Chapter Twenty-Two

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Here's yesterday's chapter. Sorry it's late, more drama but I'm not giving excuses. By the way this was once again written on my phone so let me know if auto correct has messed up. I hate auto correct.

Have a box of tissues handy because it's a tear jerker.

Video: Shawn Mendes, Stitches.

Jake's POV

I felt awful as I settled in to the window seat on the bus. This day had started out so well and I'd been truly happy for once in my life. 

But then things had gone horribly wrong and before I really knew what was happening I'd been thrown out like yesterday's garbage.

It had all started when Gabe's mother decided to throw a barbecue. Gabe's siblings and their partners had all been there and a handful of friends and neighbours. While Gabe manned the grill I was in charge of plating the cooked food or bringing out more food to be grilled when necessary. Gabe's mother was enjoying being the hostess and mingled happily with everyone there. She'd been true to her word and had gone to see her doctor about the headaches she was suffering from and he'd scheduled a round of tests that would start the day after we left. 

Gabe had decided to take an extra few days off and do some odd jobs around the house for his mother and I'd chosen to stay with him. He'd gotten a lot done and I'd gladly volunteered to help out too just so I could watch his muscles strain as he worked. 

"These potatoes are cooked can you plate them up love and get a couple more from inside? I thing they're on a tray on the kitchen counter." Gabe flipped a couple of burgers and two frankfurters while he spoke. A rack of ribs was looking mouthwateringly good to the left of the burgers. 

"Sure." I used a pair of tongs to pick up the hot foil covered potatoes and arranged them on one of the serving plates near a tower of burger and hotdog buns. "I'll be right back." I opened the sliding glass door that led straight into the kitchen and collected the tray of potatoes from the counter. 

When I made it back outside a few people had started loading up plates with assorted meats, veg, potatoes and dip. I kissed Gabe on the cheek when I stopped beside him then put the tray on the small folding table next to him.

"Thank you Jake." He smiled at me. "Why don't you get something to eat before this batch is all gone?"

I looked over the serving dishes and noticed that the cooked food was quickly depleting so I nodded. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, thank you. I'll get something once I finish cooking this." He motioned to the few items on the table that needed cooking. 

I picked up two paper plates and filled them with a variety of everything that was available and went back to Gabe with one of them and a bottle of beer. "If the chef faints from hunger there'll be no one to feed all these people." I teased and picked up my own food and walked away. I found a quiet spot and sat on the grass to eat the ribs I'd been craving since they went on the grill. I was licking my fingers clean when Kimberly, Gabe's niece, ran over to me and proceeded to climb on my back. I chuckled, "do you want a piggyback ride?" I asked her.

"Yes, piggyback." She dug her little heels into my sides and held the neck of my t-shirt like a horse's reigns.

She squealed and giggled with joy while I jogged around the garden. I kept my arms wrapped around her little legs to keep her steady. 

I was panting and in desperate need of a drink when Jessie came to retrieve her daughter. "I'm so sorry. She's a constant bundle of energy." 

"She hasn't been a bother, actually I enjoyed playing with her." I rubbed Kimberly's head and gave her a genuine smile.

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