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I’m Jacob – Jake – Hollins and I've never been a very masculine man. I've always been on the slim side and despite keeping myself in shape I've never developed even a hint of muscle definition. I run, I swim. Hell I even tried lifting weights and I do sit ups and push-ups. But none of that shows. Overall I'm a pretty average guy. My hair is dark brown and cut neatly on the back and sides, I've kept the top a touch longer so that I can style it when I'm going out with my friends. My features are average too. Thin lips beneath a crooked nose and topped off with steel grey eyes.

My taste in men could be the plot for a disaster movie. I had my first boyfriend at sixteen. We were experimenting with each other and there were no real feelings involved on either side and we never went all the way. But it still hurt like hell when he dumped me for someone older who he said : 'kisses better than you ever could'. A comment like that wouldn't affect me in the same way now but to a sixteen year old gay boy in his first relationship, it was crushing.

The next was at eighteen when I finally left home to get a degree in business. He was masculine to the extreme with rippling muscles and a deep voice that gave me shivers. His name was Damien and he was my first real lover. He taught me a lot and he played my body like a violin. Until the day I walked in on him fucking my roommate over one of the desks in out dorm room. That breakup was painful and nasty. My roommate moved out and into Damien's apartment. And I lost a friend as well as a lover.

I messed around for a while after that with one night stands. They were all butch with deep voices since I'd decided that, that was what turned me on. It's also what got me into a lot of trouble. You see my gaydar has never been the best -I think I'm on a different frequency to all of the other gay men out there- I've learned to let men come on to me. That crooked nose that I mentioned is from getting punched in the face by a straight guy. I foolishly mistook him as gay and tried to come onto him. So now my nose is just one more thing about me that isn't straight.

I hate that word. Straight. It sounds so boring. Gay is so much better, if you look up the definition in a dictionary it means happy.

Sorry I'm starting to ramble and I'm getting off of the subject. So, yeah, I'm not very masculine. I'm not very attractive. And my taste in men sucks. The best thing about me is my circle of friends. I hang out with three other gay guys who have been trying to teach me how to fine tune my gaydar and flirting skills. I've never slept with any of them, even though we've all bonded together so well we've never found each other attractive.

Wesley is the flamboyant one of our group. He's super-hot and wears the most outrageous and sexy outfits I've ever seen outside of a parade. He's bubbly and upbeat, he doesn't allow any of us to be down or upset for very long.

There's also Gerard who comes from an upper class family who have truckloads of money. They don't approve of his 'lifestyle' so they've cut him off until he 'comes to his senses'. He's working two part time jobs to make his way through college. He's a total genius so he has a full scholarship, but he needs money for food and bills and everything.

Then there's Frankie. He's a total romantic at heart. He tries to match make everyone that he comes into contact with. I once asked him why he hadn't worked his love voodoo on me or the other guys. His reply? That he hadn't come across our perfect matches yet. We've all started calling him Match.

We also have a bunch of female friends. Lydia, Charlene, Amber and Tonya. They're fun to hang out with and they have the best shoulders to cry on that I've ever used. Lydia and Charlene are a couple and they’re in the sickening honeymoon period of their relationship.  

Put them all together and you get my mixed up, defective family. We're all completely different but somehow we all go well together.

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