horrible mess of tears and snot and my head hurt from crying.

Just a kid. That’s all he saw me as.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I was the worst gay man ever. I had a broken gaydar, I had no fashion sense, I couldn’t flirt to save my life and I couldn’t hold onto a relationship when I managed to find myself in one.

With a frustrated roar I fell back onto my bed and cursed myself.

Maybe Gabe was right. I was too young. Surely the men he was used to were more self-confident and attractive, like the friend he’d been with at the bar. He’d oozed self-assurance. Was that the kind of guy he wanted?

I knew I should be out every night with my friends trying to get lucky. I knew I needed to get more experience, I was no longer a virgin in body but I was still a complete virgin in other ways. I needed help, I needed. . . Wesley.


After trying to get in touch with Wesley for two and a half hours I finally gave up and called Amber.

Amber lived on campus and it took less than thirty minutes before she was knocking on my door.

“Sweetie you sounded awful on the phone, what’s wrong?” She breezed inside and turned to look at me when I closed the door. “Oh, good grief you look like shit honey. Spill it, what happened?” She caught my arm and dragged me over to my bed. When we were both sitting down I told her everything that had happened. She made soothing noises as I spoke and stroked her hand over my back. “I can’t believe that Match failed. He’s never failed at matchmaking before. Did you call him?”

“Focus Amber!” I growled. “This isn’t about Match. This is about me humiliating myself in front of a guy I’ve been lusting after for months. I finally meet him, and he sees me as just some dumb kid who only wants to get his leg over.”

“Oh, honey.” She cooed and pulled me into a smothering hug. “It’s his loss because you are the sweetest, most mature man I know. And you are far from dumb. He is all kinds of a fool for not snapping you up when he had the chance.” Amber pushed a green lock of hair out of her eyes.

“Thank you. I don’t blame him though. I was a total idiot in front of him. I didn’t know what to say, and then I told him about Match trying to set us up. That’s when he told me I was young and that he was an old man compared to me.”

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