Chapter eighteen

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Gabe's POV

I pressed the end call button on my phone screen and groaned internally. My mother had called me to ask if I could come for that visit sooner than planned. I wasn't about to say no, she was missing my dad terribly and we were all she had left of him now besides her memories. But then she'd dropped her bombshell. She wanted me to bring Jake with me to visit so she could meet him.

I rubbed at my tired eyes and picked up my backpack. I was finished work and I was supposed to be meeting up with Jake at the bar we'd first met at. He was bringing his friends too.

When I got home I hurried through a lukewarm shower and found a change of clothes that were suitable for a casual night out with my boyfriend and his friends. I fed Oscar and rushed out to grab a cab.

When I got there I found Frankie and the girls at the bar having a drink and laughing together. "Hi,"  said as I approached them. "Where's Jake?"

"Hello," Frankie said grinning at me. "He's playing pool with Gerard." He pointed at the dark corner of the bar where low hanging light shades were almost the only illumination available. 

There were a total of four tables and I saw Jake bending over the one in the farthest corner. I almost swallowed my tongue at the sight. Gerard caught sight of me and waved with his free hand, the other was casually holding his pool cue while he waited for his turn. Jake's head turned and he smiled as his eyes met mine.

"You're getting that look," Frankie said, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"What look?" I asked turning back to look at him in confusion.

"That 'I'm crazy in love and I don't care who knows it' look." He laughed. "It's okay, Jake has it too every time he looks at you, or thinks about you."

I couldn't help grinning at that. I was crazy in love and I really didn't care who knew, or what they thought of that. I was finally in love with someone who I could see myself settling down with. I knew it would be quite a while before he was ready for a step like that but I was willing to wait.

There was a loud yell from the corner and I looked over to see Jake waving his hands in the air like a maniac while Gerard threw his cue down on the table and walked away. Obviously Jake had won and Gerard was a sore loser.

Gerard grumbled to himself as he walked up to the bar and ordered a drink for everyone. "The bet was that the loser would buy everyone drinks," Amber said from her bar stool on the other side of Frankie.

"Where's Wesley?" I asked them looking around again but not seeing him. 

"He said he has some course work to finish but I think he's just avoiding social situations," Jake told me. He stepped up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed a kiss on his lips and smiled.

"Have you guys tried talking to him about his behavior lately?" I took the bottle of beer Gerard offered me and thanked him.

"Yes, but he wouldn't listen to any of us. However he has been in a better mood the last few times I've talked to him." Jake winked at me with a smile. He'd told me about the plan he and Professor Miller had conjured up to help Wesley. It seemed the plan had been put into action and was working so far.

"Can I have a word with you for a minute?" I asked Jake causing a few raised eyebrows from the others. 

"Sure, how about a game of pool while we talk?" 

"I'm not buying drinks if I lose," I said chuckling but followed behind him as he led the way to the tables.

"Oh, you don't have to I have other ideas for you now that I'm feeling so much better." He looked back at me over his shoulder and winked, the little minx.

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