Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Before you read this chapter I have to warn you of homophobic behavior including name calling and violence. If you find either distasteful or offensive please do not read. These are not my beliefs but I have to stay true to the characters. I apologize.

Wesley's POV

"You're getting married?" My mother sounded more than a little surprised at my announcement. I wasn't really expecting any other reaction, after all the woman knew that I was gay. 

"Yes, Mom. Her name is Tonya and we're expecting a baby." An uncomfortable silence reigned over the line and I pulled my phone away from my ear to check that we were still connected. "Mom?"

"I'm sorry sweetie I'm just surprised. We always hoped but we never thought we'd see the day that you came to your senses. Your father will be thrilled when I tell him, or do you want to tell him yourself?" I could hear the excitement in her voice and grit my teeth at how she called him my father.

"No Mom, you can tell my step-father." I tried not to growl the word but I think I failed.

My mother sighed over the line. "Wesley you know he only wants what's best for you. Saying you're gay is looking for trouble, you know what happens to gay people in our town and we don't want that for you."

I'd heard this speech before it was what my step-father always said to me but he used deliberate hurtful words and I was tired of explaining that being gay was not a choice. I wasn't rebelling and I wasn't looking for attention. I was being true to myself about who I was and how I felt.

"Mom I have to go I'm meeting Tonya to go over wedding plans," That wasn't exactly a lie we were meeting to discuss the wedding but my mother would be thinking dresses, flowers and venues while we would actually be discussing how quickly we could get married by a Justice of the Peace. 

"Okay sweetie but one more thing, have you told Daryl? I'm sure he'd love to be your best man." I groaned inwardly at the thought of him being my best man. I hated him.

"No Mom I haven't. I'll talk to you next week, I love you." I ended the call and threw my phone onto my bed. I loved my mother, I always would no matter what, but I had no plans to call her until after the wedding. I didn't want a big production with all the trimmings I just wanted a quick I do.

I checked the time seeing I had over an hour and a half before I had to meet Tonya. She was just as anxious as I was to get this wedding over with.

Jake's POV

I couldn't decide what to wear for my date with Gabe so I grabbed a few things I liked and went down stairs to Wesley's room. It took a few minutes for him to finally answer the door and invite me in. "Why do you have half your wardrobe with you?" He laughed.

"I need you to help me pick out what to wear on my date. He said to dress casual but I still want to look good for him, you know?" I threw my armful of clothes down on Wesley's bed. "Help!" I begged.

"Okay, first of all where is he taking you?" Wesley started separating pants from shirts while talking.

"I don't know he said it was a surprise and to dress casual but warm." I had my suspicions about where he was taking me though. I'd admitted that I couldn't ice skate and Gabe had told me about a local indoor rink that would be ideal for me to learn at.

"Okay, jeans are probably best then." Wesley plucked a pair of black jeans from the pile. "A long sleeve sweater will be better if you need to be warm. Here try these on in the bathroom." He handed me the jeans and a wine colored long sleeve sweater.

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