Chapter Twelve

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Gabe's POV

The waiting room was filled with Jake's friends but I couldn't tell them anything new about his condition. The doctors were waiting for his parents to arrive and refused to tell me anything. I was going crazy.

The door opened and a crying woman entered the room followed by an older man who led her to a seat. I studied them noticing that the woman had the same build and hair color as Jake and the man had the same thin lips and grey eyes as him. These had to be his parents.

"Mr. Hollins, Mrs. Hollins," Frankie greeted walking up to them with his hand outstretched. "I'm Frankie, Jake's friend, I'm the one who called you."

The man took Frankie's hand shaking it briefly. "Thank you for letting us know what's happened, this was our worst nightmare when he left for college, you hear about these things on the news but we'd hoped it would never happen." Mr. Hollins seemed to be in shock over his son.

"Sir, have you talked to the doctors yet? Have they told you how he is?" I stepped forward.

Grey eyes narrowed on me, assessing me. "Who are you?" Mr. Hollins asked.

"I'm Gabe Somersby, I've been dating your son." I held out my hand feeling uneasy when he just stared at it for the longest time before closing his around it in a tight grip.

"Aren't you a bit old to be dating my son Mr. Somersby?" 

This wasn't how I wanted to meet Jake's parents and to be honest I was too worried about him to care if I was making a good impression on them. "I mean no disrespect Sir, but it's up to Jake to decide if I'm too old for him. I've voiced my concerns on the matter and he's assured me that it's not an issue. That's good enough for me."

A light sniffle came from my left and I looked over at Jake's mother. She was looking me over from head to toe. "Do you care for our son?" She asked me.

"To be honest we haven't been out together a lot just yet but I've come to care for him a great deal in the short amount of time we've known each other," I confessed.

Mrs. Hollins took her husband's hand and squeezed it gently. "Thank you," she said with a shaky smile. "We were talking to Doctor Cox in the hallway and he's assured us that Jake will make a full recovery. He has significant bruising to his torso and ribs so those will be sore for quite some time. His left shoulder was dislocated and there is a small chip in the bone of his shoulder blade. His head wound is being stitched up and thankfully there were no fractures to his skull but he has a very bad concussion from the blow to his head."

"When can he have visitors?" Gerard asked behind me.

"They're just finishing stitching him up. The doctor said he'd let us know when he was in a room and we could visit with him then," Mr. Hollins informed him.

"Thank you." I smiled at them both and walked back to my seat. I sat down and immediately my leg began to tap the floor anxiously. Hearing that he was going to be okay was still not enough to reassure me. I needed to see him.

The door opened again and a nurse breezed into the room. "Mr. and Mrs. Hollins?"

I stood up along with his seven friends as the nurse spoke with his parents. I could hear her saying that Jake had been moved to a private room for observation on the third floor and that they could see him if they followed her to his room.

"I'm sorry," I interrupted. "When can I see him?"

The nurse looked over the eight of us standing behind her. "Are you his friends? I'm afraid I can't let you all in but if his family are happy for you to visit only two of you can be with him at a time and only for a maximum of ten minutes." Without waiting for a reply she ushered Jake's parents out of the room.

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