Chapter Eight

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The next morning after washing up and getting dressed in my comfortable jeans and a white T-shirt under a gray zip-up hoodie I walked on air to the elevator only to find an out-of-order sign posted on the metal doors. With an internal groan and an eye roll I pushed open the door for the stairs and began my decent.

I stopped outside Wesley's room door and knocked loudly. Wesley was most likely still asleep and I was busting at the seams to tell someone about Gabe. I frowned when there was no answer after the third knock and looked around the hallway but there was no one around. I decided to check out the kitchen and shower room in case he'd actually woken up early for once and had wondered in to clean up or get something to eat.

After both rooms and the recreation room turned out to be empty I started feeling like I was in a zombie apocalypse movie as the only survivor. There was no one around and no sounds to be heard. My earlier excitement turned to anxiety and I quickly turned to leave the recreation room.

"Ugh!" My heart made an impressive attempt to leave my chest cavity at the shock of turning and finding someone standing right behind me. I placed my hand over heart and tried to breath normally. "You scared the shit out of me," I scolded Wesley.

"I wasn't trying to. I saw you come in here when I was coming through the stairwell door." He walked over to an over-sized armchair and plopped himself into it. "Were you looking for me?"

Wesley's eyes and voice were unnaturally flat and I stopped to study him for a moment before replying. His clothes were once more dark in colour and covered every inch of him which in itself was alarming. Wesley didn't do dark and all concealing. It was also alarming that he was coming into the building at this hour of the morning. Where had he been and was he there all night? "I came by to tell you about my date with Gabe." I smiled, deciding to play things cool and natural until I was given the opening I'd need to question him further.

"Oh, right. I'd heard that you had a date." Wesley seemed distracted but sat forward with his elbows resting on his knees. "How did it go?"

That was it? How did it go? The Wesley I knew would be bouncing in his seat and asking for every minute detail of the date from start to finish. "It went well. I think," I added the last with a furrowed brow. "We kissed. God it was a hot kiss," I sighed.


I chuckled. Now that was my Wesley. "Yes. He has a very talented tongue." I knew I had a goofy grin on my face when I closed my eyes and allowed the memory of that kiss to wash over me.

"That could come in handy." Wesley chuckled with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Wesley!" I swatted at him playfully. His words brought all sorts of images to my mind of what that tongue could possibly do to my body.

I told Wesley about my date which took almost an hour since he wanted every little detail and kept asking questions like what expression was on Gabe's face when he saw me and what his body language was saying during the date. By the time he was finished dissecting my date I was ready for a change in topic. "Were you out all night?" I watched him closely fully expecting him to start babbling about some guy he'd met and gone home with but instead he just sighed and seemed to close in on himself again.

"I was at Tonya's apartment." He stopped talking to scratch at the back of his neck which was a habit he had when he was extremely nervous or worried. "We're...uh...we're going to move in together."

"Oh." I wasn't expecting that answer but I couldn't see why he'd be nervous to tell me that. "I didn't know you wanted to move off campus." Tonya lived in an apartment that was paid for by her parent's off campus. It was still pretty close by though.

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