Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jake's POV

"What the hell Gerard?" I yelled at my friend and ran out the door of his room. I was pissed, I was worried and I was downright scared.

"I just told him the truth." He followed me outside to my mother's waiting car. "I told him you'd both broken up because Gabe said some shitty things to you." 

I turned back to Gerard and bared my teeth. "If anything has happened to Gabe because you sent my father to the radio station then I'll never speak to you again, do you understand me? We were supposed to be friends Gerard but you've crossed the line of that friendship."

Gerard narrowed his eyes and took a step forward until we were chest to chest. "Yes, we were friends. But you turned your back on us because of some guy who treated you like shit. Excuse me if I think he deserves a little payback. I didn't ask your father to do anything to him but I think he deserves anything your father does to him. You barely speak to me lately Jake so your threat doesn't really mean anything to me." He turned and stomped his way back inside.

"God damn it!" I growled and ran around the car getting back in and giving my mother directions to the station.

I knew Gerard had a point, actually he'd made several very good points. I had been avoiding my friends and not talking to them as much as I should have been. I also couldn't blame him for telling my father about Gabe either since I would have done the same for any one of my friends, though I wouldn't have condoned any violence.

"Stop biting your nails you're going to make your fingers bleed." My mother admonished me. I hadn't even realized that I was doing it but now that she'd drawn my attention to it I realized that my thumb was stinging slightly where I'd bitten it down to the skin.

I tucked my hands between my legs and and tried to sit still. It was hard to do that.

I reached out and turned on my mother's car radio and began to flip through the various stations it was picking up. I'd just gotten to the fifth or sixth station when my mother batted my hand away from the small button on the radio. "Stop that. You're making me nervous and I've got nothing to be nervous about."

"You're not nervous that Dad might be getting into a fight with Gabe while we're sitting here? That either or both of them could end up in jail or in the hospital?" I asked her incredulously.

"Your father is an impetuous man Jake but he's not foolish. He won't do any real harm to Gabe physically and he won't allow harm to come to himself either. But he will do anything to see you safe and happy." She gave my hand a light squeeze and put on her indicator to turn into the parking lot near the station. I wished I could be as confident as she was that nothing would happen to either of them but as my father's car came into sight I felt sick with worry. 

My mother parked in the space beside my father's car and jumped out. A quick glance showed the car to be empty and my stomach dipped with dread while I walked across the lot to the station. I could hear the click of my mother's heels as she followed behind me at her own pace. 

My father strolled out of the station before I was out of the lot. I sped my steps up to a jog making my way over to him. "Dad?" I called out.

His head came up and a confused look crossed his face. "Jake? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing but I already know," I answered.

My father's grin threw me off slightly. "You're here. You made it back here."

My mind was slow to catch his meaning but it eventually did. "It's not like I had time to think about what I was doing or where I was going. I was just scared that you and Gabe would hurt each other."

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